Ed Hansberry
08-05-2002, 07:00 PM
<a href="http://news.com.com/2100-1040-948358.html?tag=fd_top">http://news.com.com/2100-1040-948358.html?tag=fd_top</a><br /><br />The numbers aren't terribly different from what we <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2429">reported here a few weeks ago</a>. The overall market declined but Pocket PCs were able to increase market share and even overall units shipped. The net result is Palm OS has 50% of the worldwide market and Pocket PC has 28%. The rest of the market is either Symbian, Windows CE, Linux or some other minor player in the PDA space.<br /><br />This report has some year over year comparisons whereas the report mentioned above were versus the previous quarter. Palm dropped 9%. Recall that Palm had a particularly bad 2nd quarter in 2001 as the M500 series were late and there were Palm Vxs laying around that people didn't want. HP dropped 31%, but this was against a particularly strong 2nd quarter showing in 2001 as Compaq finally was able to ship a huge backlog of orders once they got production of the iPAQ ramped up. Dataquest also attributed some of the decline to people holding off until X-Scale devices ship in the third quarter. Third place Sony jumped 348%. Last year they really only had the 760 series. This year they have quite a few devices to choose from including the popular NR70 line. Fourth place Handspring dropped 30% and fifth place Toshiba didn't even exist in last year.<br /><br />In terms of dollars, HP is number one, shipping $220 million in product versus Palm's $217 million. Again, this is due to the higher price of the Pocket PC devices versus Palm's average selling price. Source: Foo Fighter