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View Full Version : Suggestion: Advertiser index?

08-21-2002, 06:41 PM
I want to check prices for a wireless CF card for my Jornada 525 but wanted to do it through an affiliate link from Pocket PC Thoughts to help support the site. There should be an advertiser/affiliate link page where one could go to easily find a link to all the affiliates and advertisers. Right now I'm hitting refresh over and over to change the banners. Is there such a list that I missed somewhere?

Jason Dunn
08-21-2002, 08:23 PM
First up, I really appreciate your patronage and desire to support the site - that's great! Quite often though, affiliate programs take far more effort ot set up than they're worth. You have three options at the moment:

1) Use the Dealtime search box at the top of the home page to search for loewest prices on cards. Every time you click on a vendor link to go to their site to look at the product, we make a little (under a quarter though).

2) Buy through Amazon and put /jasondunn-20 on the end of the link like this:


3) Go into our HOT DEALS form and follow the affiliate links there to go to the site of our affiliate partners, and your purchase should be tracked.

Again, thanks for your support.

08-21-2002, 11:27 PM
Thanks! I'll check it out. I want a WiFi card so I can check out Starbucks new wireless Internet sevice.

Dave Beauvais
08-22-2002, 06:46 AM
... Buy through Amazon and put /jasondunn-20 on the end of the link ...
So it's not "jasonsego" anymore? --Dave

08-22-2002, 06:19 PM
Yeah I really want to get one of these 802.11b CF adaptors. I really like the "Symbol" one because it is so small and is also "Type I" if I recall, but it is expensive. Like 180 dollars. D-Link makes one for only 80 dollars, but it makes me wonder why it is so much cheaper. Is the Sumbol better with power management? Is the software better? My main concern with adding something like an 802.11b CF card to my iPaq is battery draw. I have as PCMCIA 802.11b adaptor for my laptop and it seems to use less power than my PCMCIA Ethernet adaptor. Odd? Anyway, enough with my rambling on. After you get your WiFi adaptor check out this site, looks very promising.



Jason Dunn
08-22-2002, 06:50 PM
I had both the D-Link and the Symbol/Socket cards at one point, and the D-Link card was much bigger and stuck out more - not nearly as "cool" as the Socket card. D-Link card had better range, but less power management options.

I've asked Socket if they'd be willing to do a special offer for Thoughts readers, so we'll see what happens...