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View Full Version : Connection manager , usernames and passwords

10-14-2002, 04:44 PM
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I cannot find how to specify a username and password in my connection settings.

I have an IPAQ 3870 and can configure email settings including a username and password, smtp server, pop3 server etc.

Then I configure connection settings - modem (Irda in this case connecting to a Nokia phone) ip config etc. Dial up number and all other settings I would typically configure on a normal pc.

Usually when you connect with a normal pc it prompts for username and password (with the option to save it) before dialing up, but in my case it just starts dialing and tries to connect without ever prompting and then fails because the ISP is dropping the connection after authentication fails (for good reason!!).

I'm sure this is really simple to sort out, but I just can't see how to do it.

Please help! :?:

10-14-2002, 08:53 PM
Usually when you connect with a normal pc it prompts for username and password (with the option to save it)

Well thats almost the same way the Pocket Pc works. Connection manager is a well known "bug" tho. After creating your connection in Connection manager/mangler (Start | Settings. Tab connections. Icon connections. Modify button under Internet settings. Click on "New..."-text.)and and trying to connect for the first time it will normally ask you for username and password. However, i was able to recreate your situation by using the option "save password" without typing in any user/pass. When trying to connect the phone/modem dialed normally but as you said wouldnt authenticate of "some strange" reason :P

Only way out of i found was to delete the connection and recreate it. Takes only 2 minutes tho. Hope this helps.

(If there is other methods getting around this, i would be interested to hear about it too. Never know what the future )brings :wink:)