Andy Sjostrom
06-14-2002, 03:57 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Two new articles at <a href=""></a> have caught my attention. One article is based on the existing, released eMbedded Visual Tools and the other article is based on the new Visual Studio .NET environment, and the .NET Compact Framework beta.<br /><br />From a mobile development point of view, we're in the middle of a generation shift. Visual Studio .NET tools and languages for Pocket PC application development are <a href="">available in beta</a>, while the existing <a href="">eMbedded Visual Tools</a> are becoming part of more and more developer's tool boxes. Eventually, we'll all be doing .NET programming, but it will take quite some time before eMbedded Visual Tools are retired.<br /><br />The article <a href="">Developing an e-wallet using .NET Compact framework & SQL Server CE</a> is a walk-through in using the new SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition 2.0, and the article <a href="">eVB File Access through the WinCE API</a> shows how to optimize file management performance using Windows CE APIs.