Jason Dunn
06-03-2002, 10:08 PM
<a href="http://www.syware.com/newsrev/pr/fonedb.htm">http://www.syware.com/newsrev/pr/fonedb.htm</a><br /><br />While we don't have Smartphone 2002 devices yet, it's nice to see that software vendors like Syware are hard at work creating software for us when we do finally get them.<br /><br />"Creating FoneDB databases is easy. Forms are designed and maintained on a desktop computer; records can be viewed or edited (add/change/ remove) on either the desktop system or Smartphone device. Once the database application is developed, records can easily be transferred between the desktop and phone using a built-in ODBC driver. This feature also allows data to be imported into FoneDB from existing ODBC database tables. FoneDB applications are developed with a set of common controls: labels, edit boxes, check boxes, and selection boxes. Data can be formatted as text, integer, floating point, currency, date, or time. <br /><br />Using FoneDB is easy. Data can be viewed in list mode (one line per record), view mode (single record, read-only), or edit mode (single record, read/write). Selection boxes can be manipulated with up/down, left/right buttons. Data can also be sorted and searched. FoneDB is currently in beta test. The final product will ship in Q3 2002."