View Full Version : iPAQ ROM 1.20 and 2.20 Update - oh so close!!!
Ed Hansberry
06-17-2002, 10:46 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />This page has already changed today - the "new" star next to the bluetooth printing directions was taken down sometime in the past few hours, so I suspect the new ROM image link will be up soon. According to the PCN updates you can <a href="">sign up for from Compaq</a>, the ROM is ready to go and will feature the following fixes and enhancements:<br /><br /> ClearType Enhancements: When using MS Reader and setting it for ClearType Fonts, text appearance may be very hard to read. <br /> Virtual Memory Improvement: Operating System may be sluggish when multiple applications are open. <br /> SD Format Resolution: SD Cards formatted with FAT12 may not be recognized. <br /> Reminder LED Resolution: LED will not flash more than 5 minutes. <br /> Screen Calibration Diagnostics Test: Self Calibration test may display a failed message because the test parameters were too sensitive. <br /> Cradle/Battery Gauge Resolution: A fully charged iPAQ Pocket PC that has been on A/C power in excess of 24 hours may show a decreased battery gauge when removed from the charger. <br /> Lock-up During Boot Resolution <br /> Backlight User Interface Update <br /> Bluetooth Manager v1.1 <br /><br />Many of these are already available as RAM patches, like the Bluetooth 1.1 manager, but others are new.
06-17-2002, 11:17 PM
I will believe it when I see it. HP/Compaq would probably not look as stupid as they do if they just left off release dates. Not once have I seen them (Compaq) meet a release date, ever !!! :evil:
06-18-2002, 12:19 AM
It'd be cool if they ever got around to fixing all the problems in the 36xx series PPC 2K2 ROM.
I don't think I'll be holding my breath. But I may be looking at other companies to go to for my next PPC. I mean, it's been 9 months now, Compaq, and I'm getting mighty tired of all the workarounds and "temp fixes" I've had to apply to make PPC 2K2 usable.
Anyway, I'm in a rant mode at the moment, because the PPC 2K2 just crashed on me about 4 mins ago while using the built in Word, and tied in with the stupid 50% battery left warning I can't turn off, I'm frustrated.
RickP in AZ
06-18-2002, 02:47 AM
I'm with CoffeeKid...
Though I have seen very few of the problems with PPC2002 with my updated 3630, the ClearType fix is the most crucial of all. Being an avowed ebookworm, BlurType really makes the reading experience a hassle. All I want is for ClearType display to be at least at the level it was under PPC2000 on the iPAQ.
Sigh... I too am looking towards Toshiba & Fujitsu for my next PPC...
RickP in AZ
06-18-2002, 09:29 AM
Loathe to admit this, but BlurType on the PPC2K2 implementation of the iPaq 36xx series is so bad, I actually went out and got a
Clie T615.
Actually it was a present from a client. See, my iPaq died last month, and I sent it off for service. But I'm headless without a PDA. I mentioned it in passing to a client I was visiting in Seattle for a full day (at my own expense - a free consultation meeting). Their gift to me when I was leaving was the Clie.
Since getting it, I've been amazed at Sony's screen quality (the transflective display rocks), and using hi-rez supported programs is a great thing. I still prefer the PPC overall "package" in software over Palm (when the PPC stuff works that is), and found myself missing multitasking and audio and video and more advanced games, but you know what? The Clie is now my book, email, web browser, and word document viewer... and would be an editor too if Targus ever gets around to making a folding keyboard for the T series Clies.
The PPC has been relegated to being my scheduler, "editor on the scene" with my folding keyboard, and mp3/wma player. Reading books is much more of a pleasure (with a wider range of non-bloatware readers that are fast... hint hint MS Reader dev team) on the Clie.
Which brings up another point. How is it that Wordsmith can just NAIL the perfect setup for word .doc editing, including a very slick spell checker and thesaurus in very little memory space (entire package is under a meg with the dictionaries, memo editor, even font conversions for the Palm) and won't damage my word files round tripping, but even in PPC 2K2, Microsoft can't pull it off with their own native apps.
I know, I know, we've hashed this to death. But does Microsoft "get it" yet? If I were on the PPC development team, frankly I'd be deeply ashamed that products like Documents to Go and Wordsmith handle MS .doc files better round tripping that Pocket Word does.
And why am I using the Clie to read email and web browse (Blazer, from of all companies, Handspring, as well as iSilo and the AvantGo client)... well it's simple really. Months of frustration and attempts never got my Fido GPRS fone (a Motorola P280, latest firmware) working with the iPaq. I had the Clie set up and connecting to the Net wirelessly in about 25 minutes at my first attempt. A long string to enter, but that was it. I look at the iPaq and sneer at it.
Basically, I want something that
a) works
That's it. :)
Timothy Rapson
06-18-2002, 01:04 PM
Hurray for CoffeeKid!
Really, I don't like coming back here to gloat about my switch from a Mono Ipaq...(OK, I enjoy it a little) but, why does Compaq have to redo all this stuff at all? My Mako did not need a fix for a "lockup at boot" problem. That is exactly what drove me crazy about the Ipaq. Just when I needed it to just jot down a piece of information in PPC Notes (the one program I really, really REALLY miss from my Ipaq. That's another entry I should make some day. "Stuff I miss from the PPC") the Ipaq was in need of a reboot.
I don't know whether to applaud Compaq for keeping after these bugs or throttle them for having the bugs to begin with!
Maybe the Toshiba E3100 with PPC 2003 will be as big a leap in stability as PPC 2000 was over CE, and I will come back to the simple, familiar file structure, the easy (almost magical) expansion card handling, and graphic power of the PPC.
"BlurType" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
06-18-2002, 05:26 PM
just because the new gif has gone doesn't mean the ROM update is on the way.
just because the new gif has gone doesn't mean the ROM update is on the way.
Yes no doubt that guy spent all day Monday editing the web page to get rid of the gif. Now that he's upload the page today, he has most likely gone home. To me that means the very earliest we'll see and update is Thursday! After all if he works real hard it'll take all of tomorrow to make the changes to reflect the new download location. And then Thursday to upload the changes. Of course Friday they don't work, so perhaps by next Monday they could have the download working! :twisted:
06-18-2002, 07:17 PM
And they've just issued a new PCN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW DATE FOR RELEASE !!!!
June 24, 2002
Now it says just for Bluetooth models but I imagine revised PCN for Non-bluetooth will be out shortly. Oh well, things are never dull with Compaq are they ?????
:oops: Well-Well you heard it first from me! :oops: I guess I can do math after all.
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