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View Full Version : terminal services with a pocket PC

09-25-2002, 07:19 PM
I am looking into purchasing a combo pocket pc phone that I can use at work to telnet into network devices. I really like the T-Mobil phone and I already use T-Mobil service. My question is... Is there a way to connect a console cable to the T-Mobile Pocket PC? or any other Pocket PC Phone device? It would be great if there were a wireless (bluetooth) solution, but anything will do. I want to get rid of the backpack that has the laptop, cellphone, PDA, and 2-way pager and go down to one device. Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated. If I am in the wrong forum let me know. I am obviously very new.

09-26-2002, 03:31 PM
:idea: Guess you could make do with a serial connection then ? Get a serial cable for your XDA and try some of the terminal applications available - depending on what type of terminal emulation you require, you could even try the built in console. I use vxUtil (although not a term emulator) quite a lot http://www.cam.com/windowsce.html and they do a teminal emulator. But you could just look up 'telnet' on one of the sales sites i.e. http://www.handango.com for more terminal emulator software.

If you need to get on the company network then things become a bit more tricky. You could obviously do it via a live ActiveSync connection to a PC connected to that network or perhaps by using a serial to ethernet adapter. As I remember Portsmith used to make a serial to ethernet adapter and on looking at their web site they still do http://www.portsmith.com/pspda.shtml.

Hope this helps,
p.s. I like my XDA - few faults and niggles but generally the best pda I've owned and I've owned a few including an Atari, Sharp, Psions (2), Rex, HP Handhelds (2), Casio PalmPC, and an iPAQs(2) and now an XDA ! :roll: