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08-21-2002, 11:10 AM
I actually want to develop a code so that I can synchronise the pocket PC directly with the exchange server thru WAN. I am wondering if it is possible or it has alredy been done (If yes please refer me to the site which contain the code or info)?

I know that this actually can be done with Microsoft Mobile information server together with outlook mobile access, I am just wondwering if this is possible without going through another server.

Jason Dunn
08-21-2002, 03:35 PM
I'm not aware of any client that will let you sync directly against an Exchange server without first having MIS installed.

08-22-2002, 01:47 AM
Thanks for the reply. I check on the net and quite a few 3rd party developer have said to have this kind of product but just that I am not sure if they actually function like MMIS(Microsoft Mobile Information Server) requring another server to pull the data over before they can be accessed by Pocket PC via another programme (in the case of MMIS is outlook mobile access)

Have any one of you guys actually tried MMIS with Outlook Mobile Access? Is Outlook mobile access installed on the Exchange or the MMIS server

08-29-2002, 09:16 PM
PPC 2002 can do this itself, just start->activesync->tools->options and select the server tab. This lets you sync to an exchange server without an intermediate desktop.

08-30-2002, 12:09 PM
No, cnote, it can't. You actually need MIS installed as well as Exchange.

tslee, you might like to take a look at www.synchrologic.com. They've just released something called an Email Accelerator product that does what you want (I think).

It may or may not be more useful/cost effective than MIS.

09-01-2002, 10:40 AM
Thanks Ravenswing, I will download their trial version and give it a try.

Maybe I didnt specify my question really well.
Actually I am looking into developing a software that can be installed on the Pocket PC enabling REAL-TIME synchronistion with the Exchange server (when I am connected thru a wireless card).

So I want to check out the markat of similar products, as from my knowledge most of the product available have to work thru another server like Microsoft Mobile Iformation Server, thus I am just investigating the feasibility to do such a program.
You guys have any idea?

Another problem I have is that which Language in the Microsoft eMbedded tools 3.0 is better for developing such an application eMbedded Visual Basic or eMbedded C++?

09-02-2002, 01:23 PM
To my knowledge, nothing does what you are suggesting, but you aren't giving yourself an easy task. I don't believe the Pocket PC OS has the necessary protocols built in to achieve what you are suggesting, and you'd need to create a complete sync engine on the Pocket PC to get it to work. That would either be memory hungry, or bandwidth heavy.

If you're going to try it, I'd recommend Embedded C++ because I think you'll have hell's own job trying to write it in VB.

09-10-2002, 08:49 AM
I'd heard they were working on server sync and thought that it got into ppc 2002 and that's how you accessed it... Never tried it out and now that I think about it, the server tab is probably how you sync over IP to a desktop... Oops...

09-10-2002, 10:28 AM
No, the server tab is how you sync over IP to Mobile Information Server.

BTW, the next version of Exchange is supposed to have MMIS integrated, so then you will be able to sync directly with Exchange. However, that's not even in public beta yet.