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View Full Version : Best way to access files on PC remotely

11-30-2002, 07:17 PM
Wondered if anyone had some advice on the best way to remotely connect to my PC at home (to access files) when I am on the road.

A friend suggested Serv-U so that I set up my PC as an FTP server, but I cannot get connected...
(to do a test, I connected my iPAQ to our 2nd phone line via my old CF modem, and used Super Explorer which allows me to use FTP. I get an Error - Timed Out message..)

I am not very experienced at setting up this kind of stuff - I know just enough to confuse myself!
To me, this is the next big thing for my Pocket PC: to be able to access files I might want, by connecting remotely.
Any help would be appreciated!


Steven Cedrone
11-30-2002, 07:27 PM
There's alot of good info at this site: http://www.cewindows.net


Sven Johannsen
11-30-2002, 09:42 PM
Give us a little more info on the setup at home. Three very important pieces of info are,
1) What OS on the PC you want to connect to,

2) what kind of internet connection do plan to use, i.e to a PC connected full time to an ISP, or dial in to the PC (on the second line?), and

3) if an ISP/full time, is there a network involved?, router etc. or is the PC the only thing connected?