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View Full Version : Laridian releases new commentaries for Pocket Bible

Ed Hansberry
09-25-2002, 02:00 PM
<a href="http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKLANTC01.asp?order_platform=ce">http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKLANTC01.asp?order_platform=ce</a><br /><br />Laridian has just released their second "Life Application" resource. They released the "<a href="http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKLAB001.asp?order_platform=ce">Life Application Study Bible Notes</a>" a few months ago and just this week, they have released the "Life Application New Testament Commentary."<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2002/20020925-laridianlantc.jpg" /><br /><br />Book Introductions discussing the author, date, setting, audience and the main themes of each book with their importance for today. <br />Over 2,500 in-depth comments that: <br />• Explain every passage in the New Testament clearly and concisely <br />• Answer the questions most people ask <br />• Show Scripture's connections to real life <br />A Harmony of the Gospels detailing over 250 events in the life of Christ<br /><br />You can find out more information and see a sample reading at the link above. It requires nearly 3MB of storage space, works fine on a storage card and costs $19.99. It requires Pocket Bible be installed and a translation of your choosing for the links to verses to work, all sold separately. I've had it for about 24 hrs and am quite impressed at the level of detail in the commentary, and as always, Laridian has done a fantastic job of integrating it with the rest of the Laridian books. You can even add your own notes and thoughts to the "margins."

09-25-2002, 02:10 PM
bible happy aren't we lately? What's with Ed? did he just find his light?

09-25-2002, 02:15 PM
BTW, if you sign up for Laridian's email list, when the new products come out you get a 20% discount off the new product and any other products you purchase in conjunction with the new product purchase.

Each time they release a new product I purchase it and a different version of the bible.

As someone stated in the posts to your news about the Pocket Bible update, my 128MB SD is getting full! :)

Ed Hansberry
09-25-2002, 02:24 PM
I am 99% sure I have filled out that mailing list thing and NEVER received anything. :? I purchased the LANTC yesterday at full price. :cry:

Ed Hansberry
09-25-2002, 02:29 PM
bible happy aren't we lately? What's with Ed? did he just find his light?
LOL! Pure coincidence. I've been a Pocket Bible user for years. Did the Pocket Artist post last week for fun and then this week, Laridian has had two releases.

Jonathon Watkins
09-25-2002, 03:28 PM
bible happy aren't we lately? What's with Ed? did he just find his light?
I've had the impression that Ed's had the light 8) :idea: :idea: :idea: 8) for quite a while now. :angel: The question is - does he have the salt as well? :D How's the city on a hill coming along as BTW? :way to go:

09-25-2002, 04:03 PM
Ed have you looked at the two version? Ok I understand that one covers all of the bible, and the newest one just the New Testment. So are they basically the same, or not? If one has The Life Application Study Bible Notes does one not need The Life Application New Testament Commentary? The pricing on these two and the discription have left me confused.


09-25-2002, 04:10 PM
I am 99% sure I have filled out that mailing list thing and NEVER received anything. :? I purchased the LANTC yesterday at full price. :cry:

I'm not sure how I signed up since I purchased Pocket Bible last year but I always receive an emial when a new product comes out and get a 20% discount. I purchased LANTC and NRSV yesterday for $30.98.

I checked my profile on laridian.com and checked the website to see if there was anything special you needed to do to get the new product email. I didn't see anything.

I have contacted the folks at Laridian because of order foul-ups I made and they were really nice. Maybe you could contact them and they would advise you on how you can get the discount email on the future.

(I have yet to pay full price for any of their products. Which is a nice savings of around $30.)

09-25-2002, 04:18 PM
Ed have you looked at the two version? Ok I understand that one covers all of the bible, and the newest one just the New Testment. So are they basically the same, or not? If one has The Life Application Study Bible Notes does one not need The Life Application New Testament Commentary? The pricing on these two and the discription have left me confused.

I own both downloadable versions. They are not the same. I have the print version of LAB and the print commentary for just Matthew (cost me around $10 used on Amazon.) The downloadable commentary is more in depth than the downloadable notes but is a condensed version of the print commentary. (Hope that wasn't confusing.)

BTW, they have not released a print version of a commentary for the OT yet.

I had debated buying the entire 17 volume LAB NT commentary in print. Now I have the condensed on my PocketPC so I definitely won't be investing the $100-200 for the print version thanks to Laridian.

09-25-2002, 04:21 PM
I keep forgetting the Christian God is still alive and well in the States.

In UK Allah gets more prayer than JC, a politician reffering to God too often is risking his career in Europe.

09-25-2002, 04:39 PM
I keep forgetting the Christian God is still alive and well in the States.

In UK Allah gets more prayer than JC, a politician reffering to God too often is risking his career in Europe.

I wouldn't say alive and well...just look at the case out of my hometown of Sacramento where the Pledge of Allegiance was ruled unconstitutional by the 9th circuit court of schlemiels because it contains the words "under God" (In case you live in a box here's a link to the story, http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/6/26/144040.shtml ). I truly hope we're not heading the way that Europe has... :roll:

BTW, I do own PocketBible and it's awesome! I haven't tried any of the addon books yet though, I'm hoping they will eventually convert the Concordia Study Bible for PocketBible.

Jonathon Watkins
09-25-2002, 04:44 PM
I keep forgetting the Christian God is still alive and well in the States.

In UK Allah gets more prayer than JC, a politician reffering to God too often is risking his career in Europe.

Ummm – God’s doing pretty well here as well Kris - just not getting much press from an apathetic and hostile media. :? I can see Allah getting more prayers if you live in say.... Bradford (a major UK focal point for Asian and Moslem communities), but most places I have live in the UK there have been a lot of genuine Christians.

There’s a lot more praying than you think going on! 8) :idea:

09-25-2002, 04:53 PM
I keep forgetting the Christian God is still alive and well in the States.

In UK Allah gets more prayer than JC, a politician reffering to God too often is risking his career in Europe.

Oh we are doing great, we have a Prez who said Jesus is his leader during campaign and now he is on crusade taking out all the evil-doers in the world. Meanwhile the other side is trying to blow and kill all the unbeliever. Ain't it grand? the world we live in.

There must be some sort of pocket PC app that can calculate all this weirdness.

Ed Hansberry
09-25-2002, 04:59 PM
Ed have you looked at the two version? Ok I understand that one covers all of the bible, and the newest one just the New Testment. So are they basically the same, or not? If one has The Life Application Study Bible Notes does one not need The Life Application New Testament Commentary? The pricing on these two and the discription have left me confused.
They are complementary, but if you only want one, definitely get the Life Application Bible Study Notes which covers the WHOLE Bible. The Life Application NT Commentary is just the New Testament. It goes into much greater detail than the LAB does. The LANTC is really a 17 book set that also comes in a one book condensed version - this condensed version is what Laridian has published for Pocket Bible - See http://store.yahoo.com/lifeapplicationbible/commentaries.html

Jonathon Watkins
09-25-2002, 05:04 PM
Oh we are doing great, we have a Prez who said Jesus is his leader during campaign and now he is on crusade taking out all the evil-doers in the world. Meanwhile the other side is trying to blow and kill all the unbeliever. Ain't it grand? the world we live in.

Sadly life sometimes gives a choice of two evils and we have to choose the lesser one. Can you imaging a few Iraqi Nukes going off in the middle of the Saudi and Kuwaiti oilfields, or half a dozen Scuds or suicide planes with chemical weapons crashing into downtown Tel-Aviv?:shocked!:

Doing nothing is an active choice whether we like it or not – we are all responsible for our own actions and we will have to give our account to God in the end.

There must be some sort of pocket PC app that can calculate all this weirdness.
Aren’t we talking about that App in this very thread? :wink:

09-25-2002, 05:16 PM
Sorry Ed we've hijacked your post, I'm not exactly religious myself, but I mourn the loss of belief.

The saddest thing I see, is a church with it's stain glass windows covered in plexi-glass, it represents such total lack respect and direction from the youth.

09-25-2002, 05:21 PM
Doing nothing is an active choice whether we like it or not – we are all responsible for our own actions and we will have to give our account to God in the end.

are you implying that God wants us to go to Iraq and get rid of Saddam? as you suggest that doing nothing is an active action that might receive the full accoutn of God in the end.

what's the different between a person who says God wants for non believer to see his wrath in NY?

Unless you are suggesting that you too have a limited imagintation that ridding Saddam with bombing is the only way to achieve peace in the middle east and the world.

good grief.

Aren’t we talking about that App in this very thread? :wink:

That app is buggy, not working as advertise and the developer is nowhere to be found. maybe we should give it another 2000 yrs to see if it actually solve anything eh? And yes Godot will shows up too.

Ed Hansberry
09-25-2002, 05:24 PM
Doing nothing is an active choice whether we like it or not – we are all responsible for our own actions and we will have to give our account to God in the end.

are you implying that God wants us to go to Iraq and get rid of Saddam?
Not here please. Take it to private messaging. Only warning, ok? :)

09-25-2002, 07:23 PM
There are three kinds of people in our database: Those that sign up for the email list, those that have downloaded free stuff but never purchased anything, and those who have purchased. Of these groups, the purchasers tend to get the best offers on new products.

People on the email list who have never even downloaded a free demo get very little mail from us. We should probably mail them more frequently, but right now it's usually limited to a "newsletter" from time to time.

If your email address has changed and you didn't notify us, needless to say you won't get our offers. If we've had consistent problems delivering email to you we'll remove you from future mailings. And if you've ever requested removal from any email, you're removed from all emails.

We may or may not send special offers to current customers when we release a new product. If you get an offer, the discount percentage may or may not be the same as what you've seen before. We may offer some customers more or less of a discount depending on different factors. We've done everything from sending products free to certain customers all the way to not sending an email about a new product at all. As you might imagine, the exact decision making process is not something we talk about.

In general, the best way to save money with us is to spend money with us. :-)

Craig Rairdin
Laridian, Inc.

Ed Hansberry
09-25-2002, 07:55 PM
There are three kinds of people in our database: Those that sign up for the email list, those that have downloaded free stuff but never purchased anything, and those who have purchased. Of these groups, the purchasers tend to get the best offers on new products.

Yeah, I think the problem (99% convinced) is that my email server is blocking your email bot on this stuff. I always get emails from your support address. I had this issue with Anycom a few months ago. They used an email bot that was very common among, um.... "oldest profession" sites :wink: (couldn't bring myself to use the "p" word in this thread) :lol:

I am trying to get the LANTC email from someone with FULL headers so I can get with my email admin and trouble shoot the problem. I have 29MB of your books on my iPAQ so have spent plenty of money but have never received an announcment email with discount codes. Oh well, small price to pay since I get approximately 1 spam a year on this email account. Anyway, once I get full headers, I am good to go on resolving this on my end.

If anyone reading has it and can send it to me (again, I need FULL headers, not a simple forward) I can get to work. ed at pocketpcthoughts dot com. (not my Laridian registration btw, so don't bother looking that up Mr. Rairdin. :wink: ) And thanks for stopping by!

09-25-2002, 08:09 PM

I'll take care of this with you off-line.


Jimmy Dodd
09-25-2002, 08:18 PM
Aren’t we talking about that App in this very thread? :wink:

That app is buggy, not working as advertise...

As usual, it's user error, not a buggy app, that's the problem. :wink:

Jonathon Watkins
09-26-2002, 08:37 AM
I hear what you are saying Ed. 8)

BwanaJim - I fully agree with your assesment of the problem. :)

I think I may have to pick of a copy of both "Life Application" apps - they look good.

09-26-2002, 02:10 PM
I keep forgetting the Christian God is still alive and well in the States.

I wouldn't say alive and well...just look at the case out of my hometown of Sacramento where the Pledge of Allegiance was ruled unconstitutional by the 9th circuit court of schlemiels because it contains the words "under God" (In case you live in a box here's a link to the story, http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/6/26/144040.shtml ). I truly hope we're not heading the way that Europe has... :roll:

Actually, I'm surprised nobody complained about "under God" before now. If you can't pray in a public school, how can "under God" be allowed?

The answer is simple, though. Just say the Pledge of Allegiance as it was originally written -- without "under God" -- and there should be no problem saying it in schools.

Next week: How I rationalized creationism with evolution. :lol:


09-26-2002, 02:35 PM
Actually, I'm surprised nobody complained about "under God" before now.
This is getting way off topic now, but ...

They have complained, for a long time. I remember (and I guess I'm giving a hint as to my age now) over 25 years ago this being debated. It's just taken this long for one of these people to get a judgeship position so they could do something like this (knowing that going through the legislative branch wouldn't work because that process would have to more reflect the will of the people).

Steven Cedrone
09-26-2002, 03:29 PM
O.K. Folks, time to get back on topic...

If you want to discuss "Laridian releases new commentaries for Pocket Bible", please do so. For anything else, please start another thread in the "Off Topic" forum...

Steven Cedrone
Community Moderator