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View Full Version : Connecting a Jornada 565 to a Nokia 8210

11-21-2002, 09:37 AM
I have finally purchased a PDA, a Jornada 565 and want to connect to the internet via my Nokia 8210. However I can't seem to figure out how to do it, and neither can I find a resource on the 'net.

Is anyone aware of any such set of instructions? I don't want WAP or GPRS, simply have a dialup connection at home and want to dial into that whilst out with the PDA and phone.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.


Don Tolson
11-21-2002, 09:10 PM
I'm not familiar with the 8210, but I'm assuming it's 'Internet Capable'. So, the first thing you'll need is a couple of cables -- first, a serial cable which connects to the phone, then a serial cable which connects to the 565. You'll also need a 'gender bender' type of adapter to connect the male serial plugs at the other ends of the cables together.

Then, you need to contact your cell phone provider and 'activate' your phone/account for data access.

Following the instructions with the phone cable and the J565, that should get you underway.

I've also done this with my Nokie 6360 via the Infrared, but it's a pain keeping everyone aligned. I prefer the cables.

11-21-2002, 11:44 PM
Hey thanks for that. with some screwing around half the night I managed to get the infrared working. Appreciate you taking the time to respond.