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View Full Version : Linux on the iPaq.

08-21-2002, 10:01 PM
Has anybody here tried to install Linux on their iPaq? All I know is that you need the serial sync cable, a CF sleeve, blank 64meg CF card to shuffle the images and roms around on and the distributions. I really want to do this as I know Linux some what.

Is a list of really cool screen shots for this window manager for the Open Linux project for the iPaq called Familiar.

Link to Familiar:

So my two questions are, has anybody tried this and what was your expereance? Do you know if there is any external keyboard support for this, such as the "Snap-n-Type" or the stow away keyboard? Thanks so much. :D

08-23-2002, 05:17 PM
Sorry for the bump.. No one can help me on this one? Thanks,

Jason Dunn
08-23-2002, 05:26 PM
You'd have better luck at Linux site - a Pocket PC without the OS isn't a Pocket PC, so I think you'll find most people here are happy enough with the OS. :D

08-23-2002, 10:54 PM
Hey well I thank you. I would have done that but I could not find one. Thanks again for taking time our of your busy day to write to me...

11-10-2002, 12:30 PM
Just to continue this post a little further. I hope NetDragon is not gone.

I have written a short article (http://www.connecteduser.com/a002.php) which discusses installing Linux on an iPAQ (3850) and how connectivity to PC, network and another PDA works. This includes the ability to transfer files and contacts between an iPAQ running Linux and an iPAQ running PocketPC 2002.

If you have an old iPAQ and or like Linux, this is REALLY cool.

Next, I want to make some clarifications. You do not need a CF sleeve or CF card. The ROM is sent directly to iPAQ over the Serial Cable. There is a method for copying the ROM from a memory card which is faster, but it is not required.

I understand there is even an option to dual boot an iPAQ with PocketPC 2002 and Linux.