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View Full Version : Whats the difference between SD and SDIO? Or isn't there one?

11-15-2002, 04:35 AM
This may be a REAL dumb question, but I feel like everyone else knows the answer but me... Is there a difference between SD and SDIO? I would have thought that SDIO (Secure Digital Input Output??) simply means transferring data to and from the SD card... yes? But surely just a plain old SD card would allow you to read and write to it too, wouldn't it? Otherwise it would have been a pretty pointless medium.

There must be something more to the meaning. Otherwise, what would all the fuss be about regarding the Viewsonic being SDIO capable (or not)...


11-15-2002, 05:09 AM
peripherals such as, say, a modem or bluetooth card in sdio format can work with an sdio slot, but not with a plain jane sd slot. so you'd be just limited to memory and sd media with plain sd. whereas with sdio you'll have a wealth (eventually (speculation)) of peripherals to choose from.