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View Full Version : 512MB Simple Technology SD Card at Amazon - $441

Ed Hansberry
12-04-2002, 03:00 PM
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00006JI6V/jasondunn-20">http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00006JI6V/jasondunn-20</a><br /><br />512MB SD cards are starting to finally hit the streets. A bit expensive at $441 though. A 128MB Kingston SD is $74. That is under $.58/MB. The 512MB card is $.86. :? I need that card, but not at that premium. I'll wait until it is closer to the $.50/MB range. However, if <i><b>you</b></i> need it now, use the affiliate link. :D<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2002/20021204-512mbsd.jpg" />

12-04-2002, 03:16 PM
I purchased a Lexar 512 mb SD card well over 3 months ago for $349 at tigerdirect.com. This Amazon price is too high, to put it mildly...even for SD.

12-04-2002, 03:45 PM
I paid $318.00 at Micro Center in Cambridge, MA, from their return bin :) It is in perfect condition and works fine.

Boxster S
12-04-2002, 03:56 PM
What a rip off!! I just purchased a 256MB Sandisk SD card from Buy.com last week for $94.32 - $30 MIR = $64.32.

I know that you guys are trying to push the affiliate link stuff, but to push a $441 card when you can get it elsewhere for less than $370 is not really helping out your user base.

Gateway sells the same SimpleTech 512MB SD card for $364 and it is in stock:

SimpleTech 512MB SD card at Gateway Accesory Store (http://accessories.gateway.com/AccessoryStore/Hardware_316441/Memory_316624/Memory+Cards+_A1_+Readers_316625/Memory+Cards_316626/1930461_ProdDetail)

Even PC Mall has a Lexar 512MB SD CARD for $339:


A simple search on any pricing site like MySimon or CNET Shopper will find places like ECOST and other sell 512MB SD cards for under $350.

12-04-2002, 04:08 PM
I recall Panasonic 512 MB SD cards being available months ago. People were ordering them online from a dealer in Hong Kong or Malaysia. Isn't the Internet wonderful? :-)


12-04-2002, 04:20 PM
What a rip off!! I just purchased a 256MB Sandisk SD card from Buy.com last week for $94.32 - $30 MIR = $64.32.

I know that you guys are trying to push the affiliate link stuff, but to push a $441 card when you can get it elsewhere for less than $370 is not really helping out your user base.

Gateway sells the same SimpleTech 512MB SD card (http://accessories.gateway.com/AccessoryStore/Hardware_316441/Memory_316624/Memory+Cards+_A1_+Readers_316625/Memory+Cards_316626/1930461_ProdDetail) for $364 and it is in stock.

Even PC Mall has a Lexar 512MB SD CARD for $339:


A simple search on any pricing site like MySimon or CNET Shopper will find places like ECOST and other sell 512MB SD cards for under $350.
Thanks for the links, but you should relax. I don't think Ed is trying to rip anybody off, and I don't think he gets anything from affiliate link purchases.


P.S. My usual rant. Please don't post long URLs "naked". It messes up the text wrapping feature in the board and requires horizontal scrolling for all the posts on that page.

Use the long form of the URL tag as follows:

[url=http://accessories.gateway.com/&lt;LONG_URL_SHORTENED>]Gateway Accessories 512 MB SD card[/url]

This ends up looking like:

Gateway Accessories 512 MB SD card (http://accessories.gateway.com/AccessoryStore/Hardware_316441/Memory_316624/Memory+Cards+_A1_+Readers_316625/Memory+Cards_316626/1930461_ProdDetail)

See how much better that is?

Boxster S
12-04-2002, 04:24 PM
Thanks for the links, but you should relax. I don't think Ed is trying to rip anybody off, and I don't think he gets anything from affiliate link purchases.


I wasn't trying to say that Ed was trying to personally rip anybody off, it's just that I don't see how advertising a card that is $100 more expensive than cards you can easily find on the net from other reputable sites is of much help to us :? Not to mention our wallets.

Ed Hansberry
12-04-2002, 04:28 PM
Not trying to rip anyone off. :roll: I know you can 512MB SD cards have been around for a month or so, but at harder to find places - not where the average person shops. Once it starts to hit Amazon, it is a bit more mainstream - that was all I was trying to say.

Jason Dunn
12-04-2002, 04:43 PM
What a rip off!! I just purchased a 256MB Sandisk SD card from Buy.com last week for $94.32 - $30 MIR = $64.32. I know that you guys are trying to push the affiliate link stuff, but to push a $441 card when you can get it elsewhere for less than $370 is not really helping out your user base.

Believe it or not, we here are Pocket PC Thoughts are not trying to rip you off or make you spend extra money. :lol:

We tend to search Amazon the most for new items, largely because they're easiest to link to, and we don't really have time to comparison price match what's on Amazon with what's on other sites.

That's also why we have the Pricegrabber search - you can search for 512 MB SD cards (http://pocketpcthoughts.pricegrabber.com/search_gen.php?form_keyword=512%20MB%20SD%20card&topcat_id=1&found=2&ut=4493b2c34aaee6dd).

Anyway, as always, buy what works best for you!

12-04-2002, 06:13 PM
click on the hyperlink "512 sd card" above and you will get a nice supprise

works out at $0.097 a mb.

don't bother searching though - it's not there!!!

12-04-2002, 06:55 PM
[quote="Boxster S"]What a rip off!! I just purchased a 256MB Sandisk SD card from Buy.com last week for $94.32 - $30 MIR = $64.32.


Can you provide a link. I would LOVE a 256MB card at the price you list. I've never heard of Buy.com but I just went to their website and did not see anything at the price you mention. I'm not sure if I need a special code or am simply at the wrong site.


12-04-2002, 10:04 PM
Never heard of Buy.com? Hmm...amazing. Make sure to bookmark it.

12-05-2002, 12:21 AM
Well the PriceGrabber 512MB SD card link (http://pocketpcthoughts.pricegrabber.com/search_gen.php?form_keyword=512%20MB%20SD%20card&topcat_id=1&found=2&ut=4493b2c34aaee6dd) does list a card for $49.99, it turns out it is a bad link :cry:

The item it links to is really a "Lexar Media 128MB JumpDrive Portable USB Drive"

12-05-2002, 02:55 PM
Never heard of Buy.com? Hmm...amazing. Make sure to bookmark it.

Try to be a little MORE judgemental next time!

12-05-2002, 05:09 PM
Never heard of Buy.com? Hmm...amazing. Make sure to bookmark it.

Try to be a little MORE judgemental next time!
The word "amazing" was too judgmental (the preferred spelling :-)) for you? Amazing. :-D

Seriously, I'd venture to say that buy.com is the second-best known retailer on the Web (after Amazon, of course). I wouldn't have said it was "amazing" that someone hadn't heard of it, but it's hardly a judgment. I assume kagayaki1 was just surprised that someone who found Pocket PC Thoughts had never heard of buy.com. In fact, there was a post in the last couple of days about buy.com charging for customer support for orders (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5357) on this very site.


12-05-2002, 05:49 PM
Never heard of Buy.com? Hmm...amazing. Make sure to bookmark it.

Try to be a little MORE judgemental next time!
The word "amazing" was too judgmental (the preferred spelling :-)) for you? Amazing. :-D

Seriously, I'd venture to say that buy.com is the second-best known retailer on the Web (after Amazon, of course). I wouldn't have said it was "amazing" that someone hadn't heard of it, but it's hardly a judgment. I assume kagayaki1 was just surprised that someone who found Pocket PC Thoughts had never heard of buy.com. In fact, there was a post in the last couple of days about buy.com charging for customer support for orders (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5357) on this very site.



I'm not a "techie" nor do I have the opportunity to read every PPC post. I think this is a GREAT site but the only complaint I have is that occasionally people post responses that are personal instead of informational. Granted, kagayaki1 didn't really get nasty with his/her response, and I probably should have let it slide without a response, but it was just so unnecessary. So I politely took a moment to voice my displeasure. No big deal.

But it was judgemental. Anytime you feign amazement that someone doesn't know something (the implication being "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY NOT KNOW THAT") that YOU think they should, you are judging them.

I could explain why I probably had not heard of buy.com, but it really should not be necessary. Post to provide information, not to take a personal shot.

Just my opinion. :wink:

12-05-2002, 07:25 PM
I'm not a "techie" nor do I have the opportunity to read every PPC post. I think this is a GREAT site but the only complaint I have is that occasionally people post responses that are personal instead of informational. Granted, kagayaki1 didn't really get nasty with his/her response, and I probably should have let it slide without a response, but it was just so unnecessary. So I politely took a moment to voice my displeasure. No big deal.

But it was judgemental. Anytime you feign amazement that someone doesn't know something (the implication being "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY NOT KNOW THAT") that YOU think they should, you are judging them.

At the risk of further digression :-) you're judging now. How do you know that the amazement was feigned? It could have been, but you weren't there when the post was written. "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY NOT KNOW THAT" is your inference, but may not have been kagayaki1's implication. Also, some constructive advice (bookmark buy.com) was offered.

Even if kagayaki1 did think you should know about buy.com, what judgment is there? That your level of Internet experience wasn't what he thought it was? After all, you not only managed to find Pocket PC Thoughts, but post here, which shows more Internet sophistication than a lot of people have. :-)

We all make similar judgments every day (explaining things to others, for example, we try to judge how much they know). We may not put them in writing, but we do make them.

Unless it's obvious, it's usually best to give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume no harm was meant.

I could explain why I probably had not heard of buy.com, but it really should not be necessary. Post to provide information, not to take a personal shot.

I can certainly understand that someone relatively new to the Internet wouldn't have heard of buy.com, so it's not a big deal. A lot of us tend to assume people here are more Net savvy, I guess.

As I said, the best thing to do is to assume the intent was not personal. Otherwise, we get off-topic like this. :-) (It's OK -- I like playing Devil's Advocate. :twisted: )


12-05-2002, 07:53 PM
I'm not a "techie" nor do I have the opportunity to read every PPC post. I think this is a GREAT site but the only complaint I have is that occasionally people post responses that are personal instead of informational. Granted, kagayaki1 didn't really get nasty with his/her response, and I probably should have let it slide without a response, but it was just so unnecessary. So I politely took a moment to voice my displeasure. No big deal.

But it was judgemental. Anytime you feign amazement that someone doesn't know something (the implication being "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY NOT KNOW THAT") that YOU think they should, you are judging them.

At the risk of further digression :-) you're judging now. How do you know that the amazement was feigned? It could have been, but you weren't there when the post was written. "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY NOT KNOW THAT" is your inference, but may not have been kagayaki1's implication. Also, some constructive advice (bookmark buy.com) was offered.

Even if kagayaki1 did think you should know about buy.com, what judgment is there? That your level of Internet experience wasn't what he thought it was? After all, you not only managed to find Pocket PC Thoughts, but post here, which shows more Internet sophistication than a lot of people have. :-)

We all make similar judgments every day (explaining things to others, for example, we try to judge how much they know). We may not put them in writing, but we do make them.

Unless it's obvious, it's usually best to give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume no harm was meant.

I could explain why I probably had not heard of buy.com, but it really should not be necessary. Post to provide information, not to take a personal shot.

I can certainly understand that someone relatively new to the Internet wouldn't have heard of buy.com, so it's not a big deal. A lot of us tend to assume people here are more Net savvy, I guess.

As I said, the best thing to do is to assume the intent was not personal. Otherwise, we get off-topic like this. :-) (It's OK -- I like playing Devil's Advocate. :twisted: )



Great post. I agree, no harm, no foul. It bothers me when I see others get off-topic and "hi-jack" a subject. I apoligize to all for doing the same.


12-06-2002, 05:04 AM
Seriously, I'd venture to say that buy.com is the second-best known retailer on the Web (after Amazon, of course). I wouldn't have said it was "amazing" that someone hadn't heard of it, but it's hardly a judgment. I assume kagayaki1 was just surprised that someone who found Pocket PC Thoughts had never heard of buy.com. In fact, there was a post in the last couple of days about buy.com charging for customer support for orders (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5357) on this very site.

Actually, it's funny you mention this because I was just thinking yesterday how funny it is that, in the last few years (after the dot.com boom) a lot has changed. Now days, I'm not sure how many people have ever heard of buy.com.

Heck, I remember when Value America was HUGE, now they're gone (here's why btw (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0316507490/qid=1039148037/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-7125182-1567809?v=glance&s=books)). Pets.com anyone, nope not anymore (at least, most people think it was always petsmart)! Or Flooz (god that was a stupid idea)?

I took a random survey at my work, only 2 our of 10 people could tell me what Webvan sold (most guessed vans). Don't take your web savy for granted!

Oh, and to make my post at least a little on topic:

Can you provide a link. I would LOVE a 256MB card at the price you list. I've never heard of Buy.com but I just went to their website and did not see anything at the price you mention. I'm not sure if I need a special code or am simply at the wrong site.

here! (http://www.ecost.com/ecost/shop/detail.asp?DPNo=545586&adcampaign=email,ECOSTPG)

12-06-2002, 01:23 PM

I agree with your sentiments and thanx for the link (I had forgotten that that was what started my involvement in this post in the first place. :wink: )

Unfortunately I placed a bid for one of these on ebay last night and as of this morning I'm still winning the auction. Here's hoping someone outbids me because I would rather buy from the link you provided.

Thanx again.


12-07-2002, 08:14 AM
If you're looking for a 256 MB Secure Digital card, I've been checking the rebate page at Sandisk for the last week.
From 12/17 to 12/31 they are offering a $30 rebate on the 256 MB SD card when purchased from eCost.
This looks good enough to wait 10 days before buying, expecially if eCost sticks to their $107 price before the rebate.
There are other rebates posted on their web site that may be associated with stores in your area. It's work a look if you're shopping for a CF or SD card.
No affiliation with anyone. Just passing along the info. :wink:

12-08-2002, 07:47 AM
Actually, it's funny you mention this because I was just thinking yesterday how funny it is that, in the last few years (after the dot.com boom) a lot has changed. Now days, I'm not sure how many people have ever heard of buy.com.

Heck, I remember when Value America was HUGE, now they're gone (here's why btw (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0316507490/qid=1039148037/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-7125182-1567809?v=glance&s=books)). Pets.com anyone, nope not anymore (at least, most people think it was always petsmart)! Or Flooz (god that was a stupid idea)?

I took a random survey at my work, only 2 our of 10 people could tell me what Webvan sold (most guessed vans). Don't take your web savy for granted!
What kind of people do you work with? :-D I don't remember Value America (I thought it was a brick-and-mortar department store), but who can forget the Pets.com sock puppet?

Webvan was a rather popular online grocer (Peapod still exists). Flooz dealt in online money (like Rocket Cash and some others), if I recall.


12-08-2002, 07:59 AM
If you're looking for a 256 MB Secure Digital card, I've been checking the rebate page at Sandisk for the last week.
From 12/17 to 12/31 they are offering a $30 rebate on the 256 MB SD card when purchased from eCost.
This looks good enough to wait 10 days before buying, expecially if eCost sticks to their $107 price before the rebate.

For those who hate searching for these deals, here's the eCost SanDisk 256 MB SD card (http://www.ecost.com/ecost/shop/detail.asp?dpno=478689), and here's the SanDisk $30 rebate (http://www.sandisk.com/download/Rebates/CFSDCruzer_SD2160_1217-1231.pdf).
