Brad Adrian
08-13-2002, 12:28 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />One of the mobility-related sites that I hit on a daily basis is <a href="">TheFeature</a>. It's a good site for information about business issues relating to mobility and the occasional interesting reader poll. Well, next week, this site will be dedicated to offering articles about how people use mobile data services. To cap this "LifeStyle Week" off, TheFeature is holding a contest which will allow readers to contribute their own ideas about how mobility can be useful.<br /><br />"As of now, we're soliciting entries that describe, in your own words, which mobile services you have incorporated into your day-to-day life. On the final day of Lifestyle Week, TheFeature's editorial staff will select the top five most innovative services and publish them on the site. Readers can cast their vote for their favorite submission via the Expose Yourself poll box, and the entry with the most votes wins. The prize? A TheFeature Survival Kit - a thermal mug, t-shirt and compass."<br /><br />So, you might want to visit the site next week and either contribute some ideas of your own or cast a vote for others' ideas. I'm looking forward to seeing just how creative mobile users can be.