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View Full Version : The Xentex Flip-Pad Voyager

Jason Dunn
07-02-2002, 09:50 PM
<a href="http://www.xentex.com">http://www.xentex.com</a><br /><br />There's a trend in the laptop world to make things lighter and smaller - generally, that's a good thing. Xentex, however, has other ideas: the Flip-Pad Voyager is a monster of a laptop, boasting a 20" screen that actually comes in two pieces. It also has four USB ports, Ethernet, modem, two PCMCIA slots, firewire, and many other features (including a staggering $4995 US price tag). I've never seen anything like this before, and in my book that makes it very cool - I love seeing traditional boundaries shattered and remade into something new (part of the reason I'm excited about the Tablet PC).<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/flip-pad.jpg" /><br /><br />Source: <a href="http://www.lockergnome.com/issues/techspecialist/20020702.html">LockerGnome Tech Specialist</a>. And if anyone is interested in buying one of these, let me know first, and I'll sign up as an affiliate. <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" />

07-02-2002, 10:52 PM
This is one funky computer, man! Nice! Id love buy something like this. I really like the split screen concept. And I cant believe how they designed it to fold up twice like that. One half of the screen can swivel around to show someone else what youre up to. Really amazing. 8)

07-02-2002, 10:52 PM
Why not just a bigger LCD? That line down the middle seperating the two displays would drive me crazy!

07-02-2002, 10:57 PM
Why not just a bigger LCD? That line down the middle seperating the two displays would drive me crazy!

I know what you mean, but it wouldnt bother me at all. It wouldnt be any different than working with two flat panels on a desktop.

07-02-2002, 11:06 PM
I know what you mean, but it wouldnt bother me at all. It wouldnt be any different than working with two flat panels on a desktop.

I actually have a three monitor set up (19", 21", 19") so I see the value of multiple displays... but for a portable unit, I would prefer just to have a single large display rather than a split display. Folding is nice in making it compact, so in its own way it is still cool.

07-02-2002, 11:18 PM
I actually have a three monitor set up (19", 21", 19") so I see the value of multiple displays... but for a portable unit, I would prefer just to have a single large display rather than a split display. Folding is nice in making it compact, so in its own way it is still cool.

Boy, triple head setup, huh... Man, that must be nice. You also must have one huge desk, too :)

I looked at the specs on that laptop, and although the concept is very cool, Im a bit unimpressed with the specs. I dont care for AMD, and no DVD CDRW combo drive. Id like to be able to choose a bigger HD, and even more RAM, but I suppose you cant have everything. They really should allow customers the flexibility of configuring it how they want instead of making the choice for them. No legacy ports, though, and Im all for that. But it wins the unique award for the year.

07-03-2002, 12:55 AM
For that price, you can buy two (sub) notebooks and duct tape them together. :twisted:

Ed Hansberry
07-03-2002, 04:49 AM
I could never get used to that non-standard keyboard layout down the middle. And 12 lbs! Ouch!

Will T Smith
07-03-2002, 05:10 AM
I'm not sure about the Left set function keys.

No standard desktop has this orientation. They would be better served with a widescreen LCD, Pop out numeric keypad, and standard function keys.

07-03-2002, 05:39 AM
Well screen wise it makes perfect sense. A screen that size and shape would have to be custom made and that costs $$$$. Form the looks of things it looks as if they took 2 standard laptop screens and flipped them on their side and put them together.

Plus there is a seriously added benefit to presentation buffs out there. One of the screens can swivel around. 12 pound laptop. BAH! that's nothing!!!! ;) You guys need to exercise more. Bench press those Compaq deskpro 2000's. One and two and one and two and one..... :D

07-03-2002, 09:57 AM
Well, it would only be usefull for one on one presentations. If you're talking to two or more people, or even an entire conference room, you'd still need a beamer. I doubt all those people would like cramming themselves around that tiny screen :roll:

07-03-2002, 02:18 PM
Talk about a useless piece of cr*p!
It's a NEAT concept, but the hardware is pathetic. If they had used two UXGA panels, that would be an AMAZING machine, but they cut corners in EVERYTHING.

07-03-2002, 08:58 PM
Talk about a useless piece of cr*p!
It's a NEAT concept, but the hardware is pathetic. If they had used two UXGA panels, that would be an AMAZING machine, but they cut corners in EVERYTHING.

Yeah, I know what youre saying. I think the design and the concept are great, but the specs are indeed disappointing. They need to give the customer more control, heck, just any control, over customizing it. They almost got it, but no cigar. Also, I would have put in Synaptics new cPad touchpad, and I agree with you, they should increase the resolution on those screens. Otherwise, its really slick.

07-04-2002, 02:34 AM
Well, it would only be usefull for one on one presentations. If you're talking to two or more people, or even an entire conference room, you'd still need a beamer. I doubt all those people would like cramming themselves around that tiny screen :roll:

Well that's a given. IF you have a 20 foot conference table you aren’t going to use it, but have you ever been with a vendor that is trying to show you their software. In a meeting with only 5 or so people. Something like this would work. But 5 grand. *shrugs* Still think its cool.

07-06-2002, 06:11 AM
some people here don't seem to realize that the whole notebook can be folded in 4!!!

That is you can fold it normally in 2 by closing the screen/cover back over the keyboard, plus you can fold the closed notebook in 2 again!!!

Look here: