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View Full Version : Need Help: IE unable to dial, E-Mail ok with same settings

09-02-2002, 06:02 PM

I habe an new PPC (Loox), before I had an Ipaq. I think I have a software-problem, so I post my problem here, not in the Loox-Forum.

IE on my new PPC does not connect to the internet. I have established a connection that works without any problem with E-Mail. The settings are the same that were working on my old Ipaq with E-Mail and IE.

When I enter a new URL or select a favourite that is not available offline, IE does not try to dial but tells me immediately that it cannot find this site. (I can't tell you the exact message because my PPC is in german).

My impression is that IE assumes that there already is a connection that it can use. To support this impression Gigabar shows the connection-symbol in the status-bar. Of course there is in fact no connection, I want the PPC to dial to get one.

Bluetooth on the loox is disabled all the time. There is no other application running that connects to the internet.

Has anybody got an idea how to solve this problem? Is there any setting that makes the PPC believe there is an existing connection even if there is definitely not?

Thank you for your help!