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View Full Version : pocket internet explorer can't acces internet

11-09-2002, 07:37 PM
hi, i'm using my ipaq 3955 and have a problem with my inbox and pocket internet explorer, i cannot connet to the net while my ipaq coneected via activesync, thats not all, i can't get my inbox to get going, it only have a mesage, outgoing conection error.

very frustrated already, hope some one can give a hint

Jason Dunn
11-09-2002, 09:39 PM
Have you gone into the ActiveSync settings:


...and made sure Pass-Through is enabled?

11-26-2002, 06:37 AM
I have a IPAQ 3850 and a Targus compact flash modem. I connect to the the internet every day on a land line while away from on bussiness. Recently, I decided to start using Avantgo. Right after I set it up for the first time I could not use PIE to view web pages, unless they were those saved by avantgo. My inbox works fine. I cant get PIE to work when connected to a land line through my modem, or as a pass through in active sync on my desktop pc.

Any idea what happened?

11-26-2002, 11:30 PM
I just downloaded the new ROM Image for my IPAQ and updated. Now I am using both Avantgo and PIE with no problems.