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View Full Version : Do you recommend iPAQ GPRS pack?

10-19-2002, 10:03 AM
Pls see subject and the poll

10-21-2002, 02:39 AM
my thought: why buy one when you could get a t68i and use it via bt. even the very best intgrated data / voice card aregoing t be cumbersome compared to a real phone and no matter what you will never be able to use a bt headset with it. otoh the t68 is so small (don't buy into the fact that carrying 2 devices sucks - i could carry 2 t68i's for the size and weight of the gsm sleev
alone. and the t68 has better funtionality. bt is flawless on it and the bt headset while expensive is the best invention for wireless in a decade. i wanted an all in one device too but you will never get the same funtionality as carrying 2 devices. nd thevt68 is so small it really doesnt matter. also consider the addex bonus of not needing to have your ipaq all the timr, so extra
battey life. plus now i carry my ipaq with the cf pack and a wifi card so now everywhere i go i can jump into hotspots, for those areas without, i simply access gprs with my t68 over bt.