12-02-2002, 12:09 AM
Checked NFL scores at the Thanksgiving table (hey, it's better than getting up and going to watch TV! Cowboys beat the )&^&*^ out of *&$&^$% Washington)
Got directions while on the highway (but not from the driver's seat)
Called stores for information from the car
Checked catalog web sites from the car (decided not to order)
Made calculations for home project at the store
Made Xmas wish list (all ppc-related)
Checked a friend's work Web site for PDA-friendliness
Read the Onion (nation's finest newspaper)
How 'bout you?
Got directions while on the highway (but not from the driver's seat)
Called stores for information from the car
Checked catalog web sites from the car (decided not to order)
Made calculations for home project at the store
Made Xmas wish list (all ppc-related)
Checked a friend's work Web site for PDA-friendliness
Read the Onion (nation's finest newspaper)
How 'bout you?