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View Full Version : Does Pocket OL Support Multiple Categories?

09-22-2002, 10:03 PM
Anyone know?

By support I mean a few things:

1. Ability to ASSIGN more than one category to an item
2. Ability to SYNCHRONIZE more than one assigned category with Outlook on the desktop
3. Ability to FILTER views of contacts based on the combination of presence or absence of more than one assigned category.

Thanks in advance :wink:

Janak Parekh
09-22-2002, 10:39 PM
#1 and #2 are unqualified 'yes' situations -- the category handling in Pocket Outlook is identical to that on the desktop, and synchronizes identically. This is something that is sorely broken in Palm (does anyone know if OS 5 fixes it?)

As for #3, you can instruct Contacts, etc. to show "multiple" categories -- this means the union of all records whose category set contains one or more of these multiple categories. I don't think you can tell POL to show "records which have both Foo and Bar declared as their categories", but this rarely makes sense anyway. As to "absence", you can select all BUT one or more categories...
