Jay Hartman
07-13-2002, 04:43 PM
Hi, Everyone!
We've been working very hard with publishers to get their entire catalog into our Ebook Database. We've recently added the catalogs of 1stbooks and Perfectbound (Harpercollins), and nearly all of our existing publishers have added and updated theirs. This is NOT a padded catalog, meaning you won't find 100 listings of some literary classic you can get anywhere. These are 8,800 legitimate entries from over 140 publishers around the web.
We've also added roughly 12 new genres for our readers to search with, including Movie/TV Tie-Ins, Asian Studies, Native American Studies, Military History and more.
If you're looking for something new to read, be sure to check out our Ebook Database at:
You're bound to find something you like! Just remember, we don't sell ebooks...we just help you find them!
Jay Hartman
Content Editor
We've been working very hard with publishers to get their entire catalog into our Ebook Database. We've recently added the catalogs of 1stbooks and Perfectbound (Harpercollins), and nearly all of our existing publishers have added and updated theirs. This is NOT a padded catalog, meaning you won't find 100 listings of some literary classic you can get anywhere. These are 8,800 legitimate entries from over 140 publishers around the web.
We've also added roughly 12 new genres for our readers to search with, including Movie/TV Tie-Ins, Asian Studies, Native American Studies, Military History and more.
If you're looking for something new to read, be sure to check out our Ebook Database at:
You're bound to find something you like! Just remember, we don't sell ebooks...we just help you find them!
Jay Hartman
Content Editor