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View Full Version : Why we have the "Off Topic" category

Jason Dunn
08-07-2002, 03:38 AM
I've had a couple complaints over the past week from people who want the site to remain focused on Pocket PCs, and they seem concerned over the non-Pocket PC nature of some of our posts.<br /><br />There are generally three reasons why we do off-topic posts:<br /><br />1) We find something of great importance that we want to share with you, and we think you'll find it useful<br />2) We want to vent about something, sing the praises of something, or generally share some small part of our lives with you<br />3) It's a slow news day for Pocket PCs and we want to generate some discussion on the site and give some people a reason to come back<br /><br />The aspartame thread was way out there, and not something I'm likely to do again, but it falls under the first category. If I discovered something I felt was very important, I'd feel compelled to post it. If it ticks off 1% of you, but benefits the other 99%, so be it. My post on the digital video editing book, Marlof's post with his photos - those are all "type two" posts. We like to think that even if it's not directly related to Pocket PCs, you'll enjoy reading our posts because it may spark discussion on something we have in common.<br /><br />The Apple posts today were simply the result of a slow news day - I think it's fun to debate and mix it up over topics like this. If that doesn't interest you, you're certainly not obligated to click on the discussion link and read it all - at worse you've wasted 10 seconds reading the 300 word intro I wrote.<br /><br />I would, however, like your opinion on this. More off-topic, less, or none at all? Vote in the poll and give me your comments.

Ed Hansberry
08-07-2002, 03:42 AM
You forgot #4!

4) Ed finds something totally stupid and posts it on a Friday afternoon!

Look for another one this friday. :lol:

08-07-2002, 03:46 AM
Ohh.... let's cry because of the little bit of other stuff that shows up once in a while. My goodness; who is too immature here that they can't take a little bit of extra stuff once in a while........

Get a grip! I say the posts stays like it is! We're all adults here right? Let's not get to carried away here people.

The "thoughts" site is perfect; if you don't like it go over to the other sites and hang out we won't miss you at all! :wink:

08-07-2002, 03:46 AM
I'm with you on this. Really enjoy the off-topic every once in a while :D

Jason Dunn
08-07-2002, 03:48 AM
4) Ed finds something totally stupid and posts it on a Friday afternoon!

Maybe that's a partial solution - Friday afternoon is stupid post time, weekend is completely off topic, etc.

08-07-2002, 03:56 AM
I read all the headings but I certainly do not read every article posted here. That is not a bad thing, its just that not every article interests me.

You cannot please everyone here so please yourself. Post what interests you... if readership drops, then it is time to re-evaluate the content. It seems to me that there is much more content here than when I first visited... keep up the good work.

Here is a "off topic" thought for you. How about adding a spell checker function for the preview. I always "proof read" my stuff but it seems that many spelling mistakes sneak in regardless of my efforts. :roll:

08-07-2002, 04:07 AM
Here is a "off topic" thought for you. How about adding a spell checker function for the preview. I always "proof read" my stuff but it seems that many spelling mistakes sneak in regardless of my efforts. :roll:
Yes !!! Please !!! Some of us would really like a spell checker!

Bob Anderson
08-07-2002, 04:09 AM
wah, wah, wah....

Please... a few off topic subjects and people complain? I mean, REALLY, it's not like anyone pays to view this site. Jason & Co.: It's your site, do with it what you like (so long as it's legal.)

Some "off-topic" stuff I read, other stuff I don't - but the key is, I'm in in control. If I don't want to read a post... I just use that little "wheely" thing on my mouse and scroll right past it.

Keep up the good work - I love the site the way it is; but I'm waiting for those pocket PC raffles :wink:

Steven Cedrone
08-07-2002, 04:12 AM
Here is a "off topic" thought for you. How about adding a spell checker function for the preview. I always "proof read" my stuff but it seems that many spelling mistakes sneak in regardless of my efforts. :roll:

Hot Lingo (http://www.hotlingo.com/) works for me!!!!


08-07-2002, 04:15 AM
I love the occasional Off-Topic! First of all, we're already in danger of obsessing on Pocket PCs, so it helps to break it up and remind us there are other things in the world.

And, Jason, it's your site! Sure, your readership comes from people knowing that you are the "CNN of the Pocket PC world" (I love that moniker) but I think we can stand the odd detour.

Keep it up!

Jeff Rutledge
08-07-2002, 04:20 AM
I'll echo the sentiments so far. I enjoy the off topic stuff. Most of it is interesting to me. The topics that aren't -- I don't read 'em.

The great thing about this site is the sense of community. I don't think that feeling would be as strong if we didn't stray off the path every now and again.

I say keep things just as they are.

And, a good point has been made -- it's your site. Do what you wish.

08-07-2002, 04:46 AM
Part of what makes any site interesting is a variety of content - I find that Pocket PC Thoughts certainly does that! I read some of the off-topic posts and accompanying threads, others I ignore. But the overall variety is what helps make this site seem more like a community, rather than a hard-core newsroom, and is one of the reasons that I will continue to come around two or three times daily.......

08-07-2002, 05:01 AM
I'm not sure how long I have followed the opinions on this site, months, a year, maybe longer - seems like years. Strange, I've yet to break out of the box and post anything... So here goes - forgive me for a poor first post...

I whole heartedly enjoy every aspect of the reviews, opinions, and rants here - and wish for more. The PocketPC knowledge is great and the personalities that develop due to the rants etc. are what keep me coming back. I must say that the "off topic stuff" transforms you into characters that I can relate to, Please don't hide that. This is what differentiates you from any one of 'the other' PocketPC sites out there.

Phew, that wasn't so bad, maybe I'll have to post more often....

Master O'Mayhem
08-07-2002, 05:14 AM
Hey it is your site. Post whatever you want.

Robert Levy
08-07-2002, 05:22 AM
Have one of your PHP gurus allow registered users to choose whether or not offtopic posts appear on the front page for them.

08-07-2002, 05:23 AM
Jason, although I will never agree that apples (aside from the Washington variety) have any use in the real world :P! I do love the occasional variety that appears on this site. As coordinator of my user group I find that this is the best site for breaking news on PPC. So if you feel the need to express yourself in other ways...well isn't that what the web is for. Keep up the GREAT Work!

08-07-2002, 05:32 AM
usually cranky mean people are pretty vocal and have no problem sending emails like the ones you got jason. just ignore them.

and for you 5 cranky people out there, post here and explain why off topic stuff shouldn't be here.


08-07-2002, 05:33 AM
I think it's nice to break things up a bit. I also think it gives everyone a chance to see how others feel about different topics. I have really enjoyed participating in the Apple/Windows topic and learning about other readers of the site.

Rick T.

08-07-2002, 05:39 AM
I don't see what the big deal is about. It says "OFF TOPIC" right up front so you know wheteher you want to keep on reading within the first two words.

I think the off topic stuff is great, it makes me feel like I know each of the contibutors a little better. I especially like Ed's Friday Off Topic post, even though I don't get it until Monday morning since NZ is about 18 hours ahead.

Keep up the great work guys.

08-07-2002, 05:42 AM
I love this site, and usually check it between 10 and 30 times a day. I am a pocket pc fan, and consider myself very knowledgable on the topic. I completely devour the rumors, as well as the news bits on the site.

I also really like it when you guys go into rants and raves about products, trends, or just what you enjoyed in your lives. Not only does it give the site a personal touch, but it makes it easier to join into the site's discussions and arguments, because you feel in a way like you know the people.

Run the site the way you want to!!!! If you want to sign non-disclosures and rant all day about how much apples sucks (and it does), then so be it. I trust the people running it (Jason and the gang) to keep this the best and most frequently updated page on the web!

08-07-2002, 06:13 AM
I must say that the "off topic stuff" transforms you into characters that I can relate to, Please don't hide that. This is what differentiates you from any one of 'the other' PocketPC sites out there.


Hans the Hedgehog
08-07-2002, 06:45 AM
OMG! Jason, Marlof, Andy, and Ed, keep up the good work, keep posting on topic or off topic. Sure, sometimes I say, "Huh?" But that's one of the things that makes this site worth visiting!

Keep on posting, and don't let the monkeys get you down!

08-07-2002, 06:59 AM
Off Topic is what gives your site Mojo, baby!

Gots tuh have da Off Topic. Gives the site some freedom and flexibility, ya know. After all, there is more to life than just handhelds! Yes, I said it!

There are many things that Ive learned here that I probably would never have known about if it werent for the Off Topic posts.

I say, keep em coming, controversial or not. And ignore the goofball complaints! :P

08-07-2002, 07:26 AM
It think off topics, if reaching a certain number, should be given it's own site or a special column, just so people who has minimal time and memory space can just get the PPC related item.

how about putting them on different page? (second /back page/weekend edition maybe?) hell this can even be expanded to included comics etc. But front page shouldn't be filled with too much OT. afterall PPC news has been intense lately, so it's not like there is a need for slow news day filler post.

The I love/hate/PC/mac are specially useless/ It doesn't add anything, and violate the oldest known flame bait in the history of the net. (THE TEN USENET COMMANDMENTS. 1. Thou shalt not battle over operating systems. I am wise and in My wisdom have created diverse and various operating systems. Be true unto the chosen system and neither covet nor despise your neighbour's operating system.)

08-07-2002, 07:46 AM
we're already in danger of obsessing on Pocket PCs, so it helps to break it up and remind us there are other things in the world.

Jeff couldn't have been more right! That's precisely why we need off-topic posts and not just one every once in a while ...

08-07-2002, 07:59 AM
::wipes drool off his Jornada:: We are not obsessive here!

08-07-2002, 08:03 AM
I love off topic stuff, normally find it interesting. After all this is a journal! Even so, I would like the website to be kept pocket pc oriented, but I have learnt quite a bit from the off topic posts and I dont mind having them WHILE the pocket pc posts are kept to the quality we all love.

Thanks Jason and team!!

08-07-2002, 08:41 AM
Off topics keep it coming. It shows this site is not "a frog in a well", this site is well rounded.

Arne Hess
08-07-2002, 09:10 AM
Hey it is your site. Post whatever you want.
Yes - same thought here! If someone don't like it, he don't have to read it or pass away! Do it in the typical Thoughts style like in the past. Everything else would be a "copy" of ZDNet News...!

Jonathon Watkins
08-07-2002, 09:23 AM
All 'work' :wink: and no play makes Jack a dull boy.....
i.e. Keep the Off Topic posts as they are. I like seeing differnt viewpoints and ideas and it means that there is always something to look at or think about here. It's why I keep coming back. Keep em coming! :D

08-07-2002, 10:55 AM
Please do not stop the 'off-topics' I enjoy reading them, and because I enjoy it I keep coming back. I feel that off-topic postings keeps everything in perspective, and to be honest I don't always want to read about Pocket PCs, I kind of like reading about other technologies.

Keep up the good work!

08-07-2002, 12:18 PM
Don't mind most of the OT stuff. My only gripe in the past was when Sam when drone on about Palm stuff. Since I'm a budding digital camera freak now. . .feel free to post more on that :wink:

08-07-2002, 01:06 PM
I'd like to thank you for the Off Topic post about aspertame. Till that post I had regularly been drinking Diet Coke and using NutraSweet in my Tea and other beverages. After reading that article and noticing a correlation to how I've been feeling and some of the noted side effects I have since stopped all consumption of anything containing Aspertame or a dirivative of it. Again thank you for possibly saving my life. If it were not for your Off Topic post I may have never even known about it.

Keep up the good work and don't worry about what a couple of people think. I've been coming here at least 3 to 5 times a day for the last year+ and will continue to do so.

08-07-2002, 01:44 PM
Good Grief!!!

I have to agree with most everybody else. Is it so darn important that the site remains a "pocketpc" site only, that every little off topic post disrupts somebodys world??

Its your site, post what you want, if I dont want to read it, I can skip over it, if somebody else does not want to read it, let them skip over it, or get out!!

Its yours, do what you want, and let the others complain to their mothers!!


08-07-2002, 02:01 PM
wah, wah, wah....
... I just use that little "wheely" thing on my mouse and scroll right past it.

I love that little wheely thing! :D

Ken Mattern
08-07-2002, 02:05 PM
The first place I visit every day is Jerry Justianto's ebook blog. The second is PocketPCthoughts. I spend more time here.

The off topic posts are an important break and often amusing. The discussions which follow really lets us learn the personalities of the people who post. In fact sometimes we learn more about each other in off topic discussions.

Sometimes I learn important information which helps me in my job or my life by reading off topic postings. But if the subject doesn't sound interesting I'll skip it for the next posting.

Jason and team, keep it up. I've been visiting this site since day one and make it an important part of my day. I've learned a lot here and hope to continue to do so.



Jason Dunn
08-07-2002, 02:12 PM
Have one of your PHP gurus allow registered users to choose whether or not offtopic posts appear on the front page for them.

Yes, I've asked someone to work on that. :D

Jason Dunn
08-07-2002, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone - that's what I hoped you'd all say, but I wanted a little confirmation. :-)

Jason Dunn
08-07-2002, 02:19 PM
It think off topics, if reaching a certain number, should be given it's own site or a special column, just so people who has minimal time and memory space can just get the PPC related item.

I can only suggest that when you see OFF-TOPIC, you don't spend time reading it. And as for the 5 KB of memory that an off-topic rant would take up...I can't apologize for that. I think the community has spoken, and they don't want anything to change.

08-07-2002, 02:41 PM
All news is too impersonal... too dry... if I want that, I'll go to CNN, Ziff or somewhere.

Keep it up!

08-07-2002, 04:24 PM
I don't like the Palm posts on the site but I just don't read those posts, no big deal. I don't read every post anyway. You will never please all the people all the time. Keep up the good work. This is my favorite site on the net and I check it many times per day.

08-07-2002, 04:58 PM
I like the off-topic threads. For example, I'd never heard of Jerry Justianto, and his site looks very interesting. Thanks, Ken. :D

08-07-2002, 05:39 PM
Jason and gang :D

Keep up the great work and don't let a few comments deter you (especially from people whose 1 and only post is to ask you to stop :x )
This is a community site and a lot of us have grown to know about the personalities of all of you and some of the common board contributors. I come back because I want to hear not only the PPC news, but because I know we are all of a similar breed. We aren't all just interested in PPC's ... we like Apple's and PC news, we like techno news and DV news and by doing your "Off topic" posts, you sometimes open up the minds of viewers to other areas of interest and other sites that they may have never visited. This is a good thing.

For those that don't like it, all they have to see is Off-Topic and they can ignore the article in its entirety (sp? ... maybe that spell checker is a good idea :idea: ). Like another poster said, if you see a drop in readership over time, then you know that something is not kosher and you will need to review your content.

08-07-2002, 05:46 PM
Can I vote twice for that spell checker :?: :?: :?:

08-07-2002, 06:42 PM
This is how I think of it: Imagine if we all met in a conference hall and had Jason or Marlof discuss the news for the day--when the major headlines are done, the speaker steps off his soap-box and the rest of us discuss/rant on about the news. Eventually the conversations would drift off-topic until someone gets back up on the soap-box to get everyone's attention. I should have waited until Friday to post...


08-07-2002, 08:04 PM
As everyone else has said, just keep things going as they are. I enjoy the offtopic posts, even if I have to skip over the odd one if it doesn't interest me at the moment.

Jonathon Watkins
08-07-2002, 11:46 PM
Another vote for a spellchecker - I usually copy & pasted to and from Word - but it's a hastle. Is there any way to embed one in the posting form?

Jason Dunn
08-08-2002, 12:06 AM
Another vote for a spellchecker - I usually copy & pasted to and from Word - but it's a hastle. Is there any way to embed one in the posting form?

No, I don't think there is - phpBB doesn't have a spell checking module as far as I know. I highly recommend www.hotlingo.com - cheap, and works like a charm!

Jonathon Watkins
08-08-2002, 12:11 AM
Interesting. Looks good - I will set about installing the spellchecker for IE and seeing how it goes.