Ed Hansberry
06-25-2002, 02:00 PM
<a href="http://www.nandotimes.com/technology/story/445711p-3566995c.html">http://www.nandotimes.com/technology/story/445711p-3566995c.html</a><br /><br />No more going back to the station to look at mug shots. "Sgt. Larry Bryant, who oversees records for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, can use his hand-held organizer to instantly search more than a million mug shots by such variables as eye color, height and even distinctive tattoos. So instead of driving back to the office to pull a file, Bryant can look up a person's booking profile - including color photograph, address and aliases - while out on the street."<br /><br />Departments with wireless connections can search their entire database. Those without can still carry around some 50,000 mug shots, all with searchable descriptions. The systems run on Pocket PC devices. Once cameras are added to the systems, it will be possible to modify the software to allow facial recognition.