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View Full Version : Epiphan Announces the Launch of CENiffer 3.2

Jason Dunn
10-18-2002, 01:01 AM
<a href="http://www.epiphan.com/aboutus_news_101702.html">http://www.epiphan.com/aboutus_news_101702.html</a><br /><br />If you're an avid <a href="http://www.warchalking.org/">War Chalker</a> or system admin that wants to get a better handle on your wireless network, check out CENiffer 3.2 - it's a powerful tool to have in the wireless landscape.<br /><br />"Epiphan Inc. today announced the launch of CENiffer 3.2, the world's first Pocket PC handheld network monitor and. The next generation of CENiffer will include new features that make it even more valuable to those looking to conduct network performance analysis and diagnostics tasks.<br /><br />Among the new features included in this release is the ability to import and export CENiffer filters. Since a network may transmit thousands of packets per second, sophisticated data filtering is essential. Filtering was first introduced in CENiffer 3.0, and is the key function that turns CENiffer into a full-blown network analyzing tool. This next release of CENiffer can export/import filters to/from a file. It allows users to prepare filters on any desktop or mobile computer, using a standard text editor, and share them between several Pocket PCs."<!><br /><br />"Epiphan also plans to launch an online forum for users to distribute these filters for free. To register for this forum, visit: <a href="www.epiphan.com/cic/forums/">www.epiphan.com/cic/forums/</a>. In addition to other performance enhancements, Epiphan has also included a filter extension feature that allows users to filter incoming data down to a matched text string. Gone are the days of wading through pages of packets trying to get to the bottom of a network issue. Now, users can focus on exactly the data they are looking for.<br /><br />With CENiffer 3.2, a network manager can view his or her network, see all types of network traffic in real time, and make decisions with more swiftness and accuracy. In addition to analysis and monitoring, you can also detect security flaws in wireless LAN segments using a wireless Windows CE device. CENiffer 3.2 is compatible with virtually every network card, and is optimized for usage on many of today's most popular Windows CE 3.0 based devices (including Handheld 2000, and PocketPC 2002). To learn more, or to download a free demo, visit <a href="www.ceniffer.com">www.ceniffer.com</a> , or email [email protected]."

10-18-2002, 02:01 AM
So, I can write a filter to say, scan some known IP address, and search for text strings in all packets coming from that IP?

Well.... hmmm... interesting!! I guess some of you developers could come up with some pretty *interesting* CENiffer filters to share :wink:

I just checked their site, www.epiphan.com, and I noticed they have posted a forum to share these filters among the "community"

This could be cool to watch.....

http://www.epiphan.com/cic/forums/ is the link to their forum....[/url]

10-18-2002, 05:06 AM
Too bad they want $249 for a piece of Pocket PC software...

I know it's a useful app, and would probably be most used in the enterprise, but come on... :roll:

Ah well. I guess I'll keep waiting until Mini Stumbler supports more than one or two cards (specifically, my Linksys WCF12).


10-18-2002, 02:43 PM
Is there anything similar to MiniStumbler that DOES support other cards (e.g. my Socket one)?


10-18-2002, 04:23 PM
Too bad they want $249 for a piece of Pocket PC software...

I know it's a useful app, and would probably be most used in the enterprise

It's definetly not your average PPC software price tag, but then again, desktop sniffers cost up to $20k per licence!. NAI's sniffer apps are 5k-10k ($5600 here (http://shopper.cnet.com/go/to?tag=ex.sh.lp_0.235775_0.419714-4&destUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eecost%2Ecom%2Freferrals%2Fdefault%2Easp%3Fdpno%3D897484%26store%3Decost%26source%3DECOSTCNETurl)

And there is even some evidence of some vendors selling Pocket PC software in the $1000 + range - finally!!!

For example - www.airsnort.com AirSnort (great app) sells for over a grand.

I'm not syaing if going to run out and buy these apps today :D, but as a mobile computing enthusiast in general, it's great to see these sorts of vendors charging for what their software is really worth, vs what the industry is used to.

Just my 2 cents.....