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View Full Version : Buggiest Device I've ever Used (T-Mobile PocketPC Phone)

09-15-2002, 07:48 PM
I've used alot of PDAs and Phones (probably 10 PDAs and 25 phones) over the past 10 years. However the T-Mobile PocketPC Phone (XDA) is without a doubt the buggiest device (phone or PDA) I've EVER used. I'm now resetting the device about 7 times per day (minimum). Yesterday I found myself resetting the device after every call and every gprs session just so I felt assured I wouldn't miss any incoming calls.

Here is what I'm experiencing:

1. on occasion the phone rings and if I press the green button to answer the phone and then it hangs (it continues to ring) and I have to reset the XDA in order to do anything after which I've missed the call (and usually don't know who it was that was trying to reach me).

2. After a GPRS session I often can't make outgoing calls unless I reset the XDA.

3. After a GPRS session I often need to reset the XDA in order to initiate another GPRS session.

4. After a GPRS session I often can't receive incoming calls unless I reset the XDA.

5. After making a phone call I often need to reset the XDA in order to initiate a GPRS session.

6. I often need to try 4 or 5 times to initiate a GPRS session before it works

7. My wife will call me and complain that she has tried to get through on 4 or 5 previous occassions and either gotten a busy signal or voice mail. I even had a potential investor in my company complain to me that he tried to reach me for hours and kept getting some kind of wierd busy signal.

In case you're wondering the batter is almost always above 70% as I leave the device in the cradle when I'm home. I rarely leave any other apps (besides inbox/explorer) running on the device.

T-Mobile's response:
I had to call twice:
1. I spoke to a lady who after about 25 minutes pretty much admitted she had no clue and said I needed to call back from a land-line so they could do some "remote testing" with me on the XDA.

2. I called back from a land-line (as per above) and got a guy who stated that if I'm "only resetting the XDA 7 times per day then I should consider myself lucky as others have to reset even more than that." I was so stunned that I didn't know what to say. This also eliminated any chance of me getting a replacement XDA.

In any case I'm going to give up on the XDA and wait for the first service pack to come out (although I am very skeptical that MS/HTC/Voicestream are truly aware of the problems). In the meantime I'm going back to my trusty Ericsson T-39/iPQA combo.

Good luck to everyone who decides to sticfk it out with this device.

-Bill B.
