View Full Version : Everyone wants to be a Hollywood star - even the Pocket PC!
Jason Dunn
06-22-2002, 03:00 PM
I received this message today from Robobeat, and I thought it was pretty neat (<b>SEMI-SPOILER ALERT</b>):<br /><br /><i>"I watched the Sum of All Fears the other night and I noticed that it featured a Casio Pocket PC. It was an industrial device, I think some sort of modified EG-800 model that was waterproof (like the EG800) and also had some sort of wireless GPRS connection built-in or something. It was cool. It was used in the movie a lot to show detailed satellite photos and to send email messages and to chat when the cellphone wouldn't work. It was actually a useful part of the plot. He used it to try to communicate to the President in the climactic scene of the movie (after the nuke blew-up and all sorts of stuff is on fire and stuff and he's trapped in his car...). I really liked the scene where the main head CIA guy gives the main character a secret disk when they were in a car with rain poring down outside... It was a CF card in its little plastic case that had the top-secret satellite photos in it! We've come a long way, baby."</i><br /><br />I just saw this movie on Wednesday night, and loved it! It's deeply frightening though when you consider how plausible it is. I was impressed with how they used the Pocket PCs as well - it was fairly realistic. Although I had to stifle a laugh when Jack Ryan was using the Casio Pocket PC in an instant messaging chat with the ex-KGB guy and he somehow managed 100 WPM with a mystical input method that we couldn't see. Maybe Microsoft has created a version of Transcriber for the CIA that works far better than what we're using. <img src="" /> I can see it now - Jack Ryan writes on the screen with Transcriber "Stop the attack, we've been tricked!". The message that the ex-KGB guy reads is "Popped my back, weary as heck!" Actually, I'm being generous with Transcriber - the message would make far less sense, and words that aren't really words.<br /><br />Have you see the Pocket PC in any movies, TV shows, or media ads lately?
06-22-2002, 03:31 PM
David Caruso in recent CSI: Maimi previews is using an older, dark grey HP 54x Pocket PC to take notes at a crime scene.
Mr. Anonymous
06-22-2002, 04:12 PM
Actually, what I'd really like to know if how Jack Ryan's Pocket PC was able to get a wireless signal in the near Baltimore right after a nuclear explosion. Those must be quite some heavy duty cell towers they have there ;)
06-22-2002, 04:32 PM
The Tarrantino episodes of Alias where on the characters sent an e-mail to the CIA on an iPAQ.
Several presenters on BBC News 24 (digital TV/satelite news station in the UK) use Pocket PCs on air - presumably for quick updates.
Oh and that video on - is going to be on TV soonish as an advert!
I remember in "Tomorrow never dies" (James Bond) there wase a Palm Size PC, the Jornada 420.
Also, I can't remember the name right now, but the was one where this one type of CIA agent was saving people from China and stuff like that; he was using a Cassiopea E-105/115/125 (couldn't tell due to proprietory software, even the Casio logo was erased). I'll try to think of the name, He used it to download video clips and for IM.
06-22-2002, 05:17 PM
In the TV show 24, the bad guys used a combo PDA/Cell phone (model?) to talk to the traitor inside the good guys headquarters.
In Tomb Raider, the movie, Lara Croft has a combo PDA/Cell phone and a PDA. The PDA never gets used, it's in a cradle on the right side of her steering wheel in her Land Rover.
Steven Cedrone
06-22-2002, 05:42 PM
I recently saw a Wesley Snipes movie (Can't remember the name), he had a Casio he was using to play back some Chinese dialog for translation....
06-22-2002, 06:48 PM
First of all in the series "24" the PDA was a Samsung I300 it is a CDMA Palm Hybrid. Samsung has two new Palm OS Handsets Coming out soon.
I saw a Frankie Munez movie (Big Fat Lier) with my daughter a few months ago and the two kids stell this Movie Producer's PDA. It is a big part of the story and the PDA which happens to be an iPaq is featured quite prominintly throughout the movie.
06-22-2002, 07:18 PM
"ER" had an iPAQ cameo a while ago....I don't remember the plot of that episode though.
The Half-Ling
06-22-2002, 07:48 PM
Undercover brother features an iPaq held by eddie griffith's girlfriend when they are on the golf course, I also saw the wesley snipes movie it was in his car inside a tonnel where he had it,
The Half-Ling
06-22-2002, 08:01 PM
And dont forget the Casio E-1xx that they used in Charlies Angels ... and for some weird but not funny reason, the angels called it a palm pilot!
Steven Cedrone
06-22-2002, 08:25 PM
I also remember the ER episode. I think the story line was about one of the doctors' girlfriends being a kleptomaniac.....
They called it a Palm Pilot as well........
06-22-2002, 11:06 PM
If I recall, that ER ep was painful to watch, something about a dropped and damaged iPAQ?
And yeah, I remember the PPC guest starring in a lot of these movies. Saw Sum of All Fears weeks ago -- I believe the PPC appearance has been thoroughly debated in other forums? I, too, laughed at the time, imagining what we would've seen if the film maker had decided to show a realistic portrayal of the text input (a couple of slow, long, boring minutes, just tap-tap-tapping away), and I was also amazed at the resiliency of whatever cellular/wireless network he was using...
Ed Hansberry
06-22-2002, 11:18 PM
Dule Hill uses an iPAQ on the West Wing.
On 24, you are right about the Samsung, but Jack also used a Visor with a GPS springboard module.
On ER a few years ago, Kelly, before getting killed obviously, used a Jornada 600 series.
And I see tons of iPAQs in non-compaq commercials.
Sven Johannsen
06-22-2002, 11:25 PM
Isn't that an iPAq on Taco Bell's new Quesadia ad, 'cool new handheld'? The one where the kid and business guy are sitting on some steps.
06-23-2002, 12:38 AM
The Wesley Snipes movie two of you were mentioned above was "Art of War" with Michael Biehn as well.
Not a very good movie, but neat Casio shots. He had what looked like a landscape-oriented webbrowser on it if I remember right.
06-23-2002, 03:58 AM
On 24, you are right about the Samsung, but Jack also used a Visor with a GPS springboard module.
Still no PPC seen on 24 [yet, about 9 "hours" still to watch on the BBC], but I also saw a Sony, clamshell device I believe, used by one of the bad guys. He used it to check a photo of the person he had to assassinate.
06-23-2002, 04:07 AM
And, of course, the good guy has a more advanced Pocket PC with a 3-d model of the bad guy on it? ;)
Ed Hansberry
06-23-2002, 04:08 AM
Still no PPC seen on 24 [yet, about 9 "hours" still to watch on the BBC], but I also saw a Sony, clamshell device I believe, used by one of the bad guys. He used it to check a photo of the person he had to assassinate.
I forgot about that one - but it wasn't clamshell. I am 99% sure it was a T615 with the flipover cover.
Great show - but there are no Windows CE devices in any of it. :(
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