Jason Dunn
09-21-2002, 04:27 PM
<a href="http://www.pocketpcsummit.com/conference/larrybryant.php">http://www.pocketpcsummit.com/conference/larrybryant.php</a><br /><br />So have you registered for the Pocket PC Summit yet? One of the presentations, entitled "Equipping Law Enforcement for the 21st Century - A Look Into How The Los Angeles County Sherrifs Department is Using Pocket PCs to Catch Bad Guys" - looks to be especially interesting. I love the "real life stuff" when companies or individuals implement Pocket PCs in innovative ways. Here's a blurb about the presentation:<br /><br />"Sergeant Larry Bryant of the Los Angeles County Sherif's Department will unfold how law enforcement is using Pocket PC and wireless technology to nab criminals. Larry will demonstrate how to provide real time data to the patrol officer in the field. Larry will explain he technology problems and the possible solutions, and what the officer needs from the technology. He's show how handheld and wireless technology can provide the solutions. He'll also explain how the environmental issues involved in law enforcement influence the technology selection process. Finally, Larry will show where handheld and wireless technology for law enforcement is going from here."<br /><br />If you want to register, <a href="http://www.pocketpcsummit.com/cgi-bin/mainpage.pl?ref=20021001">please use this affiliate link</a> (thank you!).