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View Full Version : Jornada 928 Review [Long]

08-27-2002, 02:04 PM
Summary: This phone rocks. IMHO, better than that XDA, but it has the same fundemental flaws.

First off, I'm not going to do any pictures because there have been many of them, and I don't see any advantage in posting some crappy grainy pictures from my web cam.

I went into town to post a letter and to have a weak look at the current crop of mobiles - my contract was just ending, and the phone was dieing, so it was time to upgrade. I had the intention of holiding out for a stinger phone, but they seem to be getting more and more delayed.

The first store I popped into was the vodafone retail store since Vodafone are my chosen network provider and have proven to be reliable in the past. I was primarilty wanting to look at the 7650 to see what it was actually like, along with the Moto V70 with the funky twist cover (I'd heard it was GPRS, which was on my "must have" list). Just before I'd left the house, I'd been told that the 928 was "imminently" available. What do I see in the store as I'm waiting for a sales assitant? the 928! It looks absolutely wonderful! Nice price too - £389! I ask to have a look at it along with the 7650... it's quickly apparent that the 928 is the better for me being a die hard microsoft man. I discuss, play, and ask about it. I also discuss price, as they offering a "spread the payments" 12 month option (it goes on your bill with no extra credit checks. Interest free too).

I ended up getting it.

Physical Details:
Pefect. Fits in the hand perfectly. Fits in my jeans pockets perfectly. It's more confortable in my pocket than my Siemens SL45 which is replaces, since it actually takes up space in my pocket. It's weight is very good too (quoted as 194g iirc). The ariel on the top flips up and seems to do NOTHING for sucking in the GSM signal - although it seems to work better in low reception areas than my SL45. The stylus is too small and too angled - I've got small hands, and I found it hard to hold conformtably.

The cradle is nice, works well, but it would be nice if it "clipped" the device in. It also has the ghosting on the screen from the radio. Also the demo device in the store had this - it seems to be a common failing.

This is where the device starts to fall down. The pocket PC part of the device is fine, but the Phone sections of the device really do feel tacked on in a rush.

Firstly, here in europe SMS messaging is a *huge* thing - if a phone cant do that well, then it's not very good. There are a number of problems with this:
* no quick way to say "new SMS" - You either have to create a new email message and then change the service type (5/6 taps compared to 2 button presses on my Siemens), or Go into the "phone" applet, and then new sms (1 button press, 2 taps). Not good
* Reception of an SMS only displays the number, not the Name. WTF? Couldnt they look in contacts and display the name for the matching number, Ala EVERY OTHER PHONE IN THE WORLD. :mad:
* No ability to select reception reports - there is no way to select the option to have a delivery report when the destination recives my message. This would not have shown up so much on the XDA because O2 dont support delivery reports on their network (from a network into o2, it does, but no from a O2 device)

This really really really sucks. *BAD*. But I was prepared to forgive the device because overall it's really good.

My complaints about the phone functionality are not so bad, but it's still not wonderful. I synced with my desktop, and all is wonderful. Except that when I tried to dial my first number from Contacts, I got a message from the "Teles network" that the current number was unavailable... que? It seems I have to go through all my numbers and remove the leading 0...now, Outlook on the desktop expects the format +44 (01234) 456789 for the UK numbers to make it truely happy. PPCPE wanted +44 (1234) 456789. ARGH.

After playing with this device for all of saturday and sunday, I was feeling at home, and it seemed to be perfectly good for my needs, and it had a PPC as well, which meant I could play with developing some .net apps on it. On monday I thought I would investigate the PPC side of things a little more... Off I go in search of a remote control application to control my TV. Turns out the BBC have a wonderful tool from the Radio Times that gives tv schedule and allows you to change the channel... I download, install, sit infront of the TV, and try to change the channel - it locks the device solid requring a press of the reset button. I do this ~8 times before giving up. Great. There is an incompatbility with my Device :( I download a nother, but it does nothing with the TV - no lock ups this time!

Finally, we have the tour de force of bad things about this device (and PPC-PE in general)... it has no support for being used as a modem from a laptop. What were they thinking when they created the platform and left this off? :rolleyes: Because of this, I'm going to have to try and return the device - without this it's useless. Serves me right I suppose for not doing enought research before purchasing... no more impulse buys for me.

Excluding the modem problem: 7/10
With modem problem: 3/10

08-28-2002, 04:06 PM
it has no support for being used as a modem from a laptop

That's one of things that keeps stopping me from getting a PPCPE (that and the fact they are underpowered compared to the latest PPC offerings i.e. Loox).

You say you got it from a Vodafone shop, then mention the O2 network - which network are you on?

What's the signal like compared to 'normal' phones? I've heard the XDA has a weak signal, does this suffer as well?

Thanks for the review :D

08-28-2002, 06:05 PM
I got this phone from vodafone as an upgrade on my current contract (which was was on vodafone).

I have had a phone on O2 in the past (When it was cellnet) and also know people on O2 - O2 does not support delivery reports from devices on their network.

Sorry for the confusion :)

As for signal - it seems to pull it in better than my siemens did. For example, in my basement, my siemens would regularly lose it's signal, the HP manges to hold a signal 90% of the time.

08-28-2002, 07:49 PM
Sorry for the confusion
No problem :D

I'll have to see if any other carriers are doing the WDA - I'm currently with Orange, considering going back to Cellnet/O2, but I can't touch Vodafone due to poor coverage (West coast of Cumbria :lol: )

Turns out the BBC have a wonderful tool from the Radio Times that gives tv schedule and allows you to change the channel...
Thanks for the heads up on this. Never seen it before, but it's good. Doesn't work quite right with my TV (won't switch to AV) or Sky Box (Everything works but Power) and it's limited to about 2m with the iPAQ 3630 I was testing it with. Very nice tho'.

Monty Gibson
08-29-2002, 03:10 AM
So, is the damn thing coming to the U.S. or not. If not, will something like it be coming?

08-29-2002, 10:18 AM
the XDA is coming to the US.

The HP wont. It uses the TI OMAP chipset which is integrated GPRS/GSM & ARM cpu. The GSM part is only 1800/900 not 1900 like you silly americans.

08-30-2002, 11:27 AM
This review states that the 928 could be available in the US.

08-31-2002, 12:41 PM
A colleuge also purchased this device as well, and has been using it furiously for a week now. I returned my device yesterday with no hassle (yay me!).

Extended usage report:
This device has HUGE issues. I mean epic ones. It is very unstable requring a softreset 3-4 times a day because it freezes. These can happen at any time doing anything. To increase the likelyhood of your device freezing, Use gprs - a freeze will surely follow.

ActiveSync just doesnt work over the internet - either directly or over VPN; it just sits there and does nothing. Which defeats the purpose of this device

Needless to say I think this is going to be a second returned device

08-31-2002, 05:57 PM
I have had a 928 for 4 weeks now hand do not have any problems with it. I have never had a freeze althogh I have used GPRS extensively!

The only time I have had to reset is when sincing as was reported in the review because it registers as a guest.

It reuns all rhe software I used to run on my old ipaq and compared to that the 938 is verry wel behaved!

09-01-2002, 11:18 AM
Have you been able to succesfully sync over the internet?

09-02-2002, 07:34 AM
Have you been able to succesfully sync over the internet?

No I have never tried to. It's not some thing I have considered.

I have used it to connect to Avantgo and it was easier than when I used to use my ipaq with a bluetooth card and a R520!

09-02-2002, 10:39 PM
Two weeks down the line now and none of your problems have appeared. GPRS connectivity humming along nicely!! Activesync not tried though the Internet, but succesfully through Etherlent and WLan though! Syncing through the Internet is just a matter of DNS resolving after that.

For this PDA/PHONE is the best solution I have had in my hands for a long time!

09-03-2002, 11:47 PM
Got my 928 last week , also have an XDA. Battery life sucks on the 928 and I have experienced more resets then the XDA. I really like the general concept behind the 928 , its let down by its implementation. I notice that the TV remote control software locks up the device solid after one IRDA action.

The other rant I have on both the XDA and the 928 is that the pocket inbox IMAP support is terrrible. i get lost messages. confused messages etc. Its unusable.

What I want is an XDA with a flip lid and CF slot.

09-06-2002, 06:08 PM
I would like to purchase the HP 928. But before I proceed, can you tell me if the 928 (running on Texas Instrument OMAP 133 Mhz) is compatible with all the ARM 206 Mhz softwares.
I currently own a Jornada 568 and I have a lot of these softwares.
Thanks for your reply !

09-06-2002, 06:35 PM
So far all ARM software I've thrown at it runs on it ( nPOP, Pocket Informant, IA Album, WorldMate, eWallet, HandBase, TomTom Navigator, Pocket Artist 2, Pocket Slides, Palm Reader ).

09-07-2002, 10:26 AM
Glad to hear that ARM software work on the 928.
What about the speed? Is it working as fast as on the ARM?

09-08-2002, 07:44 AM
So far all ARM software I've thrown at it runs on it ( nPOP, Pocket Informant, IA Album, WorldMate, eWallet, HandBase, TomTom Navigator, Pocket Artist 2, Pocket Slides, Palm Reader ).

The only software I have founld that will not install on the 928 is Tomb Raider!

09-24-2002, 03:58 PM
Just to let you know that I finally bought the HP 928 from Vodafone and I'm very happy with it after 1 week of use.
All the softwares I had on my HP 568 work fine.
It's a little bit slower that the 568, but I guess this is because of the OMAP processor.
One problem is the earpiece for which I can't adjust the volume.
But all together it works fine.