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View Full Version : What Spiritual Software Do You Use?

Brad Adrian
08-03-2002, 02:33 AM
Right now, I use Laridian's Pocket Bible and a couple of their add-ins for Bible study and leading discussions in my church's youth group. I'd like to know what other kinds of spiritual applications are out there that you can recommend. What I'd really like to find is some additional study guides or cross-reference tools.

08-03-2002, 10:16 AM
Other than a few e-books, I haven't come across anything that I like for the Pocket PC in the way of software. But, I'm planning a trip next week to the Anglican Book Store in Toronto, and a few other locations, I'll have a look and ask around regarding software for computer and pocket PC... I'm sure the folks have heard of something I haven't come across yet. If you have any ideas, I'd like to hear them please.



08-03-2002, 04:17 PM
I use Laridian (www.laridian.com). I currently have NAS bible with Exhaustive Concordance and Strong's Greek and Hebrew Dictionary, Ungers Dictionary and Handbook, and Life Application Bible Study Guide Notes.

Check out www.memoware.com. They have religious tomes from every walk of life including individual books of the bible. Not all books come in all readers, however.

Oh, did I mention they're al FREE?

08-03-2002, 04:23 PM
I need to add that I use HPC notes Pro to take Prayer requests, because I can send them via e-mail to my class I teach on my next sync. I take notes in Word in church (people still think I'm playing games!).

When I teach Sunday School, I make my notes and outline on Word on my PC then transfer it to my PPC. I've considered using a VGA card to make presentations, but I can't justify the cost.

Of course I have categories I use in PIMs (Pocket Informant) for church related activites and contacts.

08-05-2002, 09:18 PM
I use the reader from www.yanceyware.com

He has a really nice format. Most of the books and scripture are from the LDS faith but if all you want is the King James version of the bible you can just load it.


08-06-2002, 07:57 PM
All from Laridian:
PocketBible Reader
ESV Bible (primary study)
NASB with Strongs/Greek & Hebrew Dictionaries (study)
NIV Bible (casual reading)

Word for taking notes

08-06-2002, 08:40 PM
Haven't seen much worth taking note of besides Laridian.
I use the PocketBible, NIV, for daily use, and the Life Application Study Bible Notes for indepth study and reflection.

09-01-2002, 11:44 PM
I'm a Catholic, so I'm always on the lookout for anything with the Deutero-canonicals (aka Apocrypha) included. Since there isn't much available for the Pocket PC, I have to be creative:

I do use PocketBible for the NRSV, but I'm not too keen on politically correct Bibles, so I also used WinHTTrack Website Copier to snag the New American Bible (not the NASB, by the way) from http://www.usccb.org/. I'm still looking for an RSV with deutero-canonicals.

I also used HTTrack to grab the Catholic Catechism and the Documents of Vatican II. Overdrive Readerworks can be used to turn Web copies of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Code of Canon Law into great eBooks, which I also have.

If that weren't enough, Acrobat Reader for Pocket PC can be used to read all of the daily prayers from http://www.liturgyhours.org/, so I don't need my breviary that has more bookmarks than pages. :)

09-03-2002, 03:03 PM
I use BibleReader from OliveTree.com. I have 9 english Bible versions, Swedish New Testament and a three volume commentary of the entire Bible installed. All free, program and books. They sell other versions, which include more popular, copyrighted versions. I mostly use the free God's Word text, which I have found very readable and accurate and would highly recommend. Very fast and and quite intuitive, although it does have some minor bugs. For anyone one with a PDA who does not yet have a Bible program installed due to money concerns, I would suggest getting the BibleReader and the God's Word text. I think you will be amazed at how useful you find it to be. Even though I have been too cheap, if this works well for you, I would suggest buying some of their material, to support the effort.

That said, I also have the Laridian PocketBible Demo installed, and the program is much more polished and has some attractive features. It is slower, though. When I get all my PPC hardware accessories and start paying for software, I'll probably get PocketBible with NIV (which is not even available on BibleReader; I suspect DRM issues), but I would intend to keep the Olive Tree product installed for the multiple versions and commentary.

Other than that, Laridian has some free download e-tract things that can be a good way to demonstrate your PDA to someone (slideshow type presentations).

I might add that Olive Tree BibleReader is supported on the Casio BE-300, which at ~$150US would make an excellent combination to suggest to someone that expresses interest in what you're using but can't spring for a color PocketPC. Way better than reading on a 160x160 mono palm screen