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View Full Version : Using a Pocket PC for evil

Ed Hansberry
07-08-2002, 02:00 PM
<a href="http://www.auburnpub.com/">http://www.auburnpub.com/</a><br /><br />Pocket PCs are like other inanimate objects, neither good nor evil. They can be used for good or evil purposes though. I think you would agree that we all use them for good. <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" /> Well, we know have an example of them being used for bad purposes - <i>parking tickets!</i> Read the article called "Meet your new high-tech ticket" in the lower left hand column. <a href="http://www.auburnpub.com/third.html">The story is continued here</a>. These programers should really spend their time on useful endeavors, like a full blown newsreader or high powered text editor for Pocket PCs, not for parking tickets. <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_evil.gif" /> Evil I tell ya! What's next? Speeding tickets? Tax collections from the IRS? <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_lol.gif" /><br /><br />Source: Bob Atkinson<br /><br /><b>UPDATE:</b> Apparently Auburn's "The Citizen" doesn't have archive links and between the time I posted this and now, they have removed all of yesterday's content and put up new stuff. Sorry about that folks. If anyone pokes around and can find the article again, post it to this thread and I'll update the links in the main post.

07-08-2002, 02:58 PM
Ed, I think you haven't read the article atentiously. It was difficult for me to understand, too.

The fact is that using the Pocket PC enabled them to implement a 2-hour free parking program for the center of the city that otherwise they wouldn't have! And then, for every minute of parking, they would have to put coins in the machine.

I dream with a program like this for the center of the cities here, since it is very rare for me to park more than 2 hours. No luck, meanwhile. Good to know that the US is trying projects like this.
