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View Full Version : X10 control with your Pocket PC

Jason Dunn
07-30-2002, 10:37 PM
<a href="http://www.inhomesolutions.com/homeserver/mobile/demo/">http://www.inhomesolutions.com/homeserver/mobile/demo/</a><br /><br />No, no, it's not one of those wireless cameras that are on every pop-up ad in existence - this is an application that allows you to control your X10 products using Pocket Internet Explorer. It's currently in beta, but it looks promising for those of you with X10-equipped homes.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/x10control.jpg" />

07-31-2002, 05:21 PM
This should be really nice. I don't have X-10 switches or automation, but my parents do, and guess what I just got both of my parents using pocket pcs to organize there activities (My dad quickly fell in love my mom is taking some time getting used to it). Now all i have to do is wait for when they are upgrading some of there switches and such, and BOOM I have some X-10 automation for my house and a pocket pc with a wireless connection to controll it. Does this mean i can start dinner on my way home from work. Hell Yes! Think about using a pocket pc to turn on the lights as you drive up to home, or just to freak out your roommates as you explain the house is haunted. Yarrrgg i am bored and this technology will be fun for me.

08-01-2002, 12:35 AM
The linked site is BAD broke, coupled with the fact that there is zero contact information on it as well.

I am also _very_ interested in this subject and ppc based approach... have been toying with the idea of writing my own but am much too lazy even not considering my skill gaps.

Virtually every installed light in and ourside of our home (cept the bedroom) is hardwired X10, the studio 100' behind the house as well, plus heat/ac, computer power, several radios, a distributed door bell system, driveway and perimeter X10 signalling motion sensors.

Top that off with temporary X10 control and sensors for special projects that range from portable motion sensors to a remote controlled fence charger at the cat door to deal with racoons without inflicting serious trauma on the cats.

With all of that, the most used, and appreciated, option is the "all off" button from a warm bed ;-)

There is also an X10 activeX control (for the ibm home director) available for those who have the skills.

08-01-2002, 12:51 AM
...does anyone know where I can buy these without giving my business to the X10.com folks, at least directly? I really want to use these technologies, but I can't stomach doing business with them. :oops:

...preferrably a Canadian source, too.


08-01-2002, 02:12 AM
X10 the technology for home automation has nothing to do with the X-10 people that do the pop up ads. X 10 automation has been around much longer than the little camera people. So you can buy X 10 anywehre and not deal with x10.com folks. Best buy even sells some X10 stuff (or was that comp USA) either way you can by the kits various places. Want some automation look up some of the stuff on google i am sure there is some local areas around you that install and configure systems. But PLEASE remember it has NOTHING to do with the annoying pop up add company.

mmmmmmmm automation..

08-01-2002, 05:23 AM
...does anyone know where I can buy these without giving my business to the X10.com folks, at least directly? I really want to use these technologies

To begin with;

Radio Shack

A good starting place is www.smarthome.com which carries a wide selection of vendors, plus they have a pretty good description of how things work.

One major benefit is that you can build a system with small chunks, generally around $15 each, wait for sales and get even better deals... there is almost always a "kit" that has a controller, lamp switch, and appliance switch for cheap.

And... twasn't originally "X10" but "BSR" from the UK... got started at Sears almost 30 years ago and not only are the prices the same or cheaper, still have some of those original units in place and working. Their concept was to market the controller ic chip and allow anyone to build what they wanted as long as the chip came from them. Most vendors simply re-branded BSR stuff, and BSR eventually became "X10"

08-01-2002, 01:15 PM
Is it me, or is Australia just too far away from everyone else for this kind of technology....

Wish I could run around the corner to compUSA.....