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View Full Version : Things I Like With Pocket Controller Part III

Andy Sjostrom
10-25-2002, 10:23 AM
<a href="http://www.soti.net/">http://www.soti.net/</a><br /><br />Here's my third part in what will be a seven part Pocket Controller series! This time I am assisted by Brian Goldstein, a Pocket PC Thoughts visitor who just started using Pocket Controller! Brian writes:<br />"Well folks about 9 hours ago I established an activesync connection from my e740 to my PC via wiFi, and it is still active. A strange fluke you say? I can do it ALL THE TIME! How you ask? How much money you have? OK, Just kidding, but the workaround will cost you $25. No, not to me, to SOTI.NET for Pocket Controller! After reading about it on PocketPC Thoughts I gave it a try. Really cool app, and the side benifit is my activesync connection stays alive! I connect from Pocket Controller via wifi first, the start activesync. No more dropped connections in the middle of transfers (boy does Mazingo make a mess when the connection drops). So that's it folks, been working everytime! Best $25 I've spent since getting the e740!"<br /><br />To Brian, Pocket Controller obviously adds stability to his ActiveSync setup. To me, as Pocket Controller can connect my Pocket PC to my desktop PC without ActiveSync means less of a dependency on ActiveSync!<br /><br />Previous parts:<br /><a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3600">Things I Like With Pocket Controller Part I (skins)</a><br /><a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4098">Things I Like With Pocket Controller Part II (file system management)</a><br /><br />Full disclosure: I am not associated with Pocket Controller in any way. I have received one free review copy, which is quite common. But that definitely does not lead to automatic raves. I just happen to like Pocket Controller very much.

10-25-2002, 02:01 PM
Thanks for this review. I had been using Pocket Controller for some time and had dismissed the Explorer feature as a redundancy. On revisit, I must agree with you. Again, thanks for this review and all your helpful postings.

10-25-2002, 04:42 PM
I never lose an ActiveSync connection on my e740 when syncing by WiFi. I only lose my connection when doing the USB sync. I guess I'll keep my $25 :).

PocketPC Addict
10-25-2002, 06:04 PM
Andy or others...do you know how well the Pocket controller stability might work over a Bluetooth connection? I've found Activesync to be terribly unstable when connected via Bluetooth.


10-26-2002, 01:15 AM
Full disclosure: I am not associated with Pocket Controller in any way. I have received one free review copy, which is quite common. But that definitely does not lead to automatic raves. I just happen to like Pocket Controller very much.

Hehe, Andy, fair that you point that out, but really - Pocket Controller is a great piece of software! I couldn't live without it as well... I just happen to be a customer :D