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View Full Version : ActiveSync Stumble

10-03-2002, 03:04 PM
Here's my tale of woe: I've got my T-Mobile XDA sync-ing with my work and home desktops. All was going well for over a month. "All of a sudden" the home machine (which runs XP Home edition) initially activated ActiveSync and then, after the sync-ing process initiated, dropped the connection. I was running ActiveSync 3.6, had to uninstall it and, not finding version 3.6 anywhere to download, installed version 3.5. (BTW, has Microsoft "pulled" version 3.6?) The XDA sync'd fine.

However, having shut my home machine down for the night, the next morning I faced the same "de-activation" of ActiveSync problem. So (and now this happens each time I've turned my home machine back on each morning and evening), I've got to uninstall ActiveSync, re-install the program, establish a new partnership all over again - in order to sync at home.

Again, no problems at the workplace. Could it be my home cradle? (Please note that one of my friends with an XDA even used his own handheld to test my home and work machines and had the same problem; so it appears to not to be my handheld unit itself that's causing my woe.)

Again, this problem happened out of the clear blue after over a month of problem-free sync-ing at home and work.

Any suggestions?



10-10-2002, 10:08 AM
Without third party sofwtare (which I've not tried) you should only be able to sync to one PC (1 ActiveSync partnership). Sure you can connect as guest on another PC's but only one partnership. If you have multiple partnership on your PC, for differing Pocket PC's as I do, this can cause a similiar problem. I generally find selecting the sync partnership (File/Mobile Devices) in ActiveSync and then re-connecting the appropriate Pocket PC does the trick. Or am I missing something here ?
