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Dave Conger
07-16-2002, 11:43 PM
What are people using to backup their devices? I am taking a look into some of the different backup solutions and just wonder what people are using or what experience they have had with different solutions.

Jorj Bauer
07-17-2002, 02:07 AM
What are people using to backup their devices? I am taking a look into some of the different backup solutions and just wonder what people are using or what experience they have had with different solutions.

I've done ActiveSync via serial, ActiveSync via USB, ActiveSync via 802.11b, CF flash, and CF MicroDrive. The latter two via either Compaq's built-in CF Backup program or Toshiba's.

ActiveSync via 802.11b is the fastest, and there's a utility somewhere or other that lets you pull individual files out of it. That's probably the best solution I've used.

After that, CF MicroDrive is the best. CF Flash takes a longer time to write (nature of the beast, even with fast CF Flash). With Compaq's utility, you can't see into the file. I haven't played with Toshiba's enough yet to make any intelligent comments about it.

ActiveSync via Serial has got to be the worst experience I've ever had backing up any device I've ever owned. Except maybe an i-opener via 2400 baud serial trying to flash the stinkin' flash disk.

I've never had to look any farther than that. Is there some particular problem you have that you're trying to solve with third-party software, or is this the sort of feedback you were looking for?

Jason Dunn
07-17-2002, 03:45 AM
What are people using to backup their devices? I am taking a look into some of the different backup solutions and just wonder what people are using or what experience they have had with different solutions.

I know a developer who is working on a very slick backup solution - it will even back up over FTP! I'll post on it as soon as it's ready.

Dave Conger
07-17-2002, 06:37 AM
I've never had to look any farther than that. Is there some particular problem you have that you're trying to solve with third-party software, or is this the sort of feedback you were looking for?

Thanks for the info. I am not looking to solve a problem, but just looking to see what people use. I have run some tests on programs like Sprites Pocket Backup, Compaq's built-in CF Backup program, and AS, and just wondered what else people were using. I noticed you said that Compaq's CF Backup took a long time to write, but something interesting to see is that Pocket Backup takes much less time to write. These are some of the things I wanted to take a look at between the programs, but I want to know what people are using, and then I am running the same test across the all of them.

Jorj Bauer
07-17-2002, 01:37 PM
I noticed you said that Compaq's CF Backup took a long time to write...

Only to a CF Flash card. To a CF MIcroDrive (1G), it took no time at all. It's just the inherent latency of writing to CF Flash that bugged me. (Although it certainly is possible that other 3rd party solutions will back up to the same media faster because they take less time to prepare the data for storage.)

07-19-2002, 07:08 PM
I've never had to look any farther than that. Is there some particular problem you have that you're trying to solve with third-party software, or is this the sort of feedback you were looking for?

to see what people use. I have run some tests on programs like Sprites Pocket Backup, Compaq's built-in CF Backup program, and AS, and just

We have tried a few - Pocket Backup is great. Simple to use. VERY FAST. Based on same technology as Ghost. Typical backup or restore for a 32MB unit is 4-5mins, instead of 20mins with the built-in app. Great for doing multiple installs, cloning machines.

[I have no vested in interest in Sprite.]

Dave Conger
07-23-2002, 01:12 AM
In the last week I took a look at five different backup solutions and ran a couple tests for speed. Sprite Pocket Backup came up to be one of my favorites as was ArtSSave.


07-23-2002, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the Backup article Dave. :)