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View Full Version : Money 2002 Screwed up my PPC

09-11-2002, 09:04 PM
hey everyone,
wheni got my pocketPC a while back, one of the major selling points was that i coudl enter transactions into my PPC on the road and it woudl sync up with my MS money data at home.

problem is that when i first got it, i had the version of money that came on my PPC and money 2001 on my desktop, and after about a couple months of syncing data, i found that my checkbook would not balance no matter what i did. upon further investigation i found that random transactions hadbeen deleted, and some dates had been changes. after that i stopped using money on my PPC ... until the money2002 for PPC and money 2002 for my desktop came out. i washopeful that this woudl solve the problem. and again it seemed to work for a couple months andthen suddenly one day i found that i coudl not balance my checkbook because transactions had been deleted and data had been changed.

has anyone else experienced this problem inthe past? is there a fix for it? i am assuming that money 2003 must be due out soon for PPC but i am afraid totry it for fear that it will kill my money data again. it is a great utility that would be great to use if it worked but not if it is going to do this to me.

Jimmy Dodd
09-11-2002, 09:10 PM
I used Money 2001 and synch'ed with my PPC. I found that I had a lot of problems with transactions being deleted or doubled. Most of the trouble seemed to occur if I only synch'ed the last four weeks of data (instead of all of it). The original balance also got screwed up a lot. I gave up on it.

I am now trying Money 2003 and synch'ing it with my PPC2k2. So far I haven't had any trouble, but I'm only two months into it. Money for the PPC2k2 is still woefully lacking any real feature set compared to some of the stand alone apps available, but so far it is synch'ing OK.

I have my fingers crossed and multiple backups.

09-12-2002, 01:14 AM
hey... good to know its nto just me...please keep me posted about how you make out with 2003.