Jason Dunn
07-16-2002, 08:02 PM
<a href="http://www.devbuzz.com/content/zinc_pocket_pc_summit_2002_pg1.asp">http://www.devbuzz.com/content/zinc_pocket_pc_summit_2002_pg1.asp</a><br /><br />Dwayne Lamb was written an article on the recent Pocket PC Summit in Philadelphia. Dwayne covers a few of the things I forgot to, and it makes for a good read.<br /><br />"The four days I spent in Philadelphia attending the recent Pocket PC Summit were a little like a roller coaster ride. Although overall a very upbeat event, peaks of optimism were countered by the valleys of pessimism in ways that I have not experienced in conferences past. Perhaps recent events in the stock market and the troubles in the economy have brought out the more conservative side of those in our industry or perhaps it is a reflection of the social and psychological changes brought on by the numerous major events during the last year."