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View Full Version : PocketBlinds "Today" Problem

10-28-2002, 10:56 PM
I am trying the new version of pocketblinds out on my 3970. This is the pseudo-non-resource intensive native version. I love it so far, but when in the "Programs" or "Settings" window, the "Ok" checkmark is not present in the upper right hand corner. To return to the today screen I either have to hit the today shortcut in the start menu (what is this really called on a PPC?) or go to the task switcher and select the desktop once or twice to get back to today. It appears that CE has all three windows open simultaneously and that you are actually switching between them when navigating. Any feedback on this is appreciated.

Mike Temporale
10-28-2002, 11:45 PM
Try a different skin. PocketBlinds is very flexible and allows the skin maker to customize what buttons are seen and how they look. It's possible that the skin you are using doesn't show the close button or something.

For example, the skin I'm using is called XPBlue (created by Mike Bryant). It displays the close button. The other skin I use is called Logika (also by Mike) which doesn't support the close button.

There are a lot of skins on http://www.wincustomize.com

10-29-2002, 04:48 PM
I have tried both skins you mentioned as well as several others.
It is acting as though the programs, settings, and today are 3 windows and you can only "<ALT>&lt;TAB>" through them.

10-30-2002, 04:35 PM
I posted this problem on the StarDock PocketBlinds forum.
The developer replied (really fast BTW) something to the effect that the Settings, Programs, and Today screens are all root objects (don't remember exact term he used) and normally, you aren't supposed to be able to close them. Tapping the close button in the normal PPC2002 interface is an added functionality that switches to the Today process. He said he will take a look at it at some point.

Just an FYI.

Anyone have any thoughts about the new version? I see a lot of posts complaining about it being a resource hog, and I have not had that problem at all. Just curious what you guys think.


Mike Temporale
10-30-2002, 11:38 PM
I'm also running the latest version. No problems here. Try a search of the forums here. There was a thread about the new pocket blinds version a couple weeks back. A lot of comments and feedback, as well one of the stardock dev's was answering and making notes of problems.

StarDock is a great company. I've been dealing with them since there OS/2 days. They have always been very open to communicate with there users.