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View Full Version : WorldMate sync issues

11-26-2002, 10:11 PM
I've been using worldmate for quite a while now with no issues. Today it worked fine in the morning but it quit working. Actually when doing an activesync, when it gets to update worldmate, activesync stops and disconnects the device. I have uninstalled/reinstalled, rebooted both pc and ppc, and all the other normal troubleshooting issues. If I take worldmate out of the activesync options then activesync works fine. It seems to be a problem when it gets to the part where it gets the data from mobimate.com that it craps out.

anybody else having this problem today?

11-27-2002, 03:53 PM
I have had this issue for quite sometime and it is dammed annoying as I really like the program and use it daily.

I have sent a response to worldmate asking them to look at it and see what the issue is. To date I have not had a reply.


11-27-2002, 04:33 PM
my problem fixed itself. It must have been something on Mobimate's end. I couldn't even update the weather from my device, let alone activesync. I tried again a few hours later and everything was fine. They must of had a glitch on their side of the sync.