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View Full Version : so which would you buy? Toshiba e330 or Viewsonic V35.

10-25-2002, 12:29 AM
I have been a long time PalmOS user, not because I thought it was better, but just because it was what I used. In fact, I always thought the PocketPC was the way to go, but the prices were, and still are in some cases, out of control. But now comes the Toshiba line, Viewsonic and possibly Dell.

I have no idea about the Dell, so my question relates to the E330 from Toshiba or the V35 from Viewsonic. I know the Toshiba at this time is $50 more, I can see that price dropping to ceompete with the Viewsonic product. Which would you purchase? I am looking to buy right away, I just wanted to get some insights I may not have myself.

Thanks in advance.

10-25-2002, 07:33 PM
hmmmm....109 views...not one opinion? :?

cmon guys. :wink:

10-25-2002, 07:50 PM
OK, I'll jump in. I hesitated because I know nothing about this viewsonic you speak of.

I have an e310 and absolutly love it. (My first PPC) I previously had a Palm III ex. The e310 is easy to use, very powerful (esp with a good sized SD card) and small small small. (Didi I mention it's small) All these IT guys walk around my work with these huge iPaqs with sleaves on them attached to their belt and I pull mine out of my shirt pocket. :)

I have three complaints...

1) The buttons and directional pad on the face sometimes register twice when pressed just once. But it hasn't been a big deal.

2) (This isn't just about the e310. More about PPC's in general.) I was used to going to cnet.com and downloading tons of free stuff for palm. With PPC everyone wants $$$. Not that big of a deal really. Just could get expensive.

3) I wish it was Wifi ready. I just wasn't willing to spend the $150+ extra to go up to the e740, esp since my work was paying for it.

Over all, it does what I need it to do. Keeps me organized by being able to cary my contacts around. Keeps me on time by reminding me of meetings etc. And keeps me occupied by being able to download and design themes, play games and listen to MP3's.

Good luck! 8)

10-25-2002, 08:45 PM
Maybe there aren't too many replies because there are many people looking for the same answer. Myself, I'm looking to buy my first PDA. I've decided to go with the Pocket PC platform.
I fell in love with the 3900 series Ipaq at the store while I was shopping, but no way do I want to pay the price for it. Then, I heard about the Viewsonic, Dell, E330, etc. I have no idea what to buy.
I can only follow the threads here and hope that I make the right decision for me.
I am also interested in learning more about how expandable these devices are. I want a device that will last awhile and allow me to play with some features, not something that is inexpensive but doesn't allow me to experiment with the features the PPC platform has to offer.
Which leads me to a question I have. If I decide to buy, let's say a Viewsonic, what else should I buy with it? If I have $300 for the device and another $200 for accessories, how do I best enhance the device? The add-on's have me most confused. Do I buy more memory, or what other options should I consider!

10-25-2002, 10:35 PM
Viewsonic is not shipped yet. That's why nobody has any opinion about it. It suppose to come out anytime around the second half of Nov.

10-25-2002, 11:41 PM
Thanks for the mini-review. :) The e310 sounds like a fantastic device. Great reviews and an even better price. The 330 should be even better.

I understand it's not out, but that still doesn't prevent people from knowing specs and having an opinion on what they would wait to buy. We all make buying decisions before the reviews are out just based on what we have read or seen on the web. I just wanted to know if people had sentiments about either of these devices I had not yet thought about. ;)

I agree with you. I think many people are staring down the barrel of the same decision as myself. And to add something further, I think the Fujitsu-Siemens LOOX is going to drop to $399 to try and be competitive in the heated up US market.

And to help you decide on what accessories you should get....none. :) Buy the device and then decide what you need. I know this may be tough, espeically being this is your initial foray in the handheld market. But take it from someone that has been around them a while and bought plenty of accessories...patience and getting to know your device will serve you and your pocketbook best.

But some of the more popular accessories you might want to consider; A carrying case, extra stylii, memory, car charger.

Good luck! :)

10-25-2002, 11:53 PM
Sorry, shoulda started out my post with "I know it's not the e330 but..."

Was just trying to give you an idea of Toshibas products.

10-26-2002, 12:30 AM
E330 Benchmark result

Pic of Viewsonic from mobious2002

Viewsonic biggest selling pts is thin and transreflective screen.

peripheral: the two above don't have CF adapters. So you might want to consider that or wait till Dell comes out. If you really need CF. (specially GPS, line modem, VGA in/out and WiFi)

But than again you survive so far with Palm.

10-26-2002, 09:17 PM
thanks for the links mookie...makes for interesting reading.

A CF slot would be very nice...I'm hoping to get some hard numbers on the Dell soon. And I am very hopeful the Loox will drop in price as well. If it drops to 399 I think many people would buy one.

10-27-2002, 02:46 AM
I have been interested in both of these products as well. I do want to mention that there is an adaptor you can buy so that the SD can be used wtih a CF. I ran into it looking at different pda accessory websites. So for that reason that problem solved.
I have seen the 330 at BestBuy, I am a rep for a wireless company so I do some sellig there. It is nice looking, I am waiting to play wiht it a bit and to read the manual through as I always do:)
The viewsonic I am really wanting to see it and know if it lives up to the hype. I admit it has my interests perked:)

10-27-2002, 02:49 AM
I think they are both going to be good. Of cours we are used to hearing about Toshiba, interestingly enough, there are some 740's that have been recalled. It was certain models in certain serial number listings. I want to try both out and see how it turns out for me. I will be glad when we can get some posts from users. :)

Underwater Mike
10-27-2002, 03:08 PM
I won't buy either. As appealing as the ViewSonic is -- especially the screen -- I GOTTA have dual slots. That's tops on my list.

11-23-2002, 04:09 PM
Well I don't know if this is too late to jump in or not, but I too was a long time Palm user, most recently a m505. I just bought a Toshiba e335 and I love it. The e335 I was told is basicallythe same as the e330, but with 64mb instead of 32mb of RAM. It is basically replacing the e330. In fact the back panel says e330, the box has a sticker on teh front New e335 with 64mb memory.

But having made the switch, I love the Toshiba unit, Havinga Toshiba laptop, car stereo, television as well, I am sort of partial to Toshiba products you could say. In addition to that I got my Pocket PC at half price suring a recent grand opening of a major electronics retailer so it only cost me $200.00 and that was before the $50 rebate from Toshiba.

But I have seen that Best Buy now has the same usnit regularly retailing at $349.00 (before rebate), but others like Circuit City and CompUSA still have it at $399.99 (before rebate).

11-28-2002, 03:31 AM
I have three complaints...

1) The buttons and directional pad on the face sometimes register twice when pressed just once. But it hasn't been a big deal.

That´s fixed on the e330.

(Please note that both e330 and e335 have 64 mb ram, the only difference is the imaging software - the e310 was the only toshiba with 32 mb)

The screen on the e330 is better than the e310. The v35 is even better on that.

An usb adapter for the toshiba cost $29. I dont think there is one for the v35.

But, i´m not still sure what to buy: V35 or e330. Someday i´ll go to the store and test them... i´m sure i´ll pick up one, i think both ones are thin, ligh, and unexpensive PDA´s. I don´t like the new iPaq because it´s only 200 mhz and 16 mb rom.

Anyone else likes Douglas Adams?

11-29-2002, 04:00 PM
I thought that I would make comment on the screen of the e335 compared to the e310, they look the same. I work at the local Office Depot and we have both of them in stock, but when I was looking at them I really could not see the differences. Though there are some MS upgrades to the software, by guess was the EUU3 software. But that I was not sure of. I just notice the new start up screen, the new theme, and the newer version of Windows Media Player.

The difference between the two is a hard on, I think that I am a fan of the Viewsonic just becsuse the screen is supose to be better. But I would have to wait to tell. I also dont like the track record of the e310, I have never sold so many handhelds that have had so many problems. That would scare me about the e335, though you would think that Toshiba would make those changes. Toshiba as a company generaly is a great company to work with and they make great mobile products.

12-01-2002, 09:50 AM
Just wanted to say that I'm a big fan of the 330 : D...couldn't afford one, but I'm still a big fan - it's a great value.

12-09-2002, 03:20 PM
Buy the V35, it's a no-brainer. Mine is beautiful.

12-09-2002, 09:17 PM
Only knowing about the Viewsonic on paper, I've played with with Toshiba E-330 a bit. I personally would prefer the Toshiba, more useable RAM, more heft, nice durable metal case as opposed to plastic. Though from the reports of the Viewsonic's screen that might just be the clincher for you, I myself thought the Toshiba's screen to be excellent - but I don't know much about these things either. On two products that are so close together I would like to use and see them both to decide. But if I didn't have that option, just off the top of my head I would go for the E-330.

That is... unless you have something against the Axim or were in an alternate reality in which it didn't exist it would be my number one choice :D

01-03-2003, 05:07 AM
If you get the viewsonic, you won't be screwed when toshiba comes out with an e340, which will of course be better than the e310, 330, and 335, and be 200 dollars cheaper.

01-04-2003, 06:16 AM
I am typing this w/o reading the rest of the responses . . . I have to say, I would highly recommend getting a Dell.