Jason Dunn
06-05-2002, 07:06 PM
<a href="http://www.dooblo.com/">http://www.dooblo.com/</a><br /><br />The nice folks at Dooblo have given us some software to give away, so here we go! One <a href="http://www.dooblo.com/dooblodates/default.asp">DoobloDates</a> license will be given to each of the following five people: <i>mike6024, Gremlin, fireman2850, robin850, and mixalot</i>. And the five winners of <a href="http://www.dooblo.com/foldersize/default.asp">FolderSize</a> are: <i>raweaver, saquibk, JF in Detroit, Sizzler, crutcherk</i>. Congratulations to all the winners, and remember - if you're a registered Pocket PC Thoughts visitor, you're automatically entered into our contests.