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View Full Version : Should I get an iPAQ 3670?

08-23-2002, 08:42 PM

I have been looking to get a Pocket PC for some time now and have been looking at iPAQ's on ebay. I mostly was thinking about getting a 3670. I found one that someone won (with "buy it now") for $125 with a lot of accesories which was a great price. I am 15 and have about 150-180 to spend. What do you think? Should I try to get a 3670? or a 3650 and get a 64mb upgrade later on? Other than the 32mb memory difference, is there anything else different in the 3670 that the 3650 doesnt have?

Also, I have another question. If I get a Bluetooth CF Card and the CF expansion pack, would I be able to get online if I have a Bluetooth USB adapter on my PC and set a connection up?

Thanks for any help,

Brad Adrian
08-23-2002, 10:24 PM
Assuming the iPAQ is in good condition, it might be a good buy. One thing you might want to look into, though, is whether it's been upgraded to the 2002 ROM. If not, it'll work just fine, but you won't be able to take advantage of the enhancements of the 2002 version.

If it hasn't been upgraded, it may be difficult to do get you hands on the upgrade CD at this point in time.

Gaining access to the Internet with a BlueTooth connection is possible, but it's not as easy as it should be. I've never done it, so maybe somebody else has specific advice in that area.

Still, if the device is in good shape, you can't beat the price. It could be a very good entry-level Pocket PC for you.

08-23-2002, 11:02 PM
Wow 15! Wish I had an Ipaq when I was in school. Personally I would not take it to school. Every time I took something high tech the bullies would steal it from me. Did not even bother using a locker for the same reason.

ANYWAY! Yrah sounds like a good buy indeed! You really should upgrade it to PPC 2002 thouhg if it is not already. Like he said though, it will be hard, the upgrade CD is getting harder to get ahold of.

Active Sync should let you use Blue Tooth to sync you PPC with your PC. But I am not sure if it has native support or not. Hope this helps.

08-27-2002, 09:20 PM
Hey, not only did I use an IPaq for an entire year in Grade 13 (OAC to anyone who lives in Ontario), I also used it for my first year at University. Although a bad way of meeting girls, I found that the "handiness" of these devices was unparalled by clunky paper organizers.

If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't hesitate to get one. Might as well start young!

08-28-2002, 12:26 PM
Whether the cost is justified is up to you, but if you can possibly afford it, buy the 3670. Believe me when I say that the extra memory is worth it.

08-30-2002, 10:02 PM
Be sure the battery still has life left in it or you'll be using your device for a paper weight! :(

09-09-2002, 08:00 PM
Hey everyone taking time to reply. I just bought an iPAQ 3635 with a flipped screen for $87! Going to repair it :) Thanks everyone for replying. I'm hoping the battery is good, it was tested to power on and some functions... so we'll see. I'll post back when I get it, probably this week sometime.


09-21-2002, 05:19 AM
ok well i got it, and opened it and went to fix it, but the first time i put it back together nothing changed, then the 2nd time it worked but kept flickering back and forth, and by the fourth time i accidently broke the black lever thing that keeps it in place.. i guess ill just try to sell it and get a better one when i have enough money. im only 14 so that may time a while until i have enough $$ :wink: the battery was also dead, and the stylus that was supposed to come with it didnt, and the stylus latch was broken. :x lol. but the screen was in perfect condition. anyway, thanks for everyone takeing the time to reply.
