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View Full Version : You're...a bunch of animals!

Jason Dunn
06-23-2002, 07:54 PM
People, people, people. <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_eek.gif" /> When I posted about the hilarious <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1426&highlight=triumph">Triumph the Dog Star Wars event</a>, I thought I'd save the guy who had the original file some bandwidth by hosting the file here, and give you all a good laugh. It was 17.2 megs in size, so I figured I'd burn through maybe a dozen gigs of download bandwidth when some of you downloaded it. Looking at the log files from last month and so far this month, guess how much bandwidth you ate up just on that one file? <i><b>282 gigabytes.</b></i> Boys and girls, that's 282,000 megabytes of data transfer in less than 22 days (roughly 16,395 downloads)!<br /><br />If I didn't have such a wonderful, kind, and generous hosting sponsor in <a href="http://www.sonicmobility.com">Sonic Mobility</a>, I probably would have had the plug pulled on my server. Yes, I know that it's my own fault for putting up a 17.2 meg video file, but come on - how many people did you send the URL to? <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif" /> Let me bust into some Internet theory here for a second: the Internet succeeds because it's based on distributed computing. Multiple nodes share the load. One node doing all the heavy lifting is bad. So instead of sending everyone the URL to download it, as good little nodes you should have put it up on your own servers, or sent it to your fellow nodes via instant messaging. <img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif" /><br /><br />At any rate, I though you might be interested in the sheer volume of bandwidth that file consumed. I've since deleted the file off the server because the bandwidth drain wasn't slowing down - it seems that the URL has been spread a little far and wide.<br /><br /><b>UPDATE:</b> No, I'm not actually criticising any of you for downloading this file. It's free, it's funny, so of course you're going to download it! I just wanted to let you know how much traffic this one file generated. In the words of Triumph, "I kid, I kid!"

06-23-2002, 08:13 PM
I think thats a little unrealistic Jason. If you don't want people to D/L it, then don't post it. Or conversely, cap the limit and state what the limit is. Just a "thought'.

06-23-2002, 08:38 PM
I appreciate your hosting of the original file. I downloaded to a shared directory at work and shared it with people at the office. :)

For other works of Smigel i.e. Triumph the insult dog, go to iFilm (http://www.ifilm.com/search/simple/1,3853,,00.html)

06-23-2002, 08:49 PM
dozen gigs of download bandwidth when some of you downloaded it. Looking at the log files from last month and so far this month, guess how much bandwidth you ate up just on that one file? 282 gigabytes. Boys and girls, that's 282,000 megabytes of data transfer in less than 22 days (roughly 16,395 downloads)!

But it sure was funny! :).

I for one did the right thing and shared it off of my PC, so I only account for one of those downloads :).


06-23-2002, 08:53 PM
Anyone has this mirrored? I never saw it at the time, and would LOVE to see it.

Thanks for all.

Phew Jason, u know what that kind of bandwidth can cost? I think we ALL should be grateful to sonic mobility.

06-23-2002, 08:54 PM
folks, if you still need your triumph the dog fix, i have an aniamted today theme that plays his classic tag line when you tap your today screen.


06-23-2002, 10:21 PM
I also did not get a chance to see it, and the original url isnt up either. Any other mirrors?


06-23-2002, 10:27 PM

I can put it back online if you want...but I don't have the file anymore.

Jason Dunn
06-23-2002, 10:32 PM
I think thats a little unrealistic Jason. If you don't want people to D/L it, then don't post it. Or conversely, cap the limit and state what the limit is. Just a "thought'.

Oh come now, notice the use of many :D's in my posting - I was really only kidding. I was simply amazed at the sheer bandwidth that was consumed!

Jason Dunn
06-23-2002, 10:36 PM
Phew Jason, u know what that kind of bandwidth can cost? I think we ALL should be grateful to sonic mobility.

I'm EXTREMELY grateful to them. Based on what my original provider was charging me, the Triumph download ALONE would have cost me thousands of dollars (no joke). Sonic Mobility is incredibly generous with their sponsorship of me! :D

06-23-2002, 10:38 PM
282 gb of bandwidth!

Well, I had stuff here but have removed it...

06-23-2002, 10:44 PM
Ok, I misconstrued what you said. Speaking of Sonic. . . .how is their network admin app doing?

Jason Dunn
06-23-2002, 10:55 PM
282 gb of bandwidth for something as trivial as that is ridiculous. Why!? What were you thinking?

Gee, thanks for judging me. :? First off, it's my site. I can post what I want, regardless of how "trivial" it might seem to others. Second, I thought the clip was HILARIOUS and I wanted to share it with all of my readers. You can run your own site however you wish, but don't tell me how to run mine. Thanks.

That is probably hundreds of dollars worth of bandwidth charges. If you didn't want to burden the original server, why even post about it at all? Was it worth the hundreds - maybe thousands of dollars it costs?

On a traditional server, it would have been thousands of dollars. Thankfully, Sonic has a 10 megabit dedicated, flat-rate connection. It doesn't cost them anything more than what they're already paying per month. If Sonic was paying for the bandwidth, I would have NEVER posted a file like this, and probably would have started blocking AvantGo long ago.

I don't think Sonic Mobility is going to be very happy...

You're overstepping your bounds here again - don't presume to judge my relationship with Sonic Mobility. I wouldn't have posted it if I felt it would endanger my relationship with them.

I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have posted about this - I thought is was more amusing than anything else, yet some of you seem to have a hard time finding it funny...which is funny in and of itself considering this is a free site. :roll:

06-23-2002, 11:08 PM
Holy Crap! 282 gb of bandwidth! 282 gb of bandwidth for something as trivial as that is ridiculous. Why!? What were you thinking?

most of what people want to do with their devices, on the web as well as life -could- be considered trivial and ridiculous.

one of the reasons (i think) pocketpcthoughts.com is so successful is because it has more than just pocket pc content. i would say others agree based on the traffic, popularity and the quality of folks here.

06-23-2002, 11:52 PM
282 gb of bandwidth for something as trivial as that is ridiculous. Why!? What were you thinking?

Gee, thanks for judging me. :? First off, it's my site. I can post what I want, regardless of how "trivial" it might seem to others. Second, I thought the clip was HILARIOUS and I wanted to share it with all of my readers. You can run your own site however you wish, but don't tell me how to run mine. Thanks.

That is probably hundreds of dollars worth of bandwidth charges. If you didn't want to burden the original server, why even post about it at all? Was it worth the hundreds - maybe thousands of dollars it costs?

On a traditional server, it would have been thousands of dollars. Thankfully, Sonic has a 10 megabit dedicated, flat-rate connection. It doesn't cost them anything more than what they're already paying per month. If Sonic was paying for the bandwidth, I would have NEVER posted a file like this, and probably would have started blocking AvantGo long ago.

I don't think Sonic Mobility is going to be very happy...

You're overstepping your bounds here again - don't presume to judge my relationship with Sonic Mobility. I wouldn't have posted it if I felt it would endanger my relationship with them.

I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have posted about this - I thought is was more amusing than anything else, yet some of you seem to have a hard time finding it funny...which is funny in and of itself considering this is a free site. :roll: My extreme apologies.

It probably was funny, although I unfortunately did not see it.

I didn't mean to offend you at all.

Gee, thanks for judging me


You're overstepping your bounds here again


I thought is was more amusing than anything else, yet some of you seem to have a hard time finding it funny I think its funny...

Didn't mean to offend you at all. I get people pretty upset sometimes because I'm sarcastic a lot. I never mean it though.

Maybe "trivial" was the absolute wrong word. What I meant was that 282 gb is a lot for a video like that.


06-24-2002, 12:03 AM
Holy Crap! 282 gb of bandwidth! 282 gb of bandwidth for something as trivial as that is ridiculous. Why!? What were you thinking?

most of what people want to do with their devices, on the web as well as life -could- be considered trivial and ridiculous.

one of the reasons (i think) pocketpcthoughts.com is so successful is because it has more than just pocket pc content. i would say others agree based on the traffic, popularity and the quality of folks here. I agree as well.

By the way, I said wasting all that bandwidth was ridiculous, not the video it's self. It wasn't that its something that shouldn't be here, it was just me reacting to the 282 gb. Not my place though...

Read my above post.

06-24-2002, 01:24 AM
If anyone still wants the file just do a search for "triumph" on Kazaa.

06-24-2002, 02:15 AM
I would like to put the file on my domain, but I'm sure my hoster won't like all the bandwith ;)

Joe Bogner
06-24-2002, 03:45 AM
PocketPcThoughts was linked from slashdot the other day too. Just wait until you check the traffic as a result of the /. effect. I was actually concerned that ppcthoughts would fail under the load, but I was pleasantly surprised to see it stand. I just hope the bandwidth cost isn't enough the 2nd time around to cause problems.

Jason Dunn
06-24-2002, 05:12 AM
PocketPcThoughts was linked from slashdot the other day too. Just wait until you check the traffic as a result of the /. effect. I was actually concerned that ppcthoughts would fail under the load, but I was pleasantly surprised to see it stand. I just hope the bandwidth cost isn't enough the 2nd time around to cause problems.

Yeah - we had 20,000 visitors on Saturday instead of the 5000 or so we normally get. The server can handle the load - it's only us and one other site. It was quite ticked off that some jerk re-published the entire interview with Ed simply because he was sure our server would go down. Yes, Slashdot does bring a lot of traffic, but that's no excuse to steal someone's content...

06-24-2002, 09:27 AM
New link to the Star Wars episode on ifilm: http://www.ifilm.com/ifilm/product/film_info/0,3699,2439321,00.html?cch=11

06-24-2002, 06:10 PM
It was quite ticked off that some jerk re-published the entire interview with Ed simply because he was sure our server would go down. Yes, Slashdot does bring a lot of traffic, but that's no excuse to steal someone's content...


I thought I'd save the guy who had the original file some bandwidth by hosting the file here, and give you all a good laugh.

I'm pretty sure he was just trying to do everyone a favor, same as you. It's standard practice on Slashdot for early readers to copy'n'paste in the all too likely event that the linked-to site will be slashdotted into oblivion.