Jason Dunn
11-04-2002, 10:30 AM
As great as running this site is, it can get frustrating not having the time to do detailed reviews for all of the excellent hardware and software out there. In light of this, we're looking to add on a few people who are interested in writing detailed, thoughtful reviews on hardware and software. Could that be you?<br /><br />We're looking for people with both strong writing and technical skills (<i>I can't stress this enough</i>). If you kant spel sew gude, this probably isn't the role for you. :wink: Reviews would be between 500 and 1500 words depending on the application, and you'd have a template to follow. Reviewers will not be paid, but in most cases you'll get to keep the hardware or software that you're reviewing, and your words will be read by a rapidly growing readership of hardcore Pocket PC users.<br /><br />Interested? If so, please use the contact form to get in touch with me (do not send me a private message), or email me: jason [at] pocketpcthoughts.com. You'll be asked to write a "trial run" review, and if your writing is up to snuff, you'll be part of our new team of Thoughts reviewers.