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View Full Version : Question w/the Expansion pack plus

07-29-2002, 02:45 AM
i recently bought a CF expansion pack plus, and i am running PPC 2k2.

ok so, the exp pack comes with a CD so that it can make my PPC know how to use the battery correctly or something. i put the CD in, and the program tells me i dont have to update it or something. i figure it's because im running 2k2. but every now-and-then i get a battery fault. no biggie. battery does increase the life signifigantly. i was just wondering if i should run the update on my ppc anyways. thanks.


08-06-2002, 05:35 AM
If the CD is telling you, that you don't need to run it then you don't. What it is doing is checking to see if the version on your iPAQ is at it's level or higher. So it's checked and your at least at it's level if not in fact higher.