View Full Version : I'm Off to See The Pocket PC Wizards
Jason Dunn
10-10-2002, 09:00 PM
Through the magic of post-dated posting (say that fast five times), this message is being posted at the same time as I'm getting on a plane to fly to Seattle. Microsoft is holding another invitation-only affair for people in the technology world (primarily Web site owners) - Mobius 2002. It's actually quite mysterious this time - I only know three people who are attending for sure. Myself, <a href="">Derek Mitchell</a>, and <a href="">Chris Pirillo</a>. We're not usually told any juicy secrets, because there are no NDAs involved, but the most valuable thing about Mobius when it's held in Redmond is that we get some face time with the developers and program managers behind the Pocket PC.<br /><br />So what should I ask them? What should I say? I have my own special issues with the Pocket PC, but what about you? I'm looking for specifics here people - give me concise, non-rambling points, and focus them around specific elements on the Pocket PC that Microsoft controls (applications, GUI, etc.). Microsoft doesn't control the price, size, or colour of the Pocket PCs - so don't even go there. :wink:<br /><br />I'll be checking the site, and this post specifically, before every meeting with the Microsoft people, so keep the comments coming! Mobius runs Friday all day, and half the day on Saturday. My lovely wife is coming down to Seattle with me, and we'll be staying over until Monday to enjoy some tourist attractions.
Foo Fighter
10-10-2002, 09:07 PM
Be sure to fill us in on what took place. I really REALLY wish I could have made it there, but WORK. :cry:
Have a GREAT time Jason! :)
10-10-2002, 09:07 PM
How's this for concise, non-rambling points, focused around specific elements on the Pocket PC that Microsoft controls?
Xscale optimization!
That's it for me :wink:
10-10-2002, 09:09 PM
My wish list:
1. support for HTML e-mail messages
2. subfolder syncing support for ALL Microsoft Outlook item types
3. ability to sync Microsoft Access files
10-10-2002, 09:10 PM
Since you want focused and to the point, how about the option to close applications with the (X) button rather than just the option to "smart" minimize it. Similar to the New WisBar option.
A better built in File Explorer. One that offers a tree view similar to Resco's.
The ability to run at least two instances of Internet Explorer.
Last but not least.........optmize the OS for the X-Scale Processor.
How is that?
10-10-2002, 09:12 PM
One of my consistent complaints with the Pocket PC software is lack of an alarm assignable to a time on the to do function. Also, when you need to delete a voice note, they are listed under recordings in the notes section. I have about 100 notes and whenever you do a delete, it re-sorts to the top of the database. If you have five notes titles recording 1, 2,etc., I continually have to scroll down from the A's to get back to the R's after a deletion.
Maybe you could get those fixed in the next versions?
Jeff W.
10-10-2002, 09:21 PM
As an 3970 I'd say X Scale optimisation - but I'm guessing we won't see that until (or whatever it is called).
I'd really like a decent browser. Should be possible to make a browser that can run in landscape mode and render pages well. SSL etc. would be good for banking and the like.
I'd like a Media Player update; better (much better) playlist management and an EQ.
Pocket Word could be better.
Pocket Power Point would be nice.
Thanks - enjoy the trip
Ed Hansberry
10-10-2002, 09:25 PM
Keep in mind for some of these request, there are third party alternatives. Powerpoint, more powerful file explorers, Access sync, task time assignment, and even HTML email via the @Mail app at
There is a need for the "Pocket PC economy" and if MS created everything, it would kill it.
MS should focus on what they already have and improve on it, X-Scale optimization and subfolders for non-email items.
10-10-2002, 09:30 PM
Ask them if the general UI design is set in stone. In other words, today screen with Start Menu and big fat menu bars. I would love them to take it all apart and design something optimized/efficient for PDA screens. But at this point it wouldn't go well with the existing customer base.
10-10-2002, 09:42 PM
Ask them if the general UI design is set in stone. In other words, today screen with Start Menu and big fat menu bars. I would love them to take it all apart and design something optimized/efficient for PDA screens. But at this point it wouldn't go well with the existing customer base.
Along those lines, maybe thinner task and menu bars and the ability to move the scroll bar to the left side of the screen for us left handers.
10-10-2002, 09:45 PM
the ability to link various parts of PIM stuff seems fundamental. i know some of the other 3rd party software does some of that but when i've tried them my ipaq slows down (3670). not acceptable. pocketmindmap is so great partly because the thoughts can be linked to specific docs.
specifically being able to link an agenda word doc to a calander entry or a contact to anything seems to be a universal need. it should be in the base code and optimized.
most of this stuff is out now.
I'd really like a decent browser. Should be possible to make a browser that can run in landscape mode and render pages well. SSL etc. would be good for banking and the like.
you can use ssl now, you can use nydiot, jlandscape, as well a thunderhawk browser....and of course using online banks.
[quote=zensbikeshop]I'd like a Media Player update; better (much better) playlist management and an EQ.
that 100% coming, or you can use withMP3 now.
Pocket Word could be better.
then it would be 20 mb...there are some great word viewers around.
Pocket Power Point would be nice.
there are 3-4 super applications, that are better than anything ms would roll out.
10-10-2002, 09:47 PM
Sync Task alarms!
10-10-2002, 09:47 PM
These are not in any order.....
1) Working Mobile Favorites. I don't know if this is a desktop IE, ActiveSync, PocketPC or user issue. I could never get this feature to work. I want the desktop to download the data and then store the content on my PPC when I syncronized.
2) Equalizer in Media Player
3) More modular ROM. I don't use half of the included applications. It seems I have various sorts of replacements. I want to remove the unused applications (Word, Outlook, Notes, MSN Messenger, Terminal Services Client) and use the memory like the File Store on the iPaq. I want a "neat" PPC. I don't like having all these unneeded items around. Besides I paid for that ROM memory let me use it.
Of course they could correct the problems, but I like my replacement applications.
4) NoteM instead of Notes because it records in MP3 format (smaller files with same or better quality)
5) nPop instead of Outlook because you can not easily manage the message on the server. Try deleting a message, it stays on the server.
6) No need for such a stripped down Word. I would rather just use text with PocketNotepad and format it later. I would have thought they would include
7) Ability to replace files in ROM using built-in File Explorer. Example: Copy your own default.htm over the version in the Windows directory to create your own start page to PocketIE.
8) Ability to pan in IE using the stylus. (Similar to the hand feature in Actobat Reader.) This would help when viewing "normal" webpages.
9) Don't reload the current webpage when you turn on/off the display of images.
10) Built-in Landscape support
11) Built-in Print support
12) Provide a "Normal" File Open dialog. I hate having to copy files to My Documents so I can open them and move them to where I want/need them. I should be able to open any file from any folder. It also takes too long to list all the files in all folders.
13) Show me the file extension and let me change it with File Explorer.
I will stop here....
/ mike
10-10-2002, 09:50 PM
Generic USB drivers (mass storage, printer, network, etc) for those unwilling to upgrade to CE .NET :idea:
We got the Hardware... now were waiting for the drivers. Software Matters right?
10-10-2002, 09:55 PM
I'd like a Media Player update; better (much better) playlist management and an EQ.
I'm assuming Microsoft will definitely release an update around the time Windows Media 9 ships for desktops. Otherwise the current PPC player will not be able to play some WM9 content. But who knows if those specific features you mentioned will be implemented.
- Pocket word with support for tables, forms, and better image support
- Multiple instances of IE
- SSL in IE
- LANDSCAPE - at least in Pocket IE!
- Easier and more intuitive connection manager
The multiple wizards within the wizard within the profile makes me NUTS!!!!
- MS Pocket Powerpoint from MS - There's an original idea!!! This could simply run slides and allow the user to change text (while maintaining the original animation after editing).
- MS Project Support!!! These were proclaimed to be targeting the enterprise, right? The enterprise uses Project!!
- EQ in Media Player
- More media format support in Media Player
- An MS Task manager that is easily accessible from the.....TASK BAR!
- Pocket Access - Understandably, this would be difficult bu maybe something that would run access forms and queries (local content only) and sync with an Access DB.
- HTML E-Mail messages
- Subfolder syncing for all Outlook folder types - Contacts, E-Mail, Tasks, Calendars. If only two: Contacts and E-Mails
- File Explorer with tree heirarchy and possibly a second pain for file contents.
- Native Bluetooth, and 802.11x support (I may be mistaken but I believe that if it has any native support now it has 802.11b and not "a" and you never know, with power management developements, if "a" will become feasible)
- Secure file format for expansion cards. Something that will format the cards to a format that can be secure and password protected. This would allow you to lock a card or certain contents of the card and that card would not be accessible from any machine that cannot run the format or to anyone without the password. Maybe?
- and ARM v5 instruction set optimization.
Foo Fighter
10-10-2002, 09:56 PM
My question: What is the PPC team doing to improve multitasking navigation? Will there be an option to enable the "X" button to close app on exit? Are we going to see a pop-up menu of some manner that allows the user to switch between apps, and shut them down all at once? What improvements are being made to the UI?
10-10-2002, 10:04 PM
Ask them if there is going to be a continuation of the free development tools (eMbedded Visual Tools 4.x) or if they're going to only support the 4.x kernel through .NET - Due the nature of some of the VOS free development classes, I get a lot of questions from other developers starting out and it's been nice to be able to tell them that the development tools for the Pocket PC are free while the Palm development tools (not the GNU stuff - which is terrible) cost $400+ and aren't as good.
On another note, please ask them about getting Bluetooth support integrated into the OS, and maybe even making it a integrated requirement for all Pocket PC 2003 devices. MS getting behind the standard like they are on the Tablet PC side would really help with connectivity issues.
The connection manager could use a major overhaul, and the X button should be configurable (hide/close) through a tap & hold pop-up menu on it.
Above all, though, please tell them what a great job they've done already!
I'm with MibileMike on:
- Normal Print functions. You have a network and wireless enable machine, give it the ability to use a network printer.
- Normal file opening functions. I agree that having to move everything to My Docs is a pain anf opening Excel to all the Excel files (same wih word) rather than my nice, neat organized, and filed spreadsheets, docs, etc. is a pain.
- More modular ROM with ability to install and uninstall what you wish.
- An MS installed ROM access app. Toshiba/Audiovox users have no access to the unused ROM!
- Ability to Pan around the screen with your sylus is a good idea as well.
- More file control in File Explorer.
10-10-2002, 10:13 PM
i know i know, vbar and others solve this "issue" but i really want microsoft let you decide if you want to close an app with that "x" or not, at least that, also like everyone else, come one! microsoft! realease and xscale optimization patch at least!
that will be sweat! i sell my ppc, waiting for another goood one, with xscale optimizacion.... a good 6 months from now.. i hope not.. :(
10-10-2002, 10:18 PM
X-Scale Optimization
Windows Media 9
Sharks with Freaking Laser Beams :D
Dave Beauvais
10-10-2002, 10:25 PM
Shell- or OS-level Changes[list:fbc122072a] X-Scale (ARM v5) optimization! Please! Native Ir and network printing Global ClearType support. As it is now, IE, the Today screen, and several other aspects of the core apps don't use ClearType. Ability to close a program quickly, not just "minimize" it. At the very least, add an "Exit" item to the file menu of the built-in apps just as many third-party developers do. Real users want this, despite what Microsoft's "usability studies" may have concluded. Make the battery level threshold before a notice pops up user-configurable. Anything above 40% is way too early to begin nagging the user. Make the Start menu cascadable as it was in the old Palm-size PCs and on every desktop Windows OS. Connection Manager is horrible right now. Please fix it somehow.
Software Pocket Internet Explorer[list:fbc122072a] Add Cascading Stylesheet support. A lack of even the most basic CSS support is almost inexcusable today. Improve the "Fit-to-screen" feature Add ClearType support as a user option. The ability to view pages in landscape orientation would be a nice addition.
Media Player Why, when I pause playback, does Media Player stop the file and jump back to the beginning fifteen seconds later? That's analogous to pausing a game to go eat dinner, only to find that the game took you back to the beginning of the level. That's infuriating when listening to audio books in MP3 format or when watching a movie. X-Scale optimizations!
File Explorer Tree view Show file extension Allow user to change file attributes
Calendar A more useful month view Color-coded items as we have in Outlook 2002's calendar
MSN Messenger Graphic smiley support File transfer support as all the desktop clients have
Native PowerPoint support[/list:u:fbc122072a][/list:u:fbc122072a]I think that's enough for now. I can't think of anything else at the moment that others haven't already mentioned.
Working repeating reminders! It worked in PPC2000... what happened? It would be great if all of the PIM functionality actually worked.
10-10-2002, 10:26 PM
Some things I'd like to see:
- Standardize the expansion bus all Pocket PCs. This would allow you to interchange accessories between Pocket PC machines from different vendors.
- A higher resolution screen, possibly 640x480 as a 640x480 screen will also allow for backward compatibility with the older apps supporting the 320x240 screen resolution.
- A faster browser. Microsoft should look at the Thunderhawk implementation and 'borrow' some of their good ideas, speed being the chief among them.
- Native Mac connectivity. Though I use PCs from both camps, adding a native OS X version of ActiveSync will help Microsoft expand it's marketshare into both camps.
- And last, but not least, X-Scale optimization in the OS and supporting applications (i.e. Media Player and Pocket Office)
Multiple instances of *all* applications. On my desktop I frequently need to copy/paste or compare two Word docs, and that's the way I'd like to use Pocket Word as well. Same thing with two e-mails in Pocket Inbox. It's strange to me that it's easy to do this if I need to go from an e-mail to a Word doc (just toggle between apps) but can't do it with two separate docs or e-mails.
10-10-2002, 10:37 PM
Windows CE Inbox Transfer!!!
I miss so much the ability to selectively transfer and manage emails between any account/folder on the Pocket PC Inbox with any folder on the desktop Outlook. I could choose certain emails with attachments others without, it was such an excellent utility for mobile email users without wireless connections.
Fit to Screen
Wouldn't it be nice if Pocket Internet Explorer could force web pages to fit within the small screen area? Oh yeah, Pocket PC 2000 did it pretty well, but not 2002.
IMAP server syncing
It would be nice if say the "Drafts" folder could get syncronized on IMAP email servers on Pocket PC 2002 Inbox. The option is there, but it only works on the Inbox and Sent folders.
Ed Hansberry
10-10-2002, 10:42 PM
My question: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah?
Can you repeat that? :wink:
Ed Hansberry
10-10-2002, 10:44 PM
MSN Messenger Graphic smiley support File transfer support as all the desktop clients have
Oh, good one. Lemme ad one related item to that - Animated GIF support in PIE!
10-10-2002, 11:00 PM
- The ability to tell my PocketPC/PDA to NOT sync deleted items from outlook. When I delete them from my desktop Outlook I don't want to see them on my PDA.
- Landscape functionality for Pocket IE
- Native Printer Support (I want to be able to push the print icon from within an app.)
- Native Wi-Fi Support (I love the way XP does it.)
- Enhanced Transcriber (Calligrapher works so much better, bring some of that to Transcriber.)
- Voice Recognition (My phone can do it, why can't my PDA?)
- Cascading Start Menu
Just to name a few :?
10-10-2002, 11:04 PM
More robust Activesync that is stable.
Foo Fighter
10-10-2002, 11:07 PM
- Cascading Start Menu
Never going to happen. We've been down this road before...and it leads to a dead end. Cascading menus don't work on a 3x5 handheld display. If MS re-implements this feature, it will be a HUGE step backward in UI design.
10-10-2002, 11:12 PM
- Cascading Start Menu
Never going to happen. We've been down this road before...and it leads to a dead end. Cascading menus don't work on a 3x5 handheld display. If MS re-implements this feature, it will be a HUGE step backward in UI design.
Then the whole thing needs to go, they need to redesign the whole UI. You SHOULD NOT have to go through 2 different interfaces to get to a program. First a cascading menu, and then an icon directory.
Scrap the whole thing!!
Mike Wagstaff
10-10-2002, 11:16 PM
Some Phone Edition thoughts:
Generally, I've been very impressed with the Phone Edition version of the Pocket PC OS. For a first version, it works wonderfully well. However, unsurprisingly, there are a few issues that I think need work on...
1. Associate SMS messages with names, not numbers.
2. Use larger "Answer" and "Ignore" buttons. Rather than those based on the standard UI, why not use green/red graphical buttons similar to the style found in the Dialler?
3. Copy the Profiles idea, as found on just about every other mobile phone. It works.
4. When vibrate mode is enabled, answering a call should stop the vibrating immediately. It doesn't currently, and there can be an annoying few seconds where the phone's vibration means that you miss out on what a person is saying.
5. Look at the possibility of Today Screen integration with some of the phone features - e.g. number of missed calls, number of SMS's, number of answerphone messages, total voice/data call time for week, etc.
My #1 bugbear, however, applies to the Pocket PC OS in general. For whatever reason, alarms simply aren't reliable - and in a PDA, this just isn't acceptable. This problem, I believe, needs to be fixed as a matter of high priority.
And once that's been sorted, getting together with Intel and sorting out the XScale optimisation issue would be nice, too... ;)
Foo Fighter
10-10-2002, 11:19 PM
Then the whole thing needs to go, they need to redesign the whole UI. You SHOULD NOT have to go through 2 different interfaces to get to a program. First a cascading menu, and then an icon directory.
Scrap the whole thing!!
Ah....I've been saying this for some time. But alas, it's not to be. Microsoft is going to stick to its current UI and ratchet it up as they go along. Microsoft did do quite a few things right with this design, but it still leaves MUCH to be desired, IMO. The current multitasking scheme (the row of 6 icons at the top of the Start Menu) is all but useless. We need a better UI.
Mike Wagstaff
10-10-2002, 11:21 PM
Then the whole thing needs to go, they need to redesign the whole UI. You SHOULD NOT have to go through 2 different interfaces to get to a program. First a cascading menu, and then an icon directory.
Personally, I think that the Start Menu should be left as it is (i.e. non-cascading). However, when it comes to the Program listings, I would like to see the best of both worlds from PalmOS and Pocket PC combined.
What I would like to see is the addition of a category view option, as found on PalmOS, whereby you can choose to view only games, only utilities, etc. However, I would like to see the Pocket PC's implementation of sub-folders within the Programs folder retained.
Mike Wagstaff
10-10-2002, 11:26 PM
The current multitasking scheme (the row of 6 icons at the top of the Start Menu) is all but useless. We need a better UI.
I'd like to see the row of 6 icons used to indicate currently open programs. If there's more programs currently open than can fit, then simply add arrows for scrolling or a second row if room.
For recently opened programs, I believe that there should be a view option in the main Programs listing (i.e. what is currently the "dumb" Programs folder) whereby you can sort programs chronologically according to when you last ran them.
Ed Hansberry
10-10-2002, 11:27 PM
Ah....I've been saying this for some time. But alas, it's not to be. Microsoft is going to stick to its current UI and ratchet it up as they go along. Microsoft did do quite a few things right with this design, but it still leaves MUCH to be desired, IMO. The current multitasking scheme (the row of 6 icons at the top of the Start Menu) is all but useless. We need a better UI.
I like the current UI except for task switching. Pathetic. PocketNav is great, but IMHO, this should be core to the OS. It is a multitasking OS, so let us multask.
I agree about the 6 icons. Worthless. Theyonly work when you launch an app from Start. So anything launched from an inbox attachment or via another program like Launcher doesn't go there.
10-10-2002, 11:36 PM
Why can't a UI work by ' intelligent guessing' of the user's most desired programs - pretty much as Windows XP does now?
As to the slight mystery about this meeting Jason is off to - being as it's MS would it be too much to hope for a dramatic announcement of PPC 2003 / XScale optimisation? (though the sharks with laser beams sounds good as well...)
10-10-2002, 11:42 PM
I'd like to see more options with Reminders such as opening the appointment or task, or marking task reminders as completed.
10-10-2002, 11:46 PM
Better networking support. So we can at least mount network drives.
10-10-2002, 11:54 PM
Sync Task alarms!
Ditto that! :!: I want the task alarm times set on my PC to sync with the alarm times on my PPC.
Optimization! Especially with Windows Media Player! MS is promoting Media Player 9 for the PC and yet we still don't have an XScale PPC player! When is MS going to release an upgrade and will it be able to compete with third party apps that now do video at 320 x 240 x 24 fps?
10-11-2002, 12:01 AM
How about synching for non-Windows platforms like Mac OS X? Even cost options are OK, like adding Pocket PC support to Entourage (which has Palm synching). That would allow Microsoft to sell more Mac Office licenses as well as Pocket PCs!
10-11-2002, 12:04 AM
How about adding portrait/landscape viewing option (of any program) built right into the OS.
David C
10-11-2002, 12:04 AM
Higher screen resolution. Something like 640x480.
10-11-2002, 12:06 AM
1. transcriber allows the period "." to be entered ANYWHERE!!! even though there is a punctuation area. if a period accidently appears it kills the auto completion -- WHO HACKED THAT??? :evil:
2. task alarm
3. notepad often moves the graphic when a note is opened and closed a few times such that several words end up on top of one another.
4. book reader is too slow
Foo Fighter
10-11-2002, 12:12 AM
As to the slight mystery about this meeting Jason is off to - being as it's MS would it be too much to hope for a dramatic announcement of PPC 2003 / XScale optimisation?
There's no mystery. Microsoft regularly holds these conferences, almost on an annual basis. They invite influential people, journalists, tech writers, and specific handheld enthusiasts. I was invited, but I couldn't make it because of my work schedule. And what really pees me is that I just found out Chris Perillo is going. I would love to have met him. DOH! 8O
10-11-2002, 12:14 AM
Well I for one would like a PC version of Entourage anyway (off topic maybe - but I want, I want...!!)
10-11-2002, 12:15 AM
Foo - I was just referring to Jason's comments that this time there is a bit of mystery about it...
Foo Fighter
10-11-2002, 12:25 AM
Foo - I was just referring to Jason's comments that this time there is a bit of mystery about it...
Ok. I was under the impression that you thought this was some sort of special "top secret" meeting. :)
10-11-2002, 12:46 AM
I would love to see a more of a 1:1 alignment for all Outlook 2002 (Outlook 11?) features. And then also fix some of the UI issues of Outlook that are better done in the PPC 2002 OS.
Face it, 90%+ of my time interacting with my PPC is to do Calendaring and Contact Management -- Notes, Tasks, and (lack of Journaling) are a close second. The toys are great and I wouldnt go back to a Palm (although arguably, some of the UI and tools that are in the PALM still are a bit better integrated into their desktop than the PPC / Outlook combo).
Next, I really want an ACCESS :: PPC Pocket Access tool .. Something I can build some small spiffy DB's in .. (ThinkDB for the Palm rocks ..)
Just make it so that you really CAN do 100% of the native functions in the best manner possible for Personal CRM that is reflected in both the handheld (PPC) and the desktop (OL 2k2) -- this includes folders / categorizations, etc.
I'd die a happy man if this would happen..
10-11-2002, 12:48 AM
"Add to addressbook" from a email message on your ppc
10-11-2002, 01:15 AM
I really want the ability to natively print via Bluetooth in the OS. Also, the ability to dial Bluetooth from contacts would be a nice native addition. Basically, I guess what I'm asking for is for the bluetooth stack to be built into the next version of the OS.
10-11-2002, 01:27 AM
It will be - no I'm not privy to secret info, but a while back MS said that once BT had matured it would become an innate part of any future Windows OS. Since they appear to have decided that time has arrived for XP - I'd say PPC 2003/2004/CE 4.0/net will certainly have it.
How about printing support in the OS full stop (US trans. 'period' :) )?
i just read through all of these are all great, but most of this is here, or will be here through 3rd party apps or are for a super-tiny segment that is usually best served by a developer or company besides ms. like ed said, it's part of an ecosystem that allows many other people and companies to build on and run amazing biz around the ppc.
Sven Johannsen
10-11-2002, 02:06 AM
How about a connection manager that is not an adventure game. Sort of like the desktop. Make a new Connection...To What? Internet, Network, other...What kind? dial up, IP, VPN...etc. Then they are all there on one page to pick from. Kinda like PPC2000 was.
I hate the "Nope, can't do it the way you have it set now. Set it some other way and try again" :x
Make Pocket Outlook like the desktop. If there are folders they should sync, if there are services, they should be supported, if there are options they should transfer.
I know those have been mentioned. Put another check mark by them.
10-11-2002, 02:16 AM
I really need a better file explorer and the ability of MS Word to search more than 1 folder deep for documents.
10-11-2002, 02:20 AM
Sorry, Jason, I just really need sharks with lasers right now. :?
10-11-2002, 02:26 AM
It's my understanding there is a version of Pocket Access available for H/PC. I'd *REALLY* like this on PPC as well.
Recurring Tasks....I would love the ability to have *each instance* of a recurring task visible in the Calendar. As things are now, the next instance isn't created and viewable until the next most immediate version is marked as completed. That just doesn't cut it when I'm trying to plan 2-3 months down the road.
Ditto on the improved Connection Manager.
A better Inbox is definitely in order....though the forthcoming app from the Pocket Informant developers might solve tha issue.
Ditto on native print support.
10-11-2002, 02:33 AM
1. Syncing e-mail (incl. subfolders) even when I have partnerships set up with two different machines.
2. Landscape mode in IE.
3. Xscale optimization (but don't wreck the way it runs on non-Xscale CPUs)
4. Repeating alarms (yeah, I know about SuperAlert but why do I need 20 little third-party apps to fix what the OS should do natively)
5. The option in Activesync to select whether files are converted on an individual file basis, rather than all or none.
6. And (I know this won't fly) but I wish the Start menu was at the bottom of the screen and the application menu bars were at the top (like desktop Windows)
Oh yeah, and don't forget the sharks with laser beams...
heck, this point I'll even take the ill-tempered sea bass. :lol:
...Joe K.
RickP in AZ
10-11-2002, 02:44 AM
1. CE Inbox Transfer - I used this all the time with PPC 2000
2. Syncing of "Unread Email Only" for Inbox
3. An "x" which closes the application
4. A "_" to minimize
5. Running Task icons in Taskbar
6. A battery gauge in the taskbar
(Anyone get the feeling that WISBar has it right?)
7. More features in PocketWord
8. Standard USB connector for syncing, w/ USB Host support
9. Native Bluetooth support (w/ usable profiles, including keyboard driver for the BT version of the Natural keyboard.)
And I'm spent...
Rob Alexander
10-11-2002, 02:47 AM
- Cascading Start Menu
Never going to happen. We've been down this road before...and it leads to a dead end. Cascading menus don't work on a 3x5 handheld display. If MS re-implements this feature, it will be a HUGE step backward in UI design.
Nonsense! The move AWAY from cascading menus was the major step backward. Just suspend for a moment that Palm doesn't do it that way and really think about it. Starting from scratch, what would you want in a small display?
1) A way to reach lots of programs in little screen space.
2) A way to access a small number of programs with two taps, but to expand for larger numbers of programs still with minimal taps.
3) A way to insure that all icons show without scrolling.
4) A way to do that with minimal impact on the screen real estate used.
5) A way that gets out of your way after the program has been chosen and doesn't leave a pile of useless windows open that you have to wade through in your task manager.
Cascading menus is an exceptional way to handle launching in a small screen environment. It's much more appropriate there than on the large screen. The current system is total crap and is just a sellout of one of the solid features of the Palm-sized PCs in order to woo the palm crowd. Well, we're beyond that point so it's time to have the guts to go back to a genuinely good idea even if it's un-Palm-like.
P.S. I'm not really disagreeing with Foo's thinking it'll never happen. I'd be amazed if MS had the good sense to bring it back. This is just in response to his view that it's not an appropriate UI for small screens.
P.P.S. I'd be very open to a totally new UI. The way I see it, we have a) current system - pathetically bad, b) cascading - good but out 'cause Palm users don't like it, c) ????? - some new option if anyone is creative enough - let's give it a go.
Foo Fighter
10-11-2002, 03:21 AM
1) A way to reach lots of programs in little screen space.
It's also a way to have lots of menus in a little space. I used a WinCE 2.1 generation device, and the UI was awful. We call this "Cascading" menus, but in reality it is best described as "stacked" menus. Because the Start menu took up about 80% of the screen, whichever menu item you tap next, say Programs for instance, appears in front of the start menu. And the subfolder after that appears in front of the Programs menu...and so on. The UI was very cramped. Drilling down menu by menu to access a simple icon is a poor method for application access, even on Windows XP. I certainly don't want this back.
I remember contributing to a huge list of suggestions for you to take to last year's meeting. The result? Two worthless service packs. If it doesn't connect to the Internet and can't be charged for as a service, Microsoft doesn't give a flying frick.
But on the off chance Microsoft actually wants to fix their software instead of adding features, here's a short list:
- Task reminder times
- Repeating alarms of independently settable volume
- Fix the Fit to Screen option on Pocket IE
- Subfolder sync in all Outlook folders
- TEXT WRAPPING so I can actually read the e-mail addresses stored in my contacts
- Highlight the days with all-day appointments in the yearly calendar view
- Get rid of Connection Mangler
I could keep going, but I have an inkling that I'm just wasting my time again this year.
10-11-2002, 03:30 AM
Sync Task alarms!
Ditto that! :!: I want the task alarm times set on my PC to sync with the alarm times on my PPC.
Hear, hear. The reminder bubbles should also let us open a task directly and give more options for the amount of time to snooze an alarm (1/2 day, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 2 weeks, etc.).
Speed Racer
10-11-2002, 03:40 AM
I just want the existing features to work as expected. Is that too much to ask?
Alarms - They should be reliable and you should have the option to make them repeat until they are dismissed.
Word/Excel - You should be able to view/edit a full featured document (ie tables, graphics, charts, etc...) without having Pocket Word/Excel mangle the document. At the very least you should be able to open a stripped down version and just read it without having to save the damaged document.
Money - The synchronization model should be changed to match Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, etc... So that you can make changes to both the PC and PDA file then combine the changes during synchronization. If a transaction was changed on both the PC and PDA then the conflict should be handled in the same manner as Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, etc...
X scale - A 400 MHz X-scale should run noticeably faster than a 206 MHz Strong Arm. This is just down right embarrassing.
3rd party - If Microsoft is not willing to make the changes to the built-in programs then they should be open source. That way 3rd parties will have the tools they need to fix the problems and add extra functionality with the largest degree of system integration.
Rob Alexander
10-11-2002, 04:11 AM
Okay Jason, here's my list. Since I got distracted by Foo's comments and already mentioned it, I'll say no more about cascading menus other than to include it on my list. These are in no particular order.
1. Built-in landscape support w/ on-the-fly switching between portrait and landscape.
2. Repeating alarms for appointments.
3. Full multiple-level folder support (accessible from applications).
4. Genuine close apps button.
5. X-scale optimization.
6. Cascading menus.
7. Ability to round trip a document Word-Pocket Word-Word without losing anything. Not all Word features need to be supported, but all document attributes to be preserved.
(Yes, pt, I know there are applications to do some of these things, but these are the ones I think should be built into the OS rather than added on.)
Rob Alexander
10-11-2002, 04:29 AM
1) A way to reach lots of programs in little screen space.
It's also a way to have lots of menus in a little space. I used a WinCE 2.1 generation device, and the UI was awful. We call this "Cascading" menus, but in reality it is best described as "stacked" menus. Because the Start menu took up about 80% of the screen, whichever menu item you tap next, say Programs for instance, appears in front of the start menu. And the subfolder after that appears in front of the Programs menu...and so on. The UI was very cramped. Drilling down menu by menu to access a simple icon is a poor method for application access, even on Windows XP. I certainly don't want this back.
That's not accurate at all. I just went and checked my old Jornada 430, which my wife uses now, and the Start menu covers no more that 1/3 of the screen, the next level (which I needed less than 10% of the time since most icons are on the Start menu), overlaps that by only a bit, and the third level (which I almost never had to go to) still goes on to the right. That is, to get three levels deep, the menu is neither laying flush over the top of the previous level nor having to start heading back leftward. Most importantly for a small screen, 1) every single icon at any level is immediately visible without scrolling, and 2) the whole thing disappears as soon as you choose any icon.
It's a brilliant UI design for small screens, allowing you to access a large number of option in very little space.
10-11-2002, 05:06 AM
Rob, you have a a point, but designing the layers of the menus so that they don't require scrolling (too many items) would require the user to organize it himself (i.e. using file explorer to make little groups for apps, utilities, games, etc). A level of complexity that MS might want to stay away from.
That being said, I have Pocket Facelift (cascading menus) running all the time on my device and think it's the best current solution.
10-11-2002, 06:17 AM
1) Higher Screen Resolution - 640x480
2) X-Scale Optimization
3) Built in Landscape for everything:)
4) Repeating alarms
Look pt I understand the ecosystem but the above 4 is ridiculous, especially built in landscape for everything. The 3rd party apps are not stable enough and adding a big icon on the screen while in other apps is too annoying for my taste. They don’t get the job done for me, and from reading all the other posts it does not for them either. I want the ability to be able to switch it in an instant while in any program, not enter another program and tap on a custom setting, then oops not what I like, back in the app again and tap on another custom setting. I understand the Word, Excel, and Power Point 3rd party apps, but not certain functions of the OS :x
I’m sick of the power hungry talk of we (MS) know what you want more than you (the customer) do. Why should we have to pay for 3rd party apps for what appears to be a solid OS function :evil: , once again the other 3rd party apps are too unstable and cumbersome for taste, and I think I speak for allot of people. I hate it when I have to spend 20 bucks for an app that has a warning of- Make sure you back everything up because you could experience a hard reset- GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!! None the less all these third party apps to fix what the OS really should do natively, $20 bucks here a little, $20 bucks there a little, what do you think I live on a Piggy Bank Farm 8O .
Jason Dunn
10-11-2002, 07:31 AM
Ok, GREAT suggestions guys, keep 'em coming - but please, the discussion around the suggestions being good/bad/ugly is distracting from the real purpose of the thread. Think of this like a brainstorming session - there are no bad ideas, just ideas. Please keep all comments about the "worthyness" to yourself...pretty please? :D
10-11-2002, 07:52 AM
1) all pim applications should be linkable: e.g. create a new appointment with contact xxxx from contacts application or the possibility to link items to appointments, contacts, tasks
2) replacement for start menu: e.g a launcher with tabs like PocketetLauncher from Conduits
3) a 100% working(!!!) alarm function which I can rely on
4) a kind of alarm server, where all alarms from all applications are collected and are editable (I'm missing this function from my Psion days)
5) PocketAccess
6) optimisation for XScale
7) built in Bluetooth support (drivers)
best wishes,
Martin Gartner
10-11-2002, 08:38 AM
The following are in no particular order.
1. Support more alarms in the Clock applet (it looks like one or two more could fit on the screen without scrolling).
2. Allow tap-and-hold on items in the Programs folder (and its sub-folders). This would allow us to move shortcuts around, create new folders, etc. without using the File Manager.
3. Add a built-in task manager. All OEMs seem to create their own, but that's silly.
4. Finally integrate some of the Power Toys into the OS. Power Contacts and the Pocket IE Power Toy to allow JScript are the most important, I think.
5. Enhance the year view in the Calendar so days with an appointment are colored.
6. Add a list view in the Calendar where you see all appointments in a simple list.
7. Add more alarm snooze options, or user-settable snooze times. I've often wanted to snooze an alarm 8 or 12 hours, but can't.
8. When doing an Active Sync backup, have a dialog on the Pocket PC screen (or pop up the Active Sync application) saying that a backup is in progress. The desktop Active Sync warns you not to use your device, but that's the wrong place for that warning.
P.S. And one suggestion for the Pocket Streets team. :-) STOP REQUIRING ME TO PRODUCE NEW MAPS EVERY TIME I UPGRAGE POCKET STREETS!!!! New versions of Pocket Streets should support maps created for older versions.
10-11-2002, 09:10 AM
Ill simply repeat my fun post "Whats new in Pocket PC 2003" from "Just chatting" a few weeks ago. This one sums up my wish list (things our friends at Microsoft can do somthing about)
But most important:
X-Scale Optimization!
Ok, here is my (slightly edited) imagined readme for Pocket PC 2003: Edits in italic
User interface
New Look and feel:
With a refreshed look and feel, the Pocket PC 2003 is visually more
appealing, easier to navigate, and completely customizable for a unique,
"personalized" look.
"Skin-able" Title bars:
Pocket PC 2003 comes with the same (compatible) theme support as its
predecessor but now also includes the 3D color settings for title bars you
may recognise from WindowsXP (Standard (blue), Olive green and Silver).
Better navigation:
New navigation methods allow users to utilize the multitasking in a more
effective way ("Alt+tab" functionality can now be assigned to a hardware
button). Power users can now permanently turn off smart minimize (to normal close/exit).
Battery monitor:
Pocket PC 2003 comes with a new battery monitor accessible from the
navigation tray. A click on the clock in the navigation tray unveils a baloon as before but now also with current remaining battery power visually presented as a bar with % of power remaining.
Improved snooze settings for tasks and appointements. Users of Microsoft
Outlook will recognize the same slots in the dropdown list as on their
desktop. Adible alarms are now repeating. Number of repeats and volume can be set separately via the "Alarm volume" slider in "Sounds and notifications" under Settings. We also added the ability to set excact alarms on tasks directly on your Pocket PC, wich of course is syncronised over to your desktop when you Active Sync.
Tap and Hold close:
Users now have the option to easily close an aplication (as opposed normal smart minimize) via tap and hold on the Close button (X) (Smart minimize if the user had swiched to "Close" as standard mode of operation for the close
Better support for left handed users:
The Pocket PC 2003 now supports scrollbars on the left side of the screen.
Input methods
Enhanched Transcriber:
European users will be excited to find out that the Transcriber handwriting
recognition software has been improved to recognize international characters
International SIP keyboard:
Soft input keyboard will now show the users correct keyboard layout
according to his/her settings in "International Settings"
Application enhancements
Workday settings:
Users will be pleased to find that "work day" in Pocket Outlook are now
seamlessly syncronized from Outlook on their main computer.
Improved weekview:
Based on user feedback, the improved weekview in Pocket Outlook now displays a clear and highly effective presentation of your appointements and tasks.
Subfolder Synchronization:
Pocket PC 2003 now supports syncronisation of subfolders for other Outlook items as Contacts, Calendars and tasks.
Organize your work:
Organize your work even better. Save and open files in multiple subfolders to the "My documents" folder. Organize your work the way you want it, the most effective way.
HTML mail:
For your viewing pleassure, Inbox can now display rich formatted HTML mail messages
Outlook Express support:
The updated Active Sync now supports syncronisation of mail and news from Outlook Express. Syncronized news messages is presented as a service to the user, seamlessly integratining with the users existing POP, Exchange and SMS (new) services
Updated Mediaplayer:
Pocket PC 2003 comes with Windows Mediaplayer 9.0 for Pocket PC (WIMP9PPC) with 3rd party codec support.
A better Pocket Word
Pocket Word is enhanched and now retains more formatting than ever, including tables, when converting documents from your desktop
Smile with Microsoft Messenger
The newest version of Windows Messenger now supports smilys and file transfers directly to and from your connected Pocket PC.
Enhanched Connection Manager
New applications:
The latest version of Pocket PC now comes with Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer and Microsoft Pocket Access, Microsoft Pocket Streets and the award winning Microsoft Money 2003 readily buildt in ROM.
Better Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer is strengthened with higher encryption support, Integrated FTP (folder view) and support for browsing 2 websites simultanously. We have also strengthened Internet Explorers "Fit to screen" function and also added the ability to browse the web fullscreen in ladscape mode
Xscale support
Updated support for xscale processors. Your new Pocket PC now actually runs faster than the old one :lol: (had to fit in a smiley there )
Integrated Bluetooth drivers
Basic bluetooth drivers integrated (Supports Active sync and Desktop
10-11-2002, 09:42 AM
Can you ask them if they have any plans to produce an apple mac version of active sync. I'd love to sync my hp568 with my lovely shiny new power book G4.
Have a good time
10-11-2002, 11:15 AM
Figure out a model for sharing the COM port among applications.
For instance, Pocket Streets grabs the COM port to talk to my GPS. The only way to release the COM port so other applications can use it is to "reboot" my Ipaq.
When I want to show someone my private pilot GPS software (a favorite demo app), I have to first punch the warm reboot button. When I explain why, the response is usually something like "typical Microsoft, that's why I'm keeping my Palm."
10-11-2002, 11:29 AM
"Simple" list application. I know there are many 3 party tools out. But I find lists (shopping, what to pack when camping, etc.) as important as other PIM applications. The lists shouold be reusable too.
/ mike
Ed Hansberry
10-11-2002, 12:26 PM
It's my understanding there is a version of Pocket Access available for H/PC. I'd *REALLY* like this on PPC as well.
But have you used Pocket Access? You get tables and SQL query. No QBD window, no macros, forms or reports. It is really limited. The third party apps are way betterh
Recurring Tasks....I would love the ability to have *each instance* of a recurring task visible in the Calendar. As things are now, the next instance isn't created and viewable until the next most immediate version is marked as completed. That just doesn't cut it when I'm trying to plan 2-3 months down the road.
Have you tried Pocket Informant? It does this now.
Ditto on the improved Connection Manager.
Amen. :) This one they do know about.
10-11-2002, 12:54 PM
i just read through all of these are all great, but most of this is here, or will be here through 3rd party apps or are for a super-tiny segment that is usually best served by a developer or company besides ms. like ed said, it's part of an ecosystem that allows many other people and companies to build on and run amazing biz around the ppc.
I disagree.
The vast majority of suggestions are improvements to existing elements of the PPC package. It's great that there is a business around PPC but why should we pay hundreds of pounds/euros/dollars for replacements to parts of the PPC package particulalrly when we cannot remove those native elements from the ROM image.
Timothy Rapson
10-11-2002, 12:56 PM
As to the slight mystery about this meeting Jason is off to - being as it's MS would it be too much to hope for a dramatic announcement of PPC 2003 / XScale optimisation?
There's no mystery. Microsoft regularly holds these conferences, almost on an annual basis. They invite influential people, journalists, tech writers, and specific handheld enthusiasts. I was invited, but I couldn't make it because of my work schedule. And what really pees me is that I just found out Chris Perillo is going. I would love to have met him. DOH! 8O
Yes, Bill and Derek called me at home begging day after day to come. But, I have to wash my hair. :twisted:
10-11-2002, 01:00 PM
I can't add much to what's been said already.
However, narrower margins on Microsoft Reader and the ability to rotate the Reader Screen would be nice.
10-11-2002, 01:36 PM
My wish list:
1. Pocket Excel that isn't crippled by having a tiny number of useful functions (compare it to SpreadCE, which will cope with combo boxes and even macros!)
2. Pocket Word that is just a little bit better than Notepad circa Win3.1
3. Address book with a nice clean intuituive interface (a bit like Mobile Address Book on my EM500, but that's not brilliant either)
4. WisBar (or at least it's functionality) in ROM
5. ActiveSync for Mac
6. Printing capability in ROM
I know that most (all...) of these wishes are available from third party suppliers. wouldn't it be great if they were there, straight out of the box, and loaded in ROM. I don't know how MS can market Pocket Word and Excel the way they do...! :evil:
Mojo Jojo
10-11-2002, 02:03 PM
Do they plan to make any updates / upgrades to Microsoft Money for the PPC? Right now the program is a little lacking. Can they add a checkbox for Cleared Transactions? Plus a switchable total at the bottom? It is sorta annoying when balancing the budget between my statement and PPC and some checks haven't cleared. This way I can check off everything that has cleared , see the total and balance all in a quick manner.
Other programs do this, and MS MOney has the field buried on the option page for cleared or not... but the main registery screen does nothing with it. I would gladly trade 10 pixels for it.
Additionally can they make the items that are displayed on the screen optional? So if needed I can remove the date and running total to get more on the screen?
I don't care how MS does it as long as it will fit in ROM but fix Pocket Office so it is more compatible with PC Office. Make an Enterprise version of PPC, sell Pocket Office Pro, something!
- Word formatting, templates, images, forms
- Excel Macros and Pick Lists
- Outlook - One app, multiple functions instead of a contact app, a calendar app, a tasks app, an E-Mail app., etc. Give us the tree view from desktop Outlook
- Sync multiple sub folders in Outlook
- Pocket PowerPoint COME ON!!!! These were supposed to be targetted at the enterprise and no Powerpoint?
- Pocket Access - See PowerPoint comment
- Pocket Project - See PowerPoint comment
Outside of Office (and my two other posts)
- Allow multiple computer FULL Partnerships in Activesync. The people that can afford these things often want to syn with a work and a home computer. Imagine that!
- Fix the alarms.
- The XP graphics are a hit. Carry them over.
- More user configuration for the colums shown in Outlook apps.
- Especially if there is a landcscape view, allow all apps with columns to be sorted by colums
This should all cost MS about $1 million dollars to program.
Mwah HA HA HA!
Mwah HA HA HA!
10-11-2002, 02:56 PM
Sven wrote:
How about a connection manager that is not an adventure game. Sort of like the desktop. Make a new Connection...To What? Internet, Network, other...What kind? dial up, IP, VPN...etc. Then they are all there on one page to pick from. Kinda like PPC2000 was.
I hate the "Nope, can't do it the way you have it set now. Set it some other way and try again"
Connection Manager (Mangler) IS my biggest gripe with Pocket PC 2002. This needs to be fixed!!!!
Otherwise, outlining and tables in Pocket Word would be more than great.
Mark from Canada
10-11-2002, 04:46 PM
• Sync task alarm times
• Generic open dialog (provided in the OS for applications) more like Windows - with folders, subfolders, subfolders, subfolders, subfolders...
• Optional Cascading Start Menu (check a setting to use it). This should take care of the people wanting to use it and not. I do!
• Active Sync creating correct Excel files which will also open in other applications on the desktop (Quattro Pro - which opens desktop Excel files with no problem), not only in Excel
Foo Fighter
10-11-2002, 05:01 PM
Here’s my list of things that need to be done to improve the PPC experience. Many of these items are things that I’ve touched upon before, so my apologies if I sound like I’m repeating myself (I know, I never do that). :P
* Improve the UI. If the plan is to keep the current UI, then a number of features need to be added. First, an option should be added to allow the X button to actually close the app down at the user’s discretion. Having multiple apps open at one time can quickly overwhelm the OS and bog the system resources down. “Smart minimize" is smart in name only. This is a very inefficient solution.
* Multitasking: The current method for multitasking is simply worthless. The row of six icons at the top of the start menu only represent the last six apps accessed from the start menu or Programs folder. They don’t indicate which programs are currently running. As I see it, there are two opposing solutions to the multitasking and app handling dilemma. Either have a separate “minimize” button next to the close button. And then place a tap’n’hold function on the minimize button to activate a pop-up menu that lists all currently running apps with an option to “close all”. Or leave the current UI as is, and build a “tap’n’hold function into the close “X” that toggles the same afore mentioned list of apps.
* Add an option to the Start Menu settings called “Expand Menu items”, which enables cascading menus. This will appease folks like Rob Alexander who prefer the old school way of doing things.
* The Programs folder also needs some help. Why not add a “sort” feature to this folder to show “Games, Apps, Utilities, and so on. Instead of burying everything away in subfolders. This makes accessing applications much faster.
* Work with third party developers to create a set of tools that make porting PalmOS apps over to PPC simple and seamless.
* Launch PPC as the official Xbox Mobile gaming device platform. Create a scaled down version of DirectX for WinCE.Net (and PPC) and set up a list of standards that game developers must meet to qualify for the Xbox moniker. Game developers can sell their products on SD cards in blister packs hanging in retail stores shelves right alongside Xbox gear.
* A marketing campaign (TV, print) needs to be put into motion, presenting PPC to consumers. Why not market the Pocket PC as a “Lifestyle” device that puts “Your life, in the Palm of your hand”? Some glitzy TV commercials would be a good start.
Start pushing PPC devices into locales other than geeky consumer electronics stores. Retail stores like Target are a good way to target mainstream consumers. And put in-store displays similar to Palm’s old showcase displays that used to appear in Staples.
* Tie Pocket PC into Microsoft’s MSN services. Create a special section of MSN’s web site for Pocket PC users that offer Windows Media Content and other goodies only to PPC users. The official club for PPC users. The current “Club Pocket PC” is not effective at all. Work with partner sites like PPCthoughts to offer daily news and contests.
* Windows Media Player for PPC is in desperate need of an overhaul. Speed improvements are needed, but most of all it needs to be seamlessly tied into Windows Media Player on the Desktop. Maybe having PPC sync to WMP the way Apple’s iPod automatically syncs content and playlists to iTunes would be an excellent way to simplify and improve the multimedia experience offered by PPC.
That's all I have for now. I'll dig up more thoughts when I have some free time. Yes, that's a threat. :wink:
10-11-2002, 05:24 PM
The row of six icons at the top of the start menu only represent the last six apps accessed from the start menu or Programs folder.
First: i agree on 99% of your post. I just wanted to provide a quick tip.
The row of six icons can easily be expanded to eight icons if u rename one of the items on your start menu. If u rename i.e. "Inbox" to "Inbox____________________" (replace the underscore with spaces), the menu will get wider, and as far as i can tell, show up to 8 icons.
Yea i know it was not your point :cry: , i just wanted to help :wink:
10-11-2002, 06:33 PM
Here's a problem that needs addressing at the Microsoft level: How can end developers develop international applications for Pocket PCs, when it is almost impossible to get access to international devices within your own country?
In order words if I call HP or Toshiba america, and I ask them about foreign versions of their devices, they don't have any information. We need some standard for all device manufacturers about how they provide their international devices and information about the international devices to the developer base. Otherwise how can developer develop international applications?
(The same problem really doesn't exist on the desktop, because we have the ability to install whatever language version of an operating system we want via MSDN.)
10-11-2002, 07:15 PM
My wish list:
1. Better security - Support for encryption for files and folders
2. Better File Explorer - I know i can get a third party app which does the job but I do not purchase an extra File Manager for my WinXP/Win2K/Win9x OS.
3. Better synching with money - ability to synchronize accounts in different currencies and not the default currency in Money
4. Ability to remove certain apps from the ROM. How many use Terminal Services/MS Messenger etc...
5. Re-design of UI. They have to create something new not try to mimick the current windows ui.
6. Fix the memory leak in MSReader.
7. And last but not least, a new Activesync with better support for Outlook.
10-11-2002, 08:37 PM
There is a need for the "Pocket PC economy" and if MS created everything, it would kill it.
MS should focus on what they already have and improve on it, X-Scale optimization and subfolders for non-email items.
That is not the way Microsoft has approached the PC world... and the PC Economy has not suffered!
The more Microsoft innovates in the core platform, the more third-parties will be forced to push the envelope. So, in my opinion, if there are third-party tools that everyone is installing on their Pocket PCs, Microsoft should take the hint and incorporate them into the operating system... there will <u>always</u> be plenty of opportunities for the third-party market to fill.
10-11-2002, 08:48 PM
For years, I have been cleaning out duplicate contacts in my Contact list. I maintain a partnership with TWO desktop computers: one at home and one at work. My iPAQ nicely maintains my Contacts in sync between the two desktops, plus I have them all with me wherever I go. However, I am always getting duplicates.
Every couple of months, I spend the hour or so it takes to manually go through my list of contacts and weed out the duplicates, merging the near-duplicates.
Ed Hansberry
10-11-2002, 09:06 PM
That is not the way Microsoft has approached the PC world... and the PC Economy has not suffered!
First, MS is their own third party by providing $500 Office suites with PCs and other powerful alternatives like Windows Plus packs.
Second, no one serious about text editing that uses Notepad. So, you get a third party editor. Grapics users don't use Paint. Serious newsgroup readers don't use OE. Those with serious music collections don't use WMP to store their music collections either.
No, there is a thriving third party out there for the PC providing total solutions or enhanced solutions over what Windows offers. It just so happens MS is the biggest supplier of those extra products. With the Pocket PC, they have left the third party purchases up largely to the outside world.
10-11-2002, 10:54 PM
I agree with many (most?) of the previous suggestions - I'd like to endorse the consensus that Outlook should sync all sub-folders, Connection Manager stinks BIG TIME, that the Close button should close not minimise and that the app navigation UI needs improving - both launching new apps and working with open ones are a pain (Gigabar's an improvement, but still doesn't feel quite right!).
I'd also like to ask for templates in Pocket Word - unless I'm barking up the wrong tree, it should be possible to have templates (stylesheets) on the handheld that format the documents for the handheld screen, whilst the same documents could use different templates on the desktop to format it for a larger screen? Same template name but different viewing results? Of course if Pocket Word goes XML - this will probably be a done deal.
Oh and can Inbox please sync with more than one PC? I use my PPCs at home and work, and I'd like to have both my home and work Inboxes available.
10-12-2002, 06:19 AM
I agree. This is my number one complaint.
Why would I want to click 4 times to get to the "Connect" button on a mobile device? OK some applications can connect and disconnect as needed, but I would rather control when I am connected and when I am not. Maybe I want to browse cached content with PIE (Oh yeah, my mobile favoirtes don't work)..
- mike
1. seamless wireless/phone integration with the OS
2. Pocket Word and Excel supporting the full doc features of their PC cousins
3. higher resolution (Latest Sharp has 640x48!)
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