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View Full Version : e740 SD Problems

07-24-2002, 01:22 AM
I just traded my iPAQ 3835 for a e740, and its been smooth sailing...until I noticed the e740 wasn't able to use my SD card.

I had the card full of music that I had been using on my iPAQ, so I just switched it over to my e740. It had been locked just in case I was to delete the songs and have to redownload them all. I decided to change my playlist a bit, only to find out that the Toshiba refused to write to it. I unlocked it, kept it out and soft reset it, reset it with it in, taken the CF card out and reset it, etc etc. I'm REALLY not looking forward to hard resetting it, but I may have to. Any suggestions?

07-24-2002, 01:39 AM
Okay, now I'm REALLY mad. I hard reset the machine, and I'm still running into the problem. I'm starting to think it may just be the SD card is messed up, except that that rarely happens, it checked out fine when I ran a diag on it, and its only a few months old.

Jason Dunn
07-24-2002, 02:56 AM
Can you read/write to the SD card from your desktop?

07-24-2002, 04:00 AM
I don't have a USB reader, unfortunately, for SD. Of course, via ActiveSync I can't read it.

I really don't see any options to fixing this, as I haven't known flash memory cards to randomly write-protect themselves 8O

07-24-2002, 05:48 AM
I am sure that I read that the e740 has problems with SD cards made by sandisk

Jason Dunn
07-24-2002, 02:21 PM
I really don't see any options to fixing this, as I haven't known flash memory cards to randomly write-protect themselves 8O

Try using this tool to examine/format the card:


07-25-2002, 05:55 AM
Apparently there are problems with the 740 and Sandisk SD cards. (You know, the ones that are now being madly discounted :evil: )
I'm pretty sure that Toshiba is aware of the problem, so something might be done to resolve it soon. Don't hold your breath, though.

07-26-2002, 09:27 AM
FlashFormat is what I used to check out the card earlier, it came out clean. I guess I'll have to wait for Toshiba to release a patch.

07-26-2002, 11:33 PM
read the post by pDa near the bottom. http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=5ae16e8ddb26497943106a71434a7a83&threadid=54789

07-29-2002, 09:33 AM
I have a SD and a few others over at Pocketpcpassion.com have reported the problem. If you reformat the card what format have you set it to? Fat32/512? This seems to be the best settings. I haven't had a problem with my Sandisk 64MB SD card. If you need more details do a search of the Toshiba forum at http://www.pocketpcpassion.com/forum

I hope this helps,

08-02-2002, 06:47 PM
I was using a SanDisk 128mb SD card with my Maestro. I've had trouble with it even after formatting it with storage tools...I'm sending it back. I still need one, but I won't be buying another SanDisk SD....

08-04-2002, 08:04 PM
I have the 3850 and e740 that I just got last Friday. I use 128 mb Kingston card and so far no problems. I can use all music videos and my docs. I am thinking your card my have some separation anxiety issues. I had similar issues when only using my ipaq and 64 mb and 128 mb cards they would get confused. Then again my ipaq would never recognize a SD card using Flash Format…hmmm

08-13-2002, 11:23 PM
i was having the same problems with my 64MB Sandisk SD card. i would insert it and it wouldnt write to it. I even returned it and it still wouldnt work. I finally figured out that as i insert the 64MB sd Card into the sd slot on my e740 that it would move the lock to the locked position. and when i took it out it would move it to the unlock position. so i finnaly put a peice of tape over the lock so that it would stay in the unlocked position and it works great now. havent had that problem anymore. only thing is that its a bit difficult to take the sd card out.

PC Boy
08-19-2002, 12:02 AM
I had a 32meg MMC card from Sandisk. I also had problems with my new e740 and this card! It completely corrupted the data on it and forced me to purchase a new card. I bought a Memorex 32meg MMC card and as of this point, I have no problems! I must say though... That really sucked..

08-20-2002, 04:30 AM
Sandisk seems to have more than its share of compatibility problems. I sent two 64 MB Sandisk SD cards back because neither worked correctly in two different Casio E-200s.

I only buy Panasonic SD cards now and have not had any problems with them.