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View Full Version : The MOTHER OF ALL POP-UP ADDs for the DELL Axim!!!

12-03-2002, 04:41 AM
Check this out...


Hopefully it will be up for a bit

12-03-2002, 05:01 AM
I'm not sure this is working since when I revisited it only shows the standard banner ad.

Basically my browser went black showing only the Axim followed by a full size add for the rebate, then the screen when back to the typical Cnet page. Was this a glitch? or are other people getting this as well.

12-03-2002, 05:07 AM
I saw it, I think it places a cookie that so that it will only display once. As for the Ad itself, it isn't that abnormal. ABCNews.com has been doing them for months now.

I remember reading an article a while back about it, the point was basically that the advertising industry has realized what the rest of us already knew, people ignore banner ads. So, in an attempt to force you to look you get these ads (actually we even had a discussion (http://www.wessalmon.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27) about it over at WesSalmon.com about 3 months ago :))

Jason Dunn
12-03-2002, 06:44 AM
As for the Ad itself, it isn't that abnormal.

I think his point was that it was for a Pocket PC. :lol:

12-03-2002, 07:00 AM
I think his point was that it was for a Pocket PC. :lol:

Oh, that's probably what he meant by "Hopefully it will be up for a bit" :oops:

12-03-2002, 10:45 AM
:(, missed out on what was going on. Update anyone?

12-03-2002, 11:03 AM
I never saw the ad when I clicked on the link. Though Right on the middle right of the front page there is a nice sized box with the Axim listed as today's best value. I tend to agree, I would agree more if I had it in my hands though :(

Dave Beauvais
12-03-2002, 07:45 PM
I think his point was that it was for a Pocket PC. :lol:
Uh oh... I feel a rant coming on. Jason this isn't aimed at you; your thought just sparked the need for a rant.

<rant>So intrusive ads that obscure page content partially or even completely, zoom around the screen, or blink incessantly are perfectly okay as long as they're for a product we like? :? I am extremely annoyed by such ads even if they are clever, fun, or for a product I like. Such advertising techniques not only distract me from the site content I came to read, they also make me think twice about even visiting that site again.

I was reading an article in the New York Times a couple days ago and an ad that initially looked like a standard banner ad started flying around my screen, hovering in the center for about one second, then flying back into place in the original banner location... every ten seconds. It became so annoying that I just stopped reading the article and left the site. (To find two pop-under ads left behind!) :x I suppose I could have looked for the "printer-friendly" version of the article, but often even those are loaded with ads these days. I've considered just uninstalling the Macromedia Flash components and never using them again. At least the annoying Flash-based ads would stop. But I'd also miss out on some fun things as well as being unable to access sites that (also annoyingly) base their site navigation or the entire site itself on Flash.

I understand the need for advertising in order to maintain free sites; I really do. I even click on ad banners frequently on the sites I visit. (And quite often, clicking those banners spawns pop-ups, pop-unders, and other annoying things which make me think twice or even three times before clicking on a banner.) When those same ads that support the site piss off your visitors and make accessing the content of your site an exercise in frustration, how is that beneficial? I just don't get it. :roll:</rant>

Again, Jason, this wasn't aimed at you or Thoughts. In fact you have some of the most benign advertising of the sites I regularly visit. I've just been in a sh... bad mood today and felt like sharing it. ;)


12-03-2002, 10:02 PM
<rant>So intrusive ads that obscure page content partially or even completely, zoom around the screen, or blink incessantly are perfectly okay as long as they're for a product we like? :? I am extremely annoyed by such ads even if they are clever, fun, or for a product I like. Such advertising techniques not only distract me from the site content I came to read, they also make me think twice about even visiting that site again.

I agree with you on this point, any ad that makes noise, moves around the screen and partially obscures content is pretty annoying and I'm not really in favor of those. Nor am I in favor of Ads that "Fly-Out" at you.

But I've grown to appreciate Ads like the Dell one in question because, rather than partially obscure the content after you've already seen it, they appear up front before the page has even loaded, present their message, and then forward you to the site (or you can click on a link if you're impatient).

Those type of Ads I don't mind simply because banner Ads simply aren't effective anymore and advertisers do need to advertise

12-03-2002, 11:41 PM
Thomas, I have to agree with you. MSNBC and Yahoo! have done similar advertising and I don't mind them as long as it happens before I start looking at the content.

I'm used to a commercials on TV, but unlike commercials during shows, the ads that pop-up while I'm reading content are very distracting. I tend to make a note of the company, just so I know who not to support (though Microsoft has been doing these with MSN8 lately :? )