05-30-2002, 08:06 AM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Jason Surguine of the best Pocket PC gaming site, <a href=""></a> went to the E3. I'll let him explain what this is about:<br /><br />"Ahh, springtime. The time of year when things start anew and refreshed, rejuvenated flowers grow, it rains a lot, and everyone complains about their allergies. In addition, its also the season that the <a href="">Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)</a> occurs in. This is where all the geeks, gamers and developers alike, play the latest games and demos that aren&#8217;t available to the public."<br /><br />It's a 10 page fun read, so go read the article and see what was presented as new and hot at the expo.