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View Full Version : T-Mobile GRPS Down???

08-11-2002, 05:03 PM
:?: Hello,

Since yesterday, I've been unable to get to the Internet from my T-Mobile
Pocket PC.

Last night, I called Customer Care, and after the tech taking me through
setting up a new connection, and still not working, the tech comes back on
the line and says, "Oh, I see now why - the service is down in your area.
Just try again in a couple of hours." I thought he was just trying to get
me off the phone.

So, tried again this morning - still no luck. Called Customer Care again
and told the rep what I had been told last night. She said that it was
still down. I asked where, and she said "everywhere" - that they were
switching over from iStream to T-Zones and that due to the upgrade, no on
would have data service anywhere.

So, does anyone have service (yesterday and today)? Anyone notice the same

Here's what I'm seeing:

1. I can make and receive phone calls and send/receive SMS messages. No
problem with that.

2. If I go to IE and try to load a page, a GPRS connection does get
established, but after that, I get a "The page you are looking for cannot be
found" error.

3. If I try to log into MSN Messenger, the server is never found.

All of this was working on Friday. I'm concerned that one of two programs
I've loaded could be causing the problems:

- ALL-locations GPRS Traffic Counter 3.0
- Ruksun's News Force 1.51

I uninstalled them both and tried again, but still the same results. But I
always wonder how well a program's uninstall works. (anyone had any trouble
with either of these programs?)

Please let me know if you are or are not seeing issues with the data


08-11-2002, 09:54 PM
All seems fine now, since about 1 hour ago. Everything is now working - IE, MSN Messenger, Mail, Newsforce.... all fine.

Jason Dunn
08-11-2002, 09:56 PM
Just a theory, but I wonder if they're selling so many T-Mobile devices that their network is overloading in some areas?

08-12-2002, 02:12 AM
My internet connectivity (GPRS) on my T Mobile worked fine while I was in Boston last week but no longer works here in Atlanta. It's also slow all the time. Does anyone have the settings that are known to work well ie settings|connections|Internet Settings etc...

Also, when I try to connect now, I get a few beeps and a white block in the top system bar with a "G" in it and then it fails. Does the "G" indicate that it's attempting to connect via GPRS? If so, I've never had it connected since I've never seen the "G" before when it was working...Scott

08-12-2002, 02:14 AM
You called customer care?...do you have their number?...Scott

Mr. Anonymous
08-12-2002, 05:17 AM
I had a problem connected via GPRS (it would show the G briefly then disconnect) when I first got my T-phone. A call to customer care (make sure to mention you have a Pocket PC phone and they'll wisk you away to a wireless data specialist) revealed the store I bought my phone from set me up with Lan/VPN GPRS settings, not internet. They flipped a switch on their end and it all worked.

T-mobile customer care is 1-800-937-8997. It would probably be a good idea not to call from your Pocket PC, as they usually need you to restart your phone, etc.

08-13-2002, 06:40 AM
Well, could be.... I know for a fact the stores here in my area can't keep enough of them on the shelves!!!

This is good!

08-14-2002, 06:01 PM
After two calls to cust service and both a hard and soft reset of the phone it appears as though GPRS may be working. I set-up new connections and it does connect reliably to the internet but it is very slow. The first technician I spoke with said that I was only circuit connected (dialed-in) and not GPRS connected. THe second technician I spoke with said that I WAS GPRS connected. In both cases the block "G" either came on and then quickly disappeared or didn't show on the screen at all. THe second technician said that the block "G" in the display won't alway appear even if I'm GPRS connected. THis sounds flakey to me...

Also, in the settings|connections panel I cannot get any bit rate over 19,200 to stick when I select it. I can set it to 115K but it will automatically go back to 19,200 no matter what I do. ANy ideas?